November 28, 2019 |
 | Master Circular – Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) | 514.00 kb |
July 02, 2019 |
 | Master Circular – Lead Bank Scheme | 763.00 kb |
July 01, 2019 |
 | Master Circular – Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes | 444.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins | 258.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Credit Facilities to Minority Communities | 697.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) | 506.00 kb |
 | Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) | 356.00 kb |
 | Master Circular-Credit facilities to Scheduled Castes (SCs) & Scheduled Tribes (STs) | 227.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Scheme of Penalties for bank branches based on performance in rendering customer service to the members of public | 126.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on SHG-Bank Linkage Programme | 171.00 kb |
December 06, 2018 |
 | Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) | 558.00 kb |
July 05, 2018 |
 | Master Circular – Scheme of Penalties for bank branches based on performance in rendering customer service to the members of public | 75.00 kb |
July 04, 2018 |
 | Master Circular- Credit Facilities to Minority Communities | 512.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme | 200.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) | 404.00 kb |
July 02, 2018 |
 | Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins (Updated as on January 14, 2019) | 263.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Disbursement of Government Pension by Agency Banks | 257.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes | 323.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on SHG-Bank Linkage Programme | 94.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Lead Bank Scheme | 670.00 kb |
October 12, 2017 |
 | Master Circular – Scheme of Penalties for bank branches based on performance in rendering customer service to the members of public | 71.00 kb |
July 20, 2017 |
 | Master Circular – Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes | 204.00 kb |
July 03, 2017 |
 | Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins | 441.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme | 200.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) | 407.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) | 333.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on SHG-Bank Linkage Programme | 109.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Credit Facilities to Minority Communities | 1200.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Credit facilities to Scheduled Castes (SCs) & Scheduled Tribes (STs) | 116.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Lead Bank Scheme | 589.00 kb |
July 01, 2017 |
 | Master Circular on Conduct of Government Business by Agency Banks - Payment of Agency Commission | 142.00 kb |
August 25, 2016 |
 | Master Circular – Collection of Direct Taxes - OLTAS | 420.00 kb |
July 20, 2016 |
 | Master Circular – Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes | 190.00 kb |
 | Master Circular –Scheme of Penalties for bank branches based on performance in rendering customer service to the members of public | 134.00 kb |
July 18, 2016 |
 | Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins | 84.00 kb |
July 14, 2016 |
 | Master Circular – Mobile Banking transactions in India – Operative Guidelines for Banks (Updated as on November 12, 2021) | 207.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Policy Guidelines on Issuance and Operation of Pre-paid Payment Instruments in India | 133.00 kb |
July 07, 2016 |
 | Master Circular - Lead Bank Scheme | 638.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on SHG-Bank Linkage Programme | 97.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Credit Facilities to Minority Communities | 527.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Credit facilities to Scheduled Castes (SCs) & Scheduled Tribes (STs) | 328.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) | 866.00 kb |
 | Master Circular: Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) | 379.00 kb |
July 01, 2015 |
 | Master Circular on Maintenance of Deposit Accounts – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 957.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Fair Practices Code | 226.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – “Non-Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1998” | 212.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Credit Card, Debit Card and Rupee Denominated Co-branded Pre-paid Card Operations of Banks and Credit Card issuing NBFCs | 311.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Interest Rates on Rupee Deposits – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 480.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Interest Rates on Advances | 352.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins | 313.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Interest Rates on Rupee Deposits held in Domestic, Ordinary Non-Resident (NRO) and Non-Resident (External) (NRE) Accounts | 507.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Interest Rates on Deposits held in FCNR (B) Accounts | 281.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Direct Investment by Residents in Joint Venture (JV) /Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) Abroad | 387.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Know Your Customer (KYC) norms / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) standards/Combating Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/Obligation of banks and financial institutions under PMLA, 2002 | 999.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Housing Finance | 262.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Rupee / Foreign Currency Export Credit and Customer Service To Exporters | 464.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Levy of Penal Interest for Delayed Reporting/Wrong Reporting/Non-Reporting of Currency Chest Transactions and Inclusion of Ineligible Amounts in Currency Chest Balances | 401.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Nomination facility for Relief/Savings bonds | 237.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes | 613.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service in Banks | 1791.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service - UCBs | 807.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Disbursement of Government Pension by Agency Banks | 127.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Mobile Banking transactions in India – Operative Guidelines for Banks | 208.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Policy Guidelines on Issuance and Operation of Pre-paid Payment Instruments in India | 328.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee (NRO) Account | 144.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Acquisition and Transfer of Immovable Property in India by NRIs/PIOs/Foreign Nationals of Non-Indian Origin | 142.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Remittance Facilities for Non-Resident Indians / Persons of Indian Origin / Foreign Nationals | 200.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Miscellaneous Remittances from India – Facilities for Residents | 850.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – 'Know Your Customer' (KYC) Guidelines – Anti Money Laundering Standards (AML) - 'Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 - Obligations of NBFCs in terms of Rules notified thereunder’ | 3481.00 kb |
June 11, 2015 |
 | Master Circular – “Systemically Important Non-Banking Financial (Non-Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2015” | 908.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – "Non-Systemically Important Non-Banking Financial (Non-Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2015" | 1090.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – "Infrastructure Debt Fund-Non-Banking Financial Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2011" | 67.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – “Non-Banking Financial Companies – Corporate Governance (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2015” | 556.00 kb |
January 07, 2015 |
 | Master Circular on Wilful Defaulters | 233.00 kb |
July 01, 2014 |
 | Master Circular - Prudential norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to Advances | 626.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Prudential Norms for Classification, Valuation and Operation of Investment Portfolio by Banks | 967.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy - Basel I Framework | 576.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Branch Authorisation | 671.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Exposure Norms for Financial Institutions | 178.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Norms for Classification, Valuation and Operation of Investment Portfolio by FIs | 388.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Disclosure Norms for Financial Institutions | 288.00 kb |
 | RRBs - Master Circular on Branch Licensing | 541.00 kb |
 | RRBs - Master Circular on Priority Sector Lending | 269.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Credit facilities to Scheduled Castes (SCs) & Scheduled Tribes (STs) | 202.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Relief Measures by Banks in Areas Affected by Natural Calamities | 130.00 kb |
 | Frauds – Classification and Reporting | 318.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Scheme of Incentives and Penalties for bank branches based on performance in rendering customer service to the members of public | 75.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes | 789.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Levy of Penal Interest for delayed Reporting/Wrong Reporting/Non-Reporting of Currency Chest Transactions and Inclusion of Ineligible Amounts in Currency Chest Balances | 66.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins | 154.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Guidelines on Capital Adequacy and Market Discipline - New Capital Adequacy Framework (NCAF) | 1242.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) | 363.00 kb |
 | RRBs/StCBs/CCBs Master Circular – Know Your Customer (KYC) norms / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) standards / Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) / Obligation of Banks under PMLA, 2002 | 890.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Lending to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector | 324.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Lead Bank Scheme | 1248.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Priority Sector Lending-Targets and Classification | 322.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Operational Guidelines to Primary Dealers | 1231.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Capital Adequacy Standards and Risk Management Guidelines for Standalone Primary Dealers | 617.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Call / Notice Money Market Operations | 105.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Issue of Certificates of Deposit | 152.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Issue of Commercial Paper | 112.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Export Credit Refinance Facility | 175.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Resource Raising Norms for Financial Institutions | 140.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Basel III Capital Regulations | 3214.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Mobile Banking transactions in India – Operative Guidelines for Banks | 217.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Policy Guidelines on Issuance and Operation of Pre-paid Payment Instruments in India | 143.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Appointment and Delisting of Brokers and Payment of Brokerage on Relief/Savings Bonds | 172.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Nomination facility for Relief/Savings Bonds | 76.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Collection of Direct Taxes - OLTAS | 1143.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Conduct of Government Business by Agency Banks - Payment of Agency Commission | 159.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Disbursement of Pension by Agency Banks | 514.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Credit Facilities to Minority Communities | 314.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Compounding of Contraventions under FEMA, 1999 | 160.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Direct Investment by Residents in Joint Venture (JV) / Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) Abroad | 571.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on External Commercial Borrowings and Trade Credits | 500.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Import of Goods and Services | 300.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Foreign Investment in India | 1516.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee (NRO) Account | 110.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Remittance Facilities for Non-Resident Indians / Persons of Indian Origin / Foreign Nationals | 120.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Miscellaneous Remittances from India – Facilities for Residents | 281.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Establishment of Liaison / Branch /Project Offices in India by Foreign Entities | 1185.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings | 1069.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Money Transfer Service Scheme | 268.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Memorandum of Instructions for Opening and Maintenance of Rupee/ Foreign Currency Vostro Accounts of Non-resident Exchange Houses | 530.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Memorandum of Instructions governing money changing activities | 314.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Frauds - Classification and Reporting | 193.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Board of Directors - UCBs | 167.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Inspection & Audit Systems in Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 169.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy - UCBs | 360.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Finance for Housing Schemes - UCBs | 168.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Management of Advances - UCBs | 412.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Priority Sector Lending - UCBs | 197.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Guarantees, Co-Acceptances & Letters of Credit - UCBs | 193.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Exposure Norms and Statutory / Other Restrictions - UCBs | 254.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Income Recognition, Asset Classification, Provisioning and Other Related Matters - UCBs | 359.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Exports of Goods and Services | 666.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service - UCBs | 288.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms/Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Measures/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) / Obligations of banks under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 | 1136.00 kb |
 | Master Circular Interest Rates on Rupee Deposits – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 240.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Maintenance of Deposit Accounts – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 455.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Investments by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 545.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Maintenance of Statutory Reserves - Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 1242.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Area of Operation, Branch Authorisation Policy, Opening/ Up-gradation of Extension Counters, ATMs and Shifting/Splitting/Closure of Offices | 459.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – The Non-Banking Financial Company - Factors (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2012 | 40.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Fair Practices Code | 76.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Allied activities - Entry into insurance business, issue of credit card and marketing and distribution of certain products | 75.00 kb |
 | Master Circular –Corporate Governance | 87.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – “Non-Banking Financial Companies Auditor’s Report (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008.” | 78.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Returns to be submitted by NBFCs | 189.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Exemptions from the provisions of RBI Act, 1934 | 96.00 kb |
 | Master Circulars - Miscellaneous Instructions to NBFC- ND-SI | 167.00 kb |
 | Master Circular– Regulatory Framework for Core Investment Companies (CICs) | 152.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Opening of Branch/Subsidiary/Joint Venture/ Representative office or Undertaking Investment Abroad by NBFCs | 94.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - ‘Non Banking Financial Company-Micro Finance Institutions’ (NBFC-MFIs) - Directions | 146.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Frauds – Future approach towards monitoring of frauds in NBFCs | 273.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2014 – “Miscellaneous Non-Banking Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1977” | 276.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Requirement for Obtaining Prior Approval of RBI in Cases of Acquisition / Transfer of Control of NBFCs | 102.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2013 - The Securitisation Companies and Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines and Directions, 2003 | 196.00 kb |
 | Notification as Amended upto June 30, 2014 'Mortgage Guarantee Companies Investment (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008' | 73.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2014 - "Mortgage Guarantee Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines, 2008" | 145.00 kb |
 | Notification as Amended upto June 30, 2014 - Change in or Take Over of the Management of the Business of the Borrower by Securitisation Companies and Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines, 2010 | 102.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2014 - "Mortgage Guarantee Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008" | 103.00 kb |
 | Master Circulars - Miscellaneous Instructions to all Non-Banking Financial Companies | 572.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – “Non-Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1998” | 360.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – “Non-Banking Financial (Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007” | 434.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – “Non-Banking Financial (Non - Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007” | 547.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Know Your Customer (KYC) Guidelines – Anti Money Laundering Standards (AML) -Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 - Obligations of NBFCs in terms of Rules notified thereunder | 1946.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Para-banking Activities | 467.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Credit Card, Debit Card and Rupee Denominated Cobranded Prepaid Card operations of banks | 260.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Bank Finance to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) | 141.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Disclosure in Financial Statements - Notes to Accounts | 588.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on SHG-Bank Linkage Programme | 119.00 kb |
 | Master Circular of Instructions Relating to Deposits held in FCNR(B) Accounts | 156.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Interest Rates on Rupee Deposits held in Domestic, Ordinary Non-Resident (NRO) and Non-Resident (External) (NRE) Accounts | 297.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Loans and Advances – Statutory and Other Restrictions | 471.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Interest Rates on Advances | 290.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Exposure Norms | 329.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guarantees and Co-acceptances | 269.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Housing Finance | 223.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Rupee / Foreign Currency Export Credit and Customer Service To Exporters | 654.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Know Your Customer (KYC) norms / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) standards/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/Obligation of banks under PMLA, 2002 | 408.00 kb |
 | Guidelines issued under Section 36(1)(a) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 - Implementation of the provisions of Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 | 131.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service in Banks | 1795.00 kb |
July 01, 2013 |
 | Master Circular on Money Transfer Service Scheme | 402.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee (NRO) Account | 83.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Memorandum of Instructions for Opening and Maintenance of Rupee/ Foreign Currency Vostro Accounts of Non-resident Exchange Houses | 228.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Acquisition and Transfer of Immovable Property in India by NRIs/PIOs/Foreign Nationals of Non-Indian Origin | 93.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings | 778.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Miscellaneous Remittances from India – Facilities for Residents | 317.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Establishment of Liaison / Branch / Project Offices in India by Foreign Entities | 314.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Remittance Facilities for Non-Resident Indians / Persons of Indian Origin / Foreign Nationals | 153.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Compounding of Contraventions under FEMA, 1999 | 123.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Memorandum of Instructions governing money changing activities | 956.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Direct Investment by Residents in Joint Venture (JV) /Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) Abroad | 666.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on External Commercial Borrowings and Trade Credits | 361.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Import of Goods and Services | 210.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Exports of Goods and Services | 4053.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Foreign Investment in India | 2532.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Exposure Norms and Statutory / Other Restrictions - UCBs | 222.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Finance for Housing Schemes - UCBs | 178.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Income Recognition, Asset Classification, Provisioning and Other Related Matters - UCBs | 350.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Guarantees, Co-Acceptances & Letters of Credit - UCBs | 126.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Management of Advances - UCBs | 533.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy - UCBs | 313.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Board of Directors - UCBs | 169.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Inspection and Audit Systems in Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 192.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service - UCBs | 923.00 kb |
 | Master Circular Interest Rates on Rupee Deposits – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 439.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Investments by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 471.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Maintenance of Deposit Accounts – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 342.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Area of Operation, Branch Authorisation Policy, Opening/ Up-gradation of Extension Counters, ATMs and Shifting/Splitting/Closure of Offices | 319.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Maintenance of Statutory Reserves- Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 869.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms/Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Measures/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) / Obligations of banks under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 | 336.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Frauds- Classification and Reporting | 1228.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2012 – “Non-Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1998” | 201.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2013 – “Non-Banking Financial (Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007” | 257.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Mobile Banking Tansactions in India – Operative Guidelines for Banks | 99.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2013– “Non-Banking Financial (Non - Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007” | 313.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Use of Hindi in Banks | 186.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2013 – “Non-Banking Financial Companies Auditor’s Report (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008.” | 49.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Returns to be submitted by NBFCs | 70.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Prudential norms for Classification, Valuation and Operation of Investment Portfolio by Banks | 707.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Exemptions from the provisions of RBI Act, 1934 | 118.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Export Credit Refinance Facility | 154.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Priority Sector Lending-Targets and Classification | 225.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Capital Adequacy Standards and Risk Management Guidelines for Standalone Primary Dealers | 450.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Issue of Commercial Paper | 117.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Issue of Certificates of Deposit | 92.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Call/Notice Money Market Operations | 102.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Operational Guidelines to Primary Dealers | 2843.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Disbursement of Pension by Agency Banks | 237.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Conduct of Government Business by Agency Banks - Payment of Agency Commission | 165.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Collection of Direct Taxes- OLTAS | 1007.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Branch Licensing – Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) | 642.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Lending to Priority Sector | 279.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Lending to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector | 679.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Relief Measures by Banks in Areas Affected by Natural Calamities | 193.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Know Your Customer (KYC) norms / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) standards/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/Obligation of banks under PMLA, 2002 | 477.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Frauds – Future approach towards monitoring of frauds in NBFCs | 233.00 kb |
 | Guidelines issued under Section 36(1)(a) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 - Implementation of the provisions of Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 | 64.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Levy of Penal Interest for Delayed Reporting/Wrong Reporting/Non-Reporting of Currency Chest Transactions and Inclusion of Ineligible Amounts in Currency Chest Balances | 212.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2013 – “Miscellaneous Non-Banking Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1977” | 1621.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins | 310.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Scheme of Incentives & Penalties for bank branches based on performance in rendering customer service to the members of public | 36.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – 'Know Your Customer' (KYC) Guidelines – Anti Money Laundering Standards (AML) -'Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 - Obligations of NBFCs in terms of Rules notified thereunder’ | 3660.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on SHG-Bank Linkage Programme | 121.00 kb |
 | Frauds – Classification and Reporting | 1614.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Fair Practices Code | 78.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes | 165.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Credit facilities to Scheduled Castes (SCs) & Scheduled Tribes (STs) | 752.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on “Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers” (SRMS) | 636.00 kb |
 | Master Circular-Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) | 595.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Credit Facilities to Minority Communities | 622.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - allied activities- entry into insurance business, issue of credit card and marketing and distribution of certain products | 50.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Nomination facility for Relief/Savings Bonds | 69.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Corporate Governance | 39.00 kb |
 | Master Circulars- Miscellaneous Instructions to NBFC- ND-SI | 76.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Appointment & Delisting of Brokers and Payment of Brokerage on Relief/Savings Bonds | 73.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Exposure Norms for Financial Institutions | 199.00 kb |
 | Master Circulars- Miscellaneous Instructions to All Non-Banking Financial Companies | 339.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Norms for Classification, Valuation and Operation of Investment Portfolio by FIs | 397.00 kb |
 | Master Circular 2013–Opening of Branch-Subsidiary-Joint Venture-Representative office or Undertaking Investment Abroad by NBFCs | 69.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Disclosure Norms for Financial Institutions | 219.00 kb |
 | Master Circular– Regulatory Framework for Core Investment Companies(CICs) | 110.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Resource Raising Norms for Financial Institutions | 158.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Introduction of New Category of NBFCs - ‘Non Banking Financial Company-Micro Finance Institutions’ (NBFC-MFIs) - Directions | 140.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Loans and Advances – Statutory and Other Restrictions | 648.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – The Non-Banking Financial Company -Factors (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2012 | 34.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Interest Rates on Rupee Deposits held in Domestic, Ordinary Non-Resident (NRO) and Non-Resident (External) (NRE) Accounts | 255.00 kb |
 | Master Circular of instructions relating to deposits held in FCNR(B) Accounts | 156.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2013 – “Mortgage Guarantee Company (Reserve Bank) Guidelines, 2008” | 68.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Interest Rates on Advances | 238.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2013 – “Mortgage Guarantee Companies Investment (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008” | 39.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Guidelines on Capital Adequacy and Market Discipline - New Capital Adequacy Framework (NCAF) | 1611.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy - Basel I Framework | 805.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Basel III Capital Regulations | 3044.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2013 – “Mortgage Guarantee Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008” | 74.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service in Banks | 3252.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Exposure Norms | 500.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2013 -The Securitisation Companies and Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines and Directions, 2003 | 221.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Housing Finance | 217.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guarantees and Co-acceptances | 238.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on directions/ instructions issued to the Securitisation Companies/Reconstruction Companies | 157.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Rupee / Foreign Currency Export Credit and Customer Service To Exporters | 710.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2013 - Change in or Take Over of the Management of the Business of the Borrower by Securitisation Companies and Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines, 2010 | 125.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Bank Finance to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) | 117.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) | 191.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Wilful Defaulters | 240.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to Advances | 453.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Para-banking Activities | 254.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Credit Card, Debit Card and Rupee Denominated Cobranded Prepaid Card operations of banks | 241.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Branch Authorisation | 696.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Disclosure in Financial Statements - Notes to Accounts | 900.00 kb |
July 02, 2012 |
 | Master Circular on Money Transfer Service Scheme | 164.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee (NRO) Account | 102.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Memorandum of Instructions for Opening and Maintenance of Rupee/ Foreign Currency Vostro Accounts of Non-resident Exchange Houses (Updated as on April 09, 2013) | 592.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Acquisition and Transfer of Immovable Property in India by NRIs/PIOs/Foreign Nationals of Non-Indian Origin | 103.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings | 346.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Miscellaneous Remittances from India – Facilities for Residents | 272.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Establishment of Liaison / Branch / Project Offices in India by Foreign Entities | 725.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Remittance Facilities for Non-Resident Indians / Persons of Indian Origin / Foreign Nationals | 113.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Compounding of Contraventions under FEMA, 1999 (Updated as on April 10, 2013) | 223.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Memorandum of Instructions governing money changing activities (Updated as on April 09, 2013) | 701.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Direct Investment by Residents in Joint Venture (JV)/Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) Abroad | 612.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on External Commercial Borrowings and Trade Credits (Updated as on March 20, 2013) | 382.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Import of Goods and Services | 143.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Export of Goods and Services | 1065.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Foreign Investment in India | 1491.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2012 – “Mortgage Guarantee Company (Reserve Bank) Guidelines, 2008” | 67.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2012 – “Mortgage Guarantee Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008” | 73.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2012 – “Mortgage Guarantee Companies Investment (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008” | 38.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2012 - The Securitisation Companies and Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines and Directions, 2003 | 126.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2012 - Change in or Take Over of the Management of the Business of the Borrower by Securitisation Companies and Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines, 2010 | 75.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on directions/ instructions issued to the Securitisation Companies/ Reconstruction Companies | 77.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2012 – “Non-Banking Financial Companies Auditor’s Report (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008.” | 67.00 kb |
 | Master Circular-Frauds – Future approach towards monitoring of frauds in NBFCs | 223.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - allied activities- entry into insurance business, issue of credit card and marketing and distribution of certain products | 47.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Corporate Governance | 38.00 kb |
 | Master Circulars- Miscellaneous Instructions to NBFC- ND-SI | 75.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Fair Practices Code | 70.00 kb |
 | Master Circular 2012 – Opening of Branch-Subsidiary-Joint Venture - Representative office or Undertaking Investment Abroad by NBFCs | 69.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Exemptions from the provisions of RBI Act, 1934 | 116.00 kb |
 | Master Circular– Regulatory Framework for Core Investment Companies (CICs) | 74.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Introduction of New Category of NBFCs - ‘Non Banking Financial Company-Micro Finance Institutions’ (NBFC-MFIs) - Directions | 96.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Returns to be submitted by NBFCs | 81.00 kb |
 | Master Circulars- Miscellaneous Instructions to All Non-Banking Financial Companies | 195.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Know Your Customer (KYC) Guidelines – Anti Money Laundering Standards (AML) -Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 - Obligations of NBFCs in terms of Rules notified thereunder | 3656.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2012 – “Miscellaneous Non-Banking Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1977” | 356.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2012 – “Non-Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1998” | 204.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2012– “Non-Banking Financial (Non - Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007” | 263.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2012 – “Non-Banking Financial (Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007” | 250.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to Advances | 453.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Prudential norms for classification, valuation and operation of investment portfolio by banks | 842.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Disclosure in Financial Statements - Notes to Accounts | 782.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy - Basel I Framework | 1045.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Wilful Defaulters | 244.00 kb |
 | Guidelines issued under Section 36(1)(a) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 - Implementation of the provisions of Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 | 126.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Know Your Customer (KYC) norms / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) standards/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/Obligation of banks under PMLA, 2002 | 345.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Resource Raising Norms for Financial Institutions | 339.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Disclosure Norms for Financial Institutions | 159.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Norms for Classification, Valuation and Operation of Investment Portfolio by FIs | 349.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Exposure Norms for Financial Institutions | 167.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service in Banks | 603.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Investments by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 476.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Maintenance of Statutory Reserves - Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 681.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Maintenance of Deposit Accounts – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 333.00 kb |
 | Master Circular Interest Rates on Rupee Deposits – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 282.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms/Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Measures/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT) / Obligations of banks under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 | 316.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Area of Operation, Branch Authorisation Policy, Opening/ Up-gradation of Extension Counters, ATMs and Shifting/Splitting/Closure of Offices | 387.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Priority Sector Lending - UCBs | 467.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Board of Directors - UCBs | 214.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Frauds- Classification and Reporting | 298.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Inspection & Audit Systems in Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 179.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Exposure Norms and Statutory / Other Restrictions - UCBs | 215.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Management of Advances - UCBs | 353.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Guarantees, Co-Acceptances & Letters of Credit - UCBs | 116.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Income Recognition, Asset Classification, Provisioning and Other Related Matters - UCBs | 938.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy - UCBs | 295.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Finance for Housing Schemes - UCBs | 210.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service - UCBs | 366.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Exposure Norms | 328.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guarantees and Co-acceptances | 238.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Interest Rates on Advances | 210.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Credit Card Operations of Banks | 153.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Para-banking Activities | 177.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Housing Finance | 209.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Rupee / Foreign Currency Export Credit & Customer Service To Exporters | 578.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Interest Rates on Rupee Deposits held in Domestic, Ordinary Non-Resident (NRO) and Non-Resident (External) (NRE) Accounts | 237.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) | 191.00 kb |
 | Section 23 of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 – Master Circular on Branch Authorisation | 2793.00 kb |
 | Master Circular of instructions relating to deposits held in FCNR(B) Accounts | 212.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Loans and Advances – Statutory and Other Restrictions | 2197.00 kb |
 | Frauds – Classification and Reporting | 1618.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Appointment & Delisting of Brokers and Payment of Brokerage on Relief/Savings Bonds | 235.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Nomination facility in Relief/Savings bonds | 226.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins | 122.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Branch Licensing - Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) | 198.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Lending to Priority Sector | 300.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Relief Measures by Banks in Areas Affected by Natural Calamities | 243.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on SHG-Bank Linkage Programme | 59.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Priority Sector Lending- Special Programmes - Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) | 188.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Priority Sector Lending - Credit Facilities to Minority Communities | 203.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on “Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers” (SRMS) from the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for rehabilitation of all the remaining scavengers and their dependents | 241.00 kb |
 | Master Circular Priority Sector Lending- Special Programmes Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) | 493.00 kb |
 | Master Circular Priority Sector Lending - Credit facilities to Scheduled Castes (SCs) & Scheduled Tribes (STs) | 252.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Lending to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector | 435.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Use of Hindi in Banks | 195.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Guidelines on Capital Adequacy and Market Discipline - New Capital Adequacy Framework (NCAF) | 981.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Bank Finance to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) | 119.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Export Credit Refinance Facility | 154.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Call/Notice Money Market Operations | 245.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Issue of Commercial Paper | 560.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Issue of Certificates of Deposit | 99.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Collection of Direct Taxes- OLTAS | 922.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Conduct of Government Business by Agency Banks - Payment of Agency Commission | 182.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Disbursement of Pension by Agency Banks | 191.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes | 217.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Levy of Penal Interest for Delayed Reporting/Wrong Reporting/Non-Reporting of Currency Chest Transactions and Inclusion of Ineligible Amounts in Currency Chest Balances | 24.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Operational Guidelines to Primary Dealers | 341.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Capital Adequacy Standards and Risk Management Guidelines for standalone Primary Dealers | 1246.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Lending to Priority Sector | 494.00 kb |
January 31, 2012 |
 | Master Circular on Memorandum of Instructions governing money changing activities | 235.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings | 497.00 kb |
January 20, 2012 |
 | Master Circular on External Commercial Borrowings and Trade Credits | 278.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Compounding of Contraventions under FEMA, 1999 | 134.00 kb |
August 10, 2011 |
 | Master Circular - Use of Hindi in banks | 163.00 kb |
July 05, 2011 |
 | Master Circular - Lending to Priority Sector | 334.00 kb |
July 01, 2011 |
 | Master Circular on Miscellaneous Remittances from India –Facilities for Residents (Updated as on June 13, 2012) | 376.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Remittance Facilities for Non-Resident Indians / Persons of Indian Origin / Foreign Nationals | 95.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Establishment of Liaison / Branch /Project Offices in India by Foreign Entities | 125.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Acquisition and Transfer of Immovable Property in India by NRIs/PIOs/Foreign Nationals of Non-Indian Origin | 102.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Memorandum of Instructions for Opening and Maintenance of Rupee/ Foreign Currency Vostro Accounts ofNon-resident Exchange Houses | 304.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee (NRO) Account | 125.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Import of Goods and Services | 309.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Compounding of Contraventions under FEMA, 1999 | 91.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on External Commercial Borrowings and Trade Credits | 501.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Export of Goods and Services | 345.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Direct Investment by Residents in Joint Venture (JV) /Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) Abroad | 494.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings | 444.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Memorandum of Instructions governing money changing activities | 341.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Money Transfer Service Scheme | 165.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Foreign Investment in India | 403.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on directions/instructions issued to the Securitisation Companies/ Reconstruction Companies | 75.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2011 – “Non-Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1998” | 424.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2011 – “Non-Banking Financial (Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007” | 342.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2011– “Non-Banking Financial (Non - Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007” | 191.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2011 “Non-Banking Financial Companies Auditor’s Report (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008.” | 42.00 kb |
 | Master Circular-Returns to be submitted by NBFCs | 71.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Exemptions from the provisions of RBI Act, 1934 | 109.00 kb |
 | Master Circular-Frauds – Future approach towards monitoring of frauds in NBFCs | 216.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2011 – “Miscellaneous Non-Banking Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1977” | 349.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – KYC Guidelines – Anti Money Laundering Standards - PMLA, 2002 - Obligations of NBFCs | 3625.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Fair Practices Code | 38.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - allied activities- entry into insurance business, issue of credit card and marketing and distribution of certain products | 41.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Corporate Governance | 36.00 kb |
 | Master Circulars- Miscellaneous Instructions to NBFC- ND-SI | 71.00 kb |
 | Master Circulars - Miscellaneous Instructions to All Non-Banking Financial Companies | 107.00 kb |
 | Master Circular– Regulatory Framework for Core Investment Companies(CICs) | 66.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2011 – “Mortgage Guarantee Company (Reserve Bank) Guidelines, 2008” | 65.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2011 – “Mortgage Guarantee Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008” | 110.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2011 – “Mortgage Guarantee Companies Investment (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008” | 36.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2011 -The Securitisation Companies and Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines and Directions, 2003 | 135.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended upto June 30, 2011 - Change in or Take Over of the Management of the Business of the Borrower by Securitisation Companies and Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines, 2010 | 101.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Exposure Norms and Statutory / Other Restrictions - UCBs | 266.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Finance for Housing Schemes - UCBs | 263.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guarantees, Co-Acceptances & Letters of Credit | 97.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Maintenance of Statutory Reserves-Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 345.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy - UCBs | 310.00 kb |
 | Master Circular Interest Rates on Rupee Deposits – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 391.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Priority Sector Lending - UCBs | 519.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Maintenance of Deposit Accounts – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 362.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Board of Directors – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 127.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Inspection and Audit Systems in Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 149.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Investments by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 562.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Income Recognition, Asset Classification, Provisioning and Other Related Matters - UCBs | 1561.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 367.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) | 206.00 kb |
 | Master Circular of instructions relating to deposits held in FCNR(B) Accounts | 226.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Housing Finance | 211.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Interest Rates on Advances | 214.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Interest Rates on Rupee Deposits held in Domestic, Ordinary Non-Resident (NRO) and Non- Resident (External) (NRE) Accounts | 207.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Disclosure in Financial Statements - Notes to Accounts | 285.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service in Banks | 445.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guarantees and Co-acceptances | 243.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Exposure Norms | 288.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Loans and Advances – Statutory and Other Restrictions | 365.00 kb |
 | Master Circular On Rupee / Foreign Currency Export Credit & Customer Service To Exporters | 559.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Guidelines on Capital Adequacy and Market Discipline- New Capital Adequacy Framework (NCAF) | 792.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy - Basel I Framework | 449.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Credit Card Operations of banks | 142.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Para-banking Activities | 185.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Prudential norms for classification, valuation and operation of investment portfolio by banks | 1004.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to Advances | 357.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Resource Raising Norms for Financial Institutions | 156.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Disclosure Norms for Financial Institutions | 166.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Prudential norms for classification, valuation and operation of investment portfolio by FIs | 364.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Exposure Norms for Financial Institutions | 189.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Bank Finance to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) | 83.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Know Your Customer (KYC) norms / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) standards/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/Obligation of banks under PMLA, 2002 | 442.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Wilful Defaulters | 243.00 kb |
 | Frauds – Classification and Reporting | 503.00 kb |
 | Frauds – Classification and Reporting | 270.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins | 165.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Levy of Penal Interest for Delayed Reporting/Wrong Reporting/Non-Reporting of Currency Chest Transactions and Inclusion of Ineligible Amounts in Currency Chest Balances | 25.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes | 223.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Standards / Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/Obligation of banks under Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 | 779.00 kb |
 | Section 23 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 - Master Circular on Branch Licensing - Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) | 300.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines For Relief Measures By Banks In Areas Affected By Natural Calamities | 83.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on SHG-Bank Linkage Programme | 92.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Lending to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector | 447.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Priority Sector Lending - Special Programmes - SJSRY | 382.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers | 328.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Priority Sector Lending - Credit facilities to SCs and STs | 179.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Priority Sector Lending - Credit Facilities to Minority Communities | 198.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Priority Sector Lending - Special Programmes – SGSY | 189.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Issue of Commercial Paper | 98.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Issue of Certificates of Deposit | 68.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Call/Notice Money Market Operations | 91.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Operational Guidelines to Primary Dealers | 572.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Capital Adequacy Standards and Risk Management Guidelines for standalone Primary Dealers | 228.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Export Credit Refinance Facility | 152.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Appointment & delisting of Brokers and Payment of Brokerage on Relief / Savings Bonds | 57.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Nomination facility in Relief / Savings Bonds | 53.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Conduct of Government Business by Agency Banks - Payment of Agency Commission | 181.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Disbursement of Pension by Agency Banks | 211.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Collection of Direct Taxes- OLTAS | 931.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Branch Authorisation | 242.00 kb |
 | Master Circular 2011 – Opening of Branch-Subsidiary-Joint Venture-Representative office or Undertaking Investment Abroad by NBFCs | 75.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Area of Operation, Branch Authorisation Policy, Opening/ Up-gradation of Extension Counters, ATMs and Shifting/Splitting/Closure of Offices | 301.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Management of Advances - UCBs | 1526.00 kb |
July 01, 2010 |
 | Master Circular on Miscellaneous Remittances from India – Facilities for Residents | 267.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Remittance Facilities for Non-Resident Indians / Persons of Indian Origin / Foreign Nationals | 80.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee (NRO) Account | 95.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Import of Goods and Services | 311.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Direct Investment by Residents in Joint Venture (JV) / Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) Abroad | 363.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Export of Goods and Services | 687.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Compounding of Contraventions under FEMA, 1999 | 66.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on External Commercial Borrowings and Trade Credits | 476.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Money Transfer Service Scheme | 124.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Memorandum of Instructions for Opening and Maintenance of Rupee/ Foreign Currency Vostro Accounts of Non-resident Exchange Houses | 218.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Establishment of Liaison / Branch /Project Offices in India by Foreign Entities | 110.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Memorandum of Instructions governing money changing activities | 329.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Foreign Investment in India | 725.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings | 363.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Acquisition and Transfer of Immovable Property in India by NRIs/PIOs/Foreign Nationals of Non-Indian Origin | 97.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Resource Raising Norms for Financial Institutions | 127.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Disclosure Norms for Financial Institutions | 162.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Exposure Norms for Financial Institutions | 164.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Disclosure in Financial Statements - Notes to Accounts | 265.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Guarantees, Co-Acceptances & Letters of Credit - UCBs | 126.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Exposure Norms and Statutory/Other Restrictions - UCBs | 243.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Finance For Housing Schemes-UCBs | 164.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Income Recognition, Asset Classification, Provisioning & Other Related Matters - UCBs | 363.00 kb |
 | Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy – Master Circular -UCBs | 261.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Priority Sector Lending - UCBs | 434.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Area of Operation, Branch Authorisation Policy, Opening/ Up-gradation of Extension Counters, ATMs and Shifting/Splitting/Closure of Offices | 280.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended up to June 30, 2010 – “Non-Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1998” | 418.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended up to June 30, 2010 – “Non-Banking Financial (Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007” | 322.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Appointment & delisting of Brokers and Payment of Brokerage on Relief / Savings Bonds | 59.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Nomination facility in Relief / Savings Bonds | 56.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended up to June 30, 2010– “Non-Banking Financial (Non - Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007” | 181.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended up to June 30, 2010 – “Non-Banking Financial Companies Auditor’s Report (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008.” | 37.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Returns to be submitted by NBFCs | 63.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Exemptions from the provisions of RBI Act, 1934 | 96.00 kb |
 | Master Circular-Frauds – Future approach towards monitoring of frauds in NBFCs | 209.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended up to June 30, 2010 – “Miscellaneous Non- Banking Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1977” | 350.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – 'Know Your Customer' (KYC) Guidelines – Anti Money Laundering Standards (AML) -'Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 - Obligations of NBFCs in terms of Rules notified thereunder’ | 2563.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Fair Practices Code | 34.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - allied activities- entry into insurance business, issue of credit card and marketing and distribution of certain products | 33.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Corporate Governance | 31.00 kb |
 | Master Circulars- Miscellaneous Instructions to NBFC- ND-SI | 61.00 kb |
 | Master Circulars- Miscellaneous Instructions to All Non-Banking Financial Companies | 100.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended up to June 30, 2010 – “Mortgage Guarantee Company (Reserve Bank) Guidelines, 2008” | 58.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended up to June 30, 2010 – “Mortgage Guarantee Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008” | 67.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended up to June 30, 2010 – “Mortgage Guarantee Companies Investment (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008” | 32.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended up to June 30, 2010 - The Securitisation Companies and Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines and Directions, 2003 | 117.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on directions/instructions issued to the Securitisation Companies/ Reconstruction Companies | 68.00 kb |
 | Notification as amended up to June 30, 2010 - Change in or Take Over of the Management of the Business of the Borrower by Securitisation Companies and Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines, 2010 | 144.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy-Basel I Framework | 538.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Prudential norms for classification, valuation and operation of investment portfolio by banks | 333.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Bank Finance to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) | 85.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Micro Credit | 423.00 kb |
 | Master Circular Priority Sector Lending-Credit facilities to Scheduled Castes (SCs) & Scheduled Tribes (STs) | 100.00 kb |
 | Master Circular Priority Sector Lending - Special Programmes Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) | 262.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on New “Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers” (SRMS) from the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for rehabilitation of all the remaining scavengers and their dependents by December 2009 and the spillover in inevitable cases up to March 31,2010 | 196.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Priority Sector Lending- Special Programmes - Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) | 186.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Wilful Defaulters | 96.00 kb |
 | Section 23 of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 – Master Circular on Branch Authorisation | 642.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Prudential norms for classification, valuation and operation of investment portfolio by FIs | 352.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Para-banking Activities | 200.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Credit Card Operations of banks | 105.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Housing Finance | 251.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Foreign Contribution ( Regulation ) Act, 1976 – Obligations of Banks in Regulating Receipt of Foreign Contributions by Associations / Organizations in India | 64.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Interest Rates on Rupee Deposits held in Domestic, Ordinary Non-Resident (NRO) and Non Resident (External) (NRE) Accounts | 172.00 kb |
 | Master Circular of instructions relating to deposits held in FCNR(B) Accounts | 71.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guarantees and Co-acceptances | 178.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Exposure Norms | 194.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Use of Hindi in banks | 159.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) | 186.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Interest Rates on Advances | 147.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Loans and Advances – Statutory and Other Restrictions | 401.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to Advances | 350.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Know Your Customer (KYC) norms / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) standards/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/Obligation of banks under PMLA, 2002 | 318.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Priority Sector Lending - Credit Facilities to Minority Communities | 105.00 kb |
 | Section 23 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 - Master Circular on Branch Licensing - Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) | 388.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service in banks | 750.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Lending to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector | 294.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Lending to Priority Sector | 262.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Operational Guidelines to Primary Dealers | 213.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Capital Adequacy Standards and Risk Management Guidelines for standalone Primary Dealers | 135.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Issue of Certificates of Deposit | 58.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Issue of Commercial Paper | 93.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Call/Notice Money Market Operations | 86.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Export Credit Refinance Facility | 130.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Collection of Direct Taxes- OLTAS | 915.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Disbursement of Pension by Agency Banks | 213.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Conduct of Government Business by Agency Banks - Payment of Agency Commission | 90.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Levy of Penal Interest for Delayed Reporting/Wrong Reporting/Non-Reporting of Currency Chest Transactions and Inclusion of Ineligible Amounts in Currency Chest Balances | 92.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes | 187.00 kb |
 | Master Circular Interest Rates on Rupee Deposits – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 254.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Maintenance of Deposit Accounts – Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 252.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Maintenance of Statutory Reserves- Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 194.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Board of Directors - UCBs | 129.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Inspection & Audit Systems in Primary (Urban)Co-op. Banks | 167.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service - UCBs | 286.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms/Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Standards/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/Obligation of banks under PMLA, 2002 | 208.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Investments by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 481.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Management of Advances- UCBs | 302.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Relief Measures by Banks in Areas Affected by Natural Calamities | 75.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins | 50.00 kb |
 | Frauds – Classification and Reporting | 369.00 kb |
 | Frauds – Classification and Reporting | 165.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Guidelines on Capital Adequacy and Market Discipline- New Capital Adequacy Framework (NCAF) | 851.00 kb |
September 18, 2009 |
 | Master Circular - Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) | 206.00 kb |
July 01, 2009 |
 | Master Circular – “Non-Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1998” | 405.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – “Non-Banking Financial (Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007” | 324.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – “Non-Banking Financial (Non - Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007” | 173.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – “Non-Banking Financial Companies Auditor’s Report (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008.” | 39.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – “Reserve Bank of India (Non-Banking Financial Companies) Returns Specifications 1997” | 20.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Exemptions from the provisions of RBI Act, 1934 | 93.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Frauds – Future approach towards monitoring of frauds in NBFCs | 209.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – “Miscellaneous Non-Banking Companies (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1977” | 344.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – "Know Your Customer" (KYC) Guidelines – Anti Money Laundering Standards | 106.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- "Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 - Obligations of NBFCs in terms of Rules notified thereunder" | 60.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Residuary Non-Banking Companies | 326.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on directions/instructions issued to the Securitisation Companies/ Reconstruction Companies | 60.00 kb |
 | Master Circulars – Mortgage Guarantee Companies | 140.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Fair Practices Code | 34.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - allied activities- entry into insurance business, issue of credit card and marketing and distribution of certain products | 34.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Corporate Governance | 31.00 kb |
 | Master circulars- miscellaneous instructions to NBFC- ND-SI | 77.00 kb |
 | Master circulars- miscellaneous instructions to Non-Banking Financial Companies | 44.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Prudential norms for classification, valuation and operation of investment portfolio by banks | 441.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Direct Investment by Residents in Joint Venture (JV)/Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) Abroad | 445.00 kb |
 | The Securitisation Companies and Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines and Directions, 2003 | 102.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Foreign Investment in India | 1853.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee (NRO) Account | 84.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Remittance Facilities for Non-Resident Indians /Persons of Indian Origin / Foreign Nationals | 78.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Miscellaneous Remittances from India – Facilities for Residents | 341.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Risk Management and Inter-Bank Dealings | 519.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on External Commercial Borrowings and Trade Credits | 470.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Import of Goods and Services | 326.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Export of Goods and Services | 855.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Bank Finance to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) | 82.00 kb |
 | Master Circular Priority Sector Lending- Special Programmes Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) | 291.00 kb |
 | Master Circular Priority Sector Lending-Credit facilities to Scheduled Castes (SCs) & Scheduled Tribes (STs) | 128.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Priority Sector Lending - Credit Facilities to Minority Communities | 923.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on New “Self Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers” (SRMS) from the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for rehabilitation of all the remaining scavengers and their dependents by September 2009 | 191.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Priority Sector Lending- Special Programmes- Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) | 184.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Relief Measures by Banks in Areas affected by Natural Calamities | 74.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy-Basel I Framework | 533.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Export Credit Refinance Facility | 130.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to Advances | 551.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Micro Credit | 151.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Branch Licensing - RRBs | 164.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Disclosure in Financial Statements - Notes to Accounts | 113.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Prudential Guidelines on Capital Adequacy and Market Discipline - Implementation of the New Capital Adequacy Framework (NCAF) | 1551.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Wilful Defaulters | 104.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Issue of Commercial Paper | 96.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Call/Notice Money Market Operations | 81.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines for Issue of Certificates of Deposit | 55.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Resource Raising Norms for Financial Institutions | 129.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Disclosure Norms for Financial Institutions | 146.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Prudential norms for classification, valuation and operation of investment portfolio by FIs | 215.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Exposure Norms for Financial Institutions | 173.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Lending to Priority Sector | 249.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Appointment & delisting of Brokers and Payment of Brokerage on Relief / Savings Bonds | 66.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Nomination facility in Relief / Savings Bonds | 40.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Capital Adequacy Standards and Risk Management Guidelines for standalone Primary Dealers | 401.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Operational Guidelines to Primary Dealers | 637.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service in banks | 699.00 kb |
 | Frauds – Classification and Reporting | 146.00 kb |
 | Master Circular Lending to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector | 469.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Collection of Direct Taxes- OLTAS | 896.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Disbursement of Pension by Agency Banks | 191.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Conduct of Government Business by Agency Banks - Payment of Agency Commission | 103.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Branch Authorisation | 660.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Credit Card Operations of banks | 117.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Para-banking Activities | 147.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Interest Rates on Advances | 91.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Interest Rates on Rupee Deposits held in Domestic, Ordinary Non-Resident (NRO) and Non-Resident (External) (NRE) Accounts | 136.00 kb |
 | Master Circular of instructions relating to deposits held in FCNR(B) Accounts | 86.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Loans and Advances – Statutory and Other Restrictions | 269.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Guarantees and Co-acceptances | 159.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Exposure Norms | 174.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Foreign Contribution ( Regulation ) Act, 1976 – Obligations of Banks in Regulating Receipt of Foreign Contributions by Associations / Organizations in India | 91.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Know Your Customer (KYC) norms / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) standards/Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)/Obligation of banks under PMLA, 2002 | 384.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Rupee/Foreign Currency Export Credit & Customer Services to Exporters | 524.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Housing Finance | 181.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Frauds – Classification and Reporting – UCBs | 876.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Finance For Housing Schemes-UCBs | 148.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Maintenance of Deposit Accounts - UCBs | 234.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Investments by Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 296.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Interest Rates on Rupee Deposits - UCBs | 250.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Guarantees, Co-Acceptances & Letters of Credit - UCBs | 130.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Board of Directors - UCBs | 121.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Inspection and Audit Systems in Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks | 164.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Management of Advances- UCBs | 424.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Maintenance of Statutory Reserves Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) - UCBs | 577.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Priority Sector Lending - UCBs | 210.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service - UCBs | 529.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Area of Operation, Branch Authorisation Policy, Opening/ Up-gradation of Extension Counters, ATMs and Shifting/Splitting/Closure of Offices - UCBs | 396.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Levy of Penal Interest for Delayed Reporting/Wrong Reporting/Non-Reporting of Currency Chest Transactions and Penal Measures for Cases involving Shortages/Inclusion of Counterfeit Banknotes in Chest Balances/Chest remittances | 21.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins | 50.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Detection and Impounding of Counterfeit Notes | 182.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Income Recognition, Asset Classification, Provisioning & Other Related Matters - UCBs | 372.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Exposure Norms and Statutory/Other Restrictions - UCBs | 372.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Use of Hindi in Banks | 160.00 kb |
 | Prudential Norms on Capital Adequacy – Master Circular -UCBs | 386.00 kb |
November 03, 2008 |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service | 225.00 kb |
August 08, 2008 |
 | Master Circular – Guidelines for Relief Measures by Banks in Areas Affected by Natural Calamities | 40.00 kb |
July 05, 2007 |
 | Master Circular-Priority Sector Lending - Credit facilities to Minority Communities | 421.00 kb |
July 04, 2007 |
 | Master Circular on Priority Sector Lending – UCBs | 249.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Customer Service - UCBs | 162.00 kb |
July 02, 2007 |
 | Master Circular - Guidelines For Relief Masures By Banks in Areas Affected By Natural Calamities | 58.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Direct Investment by Residents in Joint Venture (JV)/ Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) abroad | 233.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Foreign Investment in India | 339.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee (NRO) Account | 78.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Remittance Facilities for Non-Resident Indians / Persons of Indian Origin / Foreign Nationals | 91.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Miscellaneous Remittances from India – Facilities for Residents | 237.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on External Commercial Borrowings and Trade Credits | 241.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Import of Goods and Services | 173.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Rupee / Foreign Currency Export Credit & Customer Service to Exporters | 625.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Housing Finance | 309.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Credit Card Operations of banks | 89.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Lending To Priority Sector | 174.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Lending To Small & Medium Enterprises (Smes) Sector | 299.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Micro Credit | 117.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Interest Rates on Advances | 82.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Interest Rates on Rupee Deposits held in Domestic, Ordinary Non- Resident (NRO) and Non-Resident (External) (NRE) Accounts | 91.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana (PMRY) | 233.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Wilful Defaulters | 8.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins | 30.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Export Credit Refinance Facility | 89.00 kb |
 | Master Circular – Collection of Direct Taxes- OLTAS | 700.00 kb |
 | Master Circular- Disbursement of Pension by Agency Banks | 64.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Finance For Housing Schemes-UCBs | 73.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Export of Goods and Services | 297.00 kb |
 | Master Circular-Guarantees, Co-Acceptances& Letters of Credit-UCBs | 260.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Nomination facility in Relief / Savings Bonds | 81.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Rates of Brokerage etc. for Relief / Savings Bonds | 122.00 kb |
 | Master Circular - Priority Sector Lending- Special Programmes Scheme for Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers (SLRS) | 36.00 kb |
 | Master Circular Priority Sector Lending-Credit facilities to Scheduled Castes (SCs) & Scheduled Tribes (STs) | 83.00 kb |
 | Master Circular Priority Sector Lending- Special Programmes Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) | 170.00 kb |
 | Master Circular on Priority Sector Lending- Special Programmes- Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) | 254.00 kb |
March 28, 2007 |
 | Master Circular-Guarantees, Co-Acceptances& Letters of Credit-UCBs | 168.00 kb |