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15. Deployment of Gross Bank Credit by Major Sectors
Date : Feb 17, 2023
(₹ Crore)
Sector Outstanding as on Growth (%)
Mar.25, 2022 2021 2022 Financial year so far Y-o-Y
Dec.31 Nov.18 Dec.30 2022-23 2022
1 2 3 4 % %
I. Bank Credit (II+III) 11891314 11582087 12947813 13304393 11.9 14.9
II. Food Credit 55011 88679 52239 53972 -1.9 -39.1
III. Non-food Credit 11836304 11493408 12895574 13250421 11.9 15.3
1. Agriculture & Allied Activities 1461719 1462086 1595185 1630871 11.6 11.5
2. Industry (Micro and Small, Medium and Large) 3156067 3027972 3294514 3291537 4.3 8.7
2.1 Micro and Small 532792 509395 556127 579070 8.7 13.7
2.2 Medium 213996 205853 224624 237564 11.0 15.4
2.3 Large 2409279 2312723 2513763 2474903 2.7 7.0
3. Services 3017258 2931207 3315747 3504664 16.2 19.6
3.1 Transport Operators 155352 147467 161037 164451 5.9 11.5
3.2 Computer Software 20899 21049 21210 22404 7.2 6.4
3.3 Tourism, Hotels & Restaurants 64378 63457 65092 63588 -1.2 0.2
3.4 Shipping 8436 7475 7206 7307 -13.4 -2.2
3.5 Aviation 23979 14420 24445 28930 20.6 100.6
3.6 Professional Services 116742 112954 124321 126739 8.6 12.2
3.7 Trade 696301 675374 733730 768167 10.3 13.7
3.7.1 Wholesale Trade 351213 343121 353789 376414 7.2 9.7
3.7.2 Retail Trade 345088 332253 379941 391753 13.5 17.9
3.8 Commercial Real Estate 291168 294019 304276 309031 6.1 5.1
3.9 Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)1 of which, 1022399 974300 1218791 1320299 29.1 35.5
3.9.1 Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) 282048 267204 307661 311071 10.3 16.4
3.9.2 Public Financial Institutions (PFIs) 137084 108726 178024 181330 32.3 66.8
3.10 Other Services2 617603 620693 655639 693750 12.3 11.8
4. Personal Loans 3381699 3274532 3800330 3935144 16.4 20.2
4.1 Consumer Durables 27628 25102 35658 36640 32.6 46.0
4.2 Housing 1684424 1634687 1843862 1898411 12.7 16.1
4.3 Advances against Fixed Deposits 78730 80026 96188 109937 39.6 37.4
4.4 Advances to Individuals against share & bonds 6161 5968 6758 6806 10.5 14.0
4.5 Credit Card Outstanding 147789 141751 173424 180090 21.9 27.0
4.6 Education 82723 81933 91069 92754 12.1 13.2
4.7 Vehicle Loans 402689 388737 468088 484747 20.4 24.7
4.8 Loan against gold jewellery 73942 75761 83755 84256 13.9 11.2
4.9 Other Personal Loans 877613 840568 1001529 1041502 18.7 23.9
5. Priority Sector (Memo)            
(i) Agriculture & Allied Activities3 1484923 1457894 1631458 1673097 12.7 14.8
(ii) Micro & Small Enterprises4 1377848 1372858 1457114 1526256 10.8 11.2
(iii) Medium Enterprises5 351900 340564 369403 386473 9.8 13.5
(iv) Housing 616814 587417 613395 617924 0.2 5.2
(v) Education Loans 58118 59599 58887 58998 1.5 -1.0
(vi) Renewable Energy 3538 2112 4177 4782 35.2 126.5
(vii) Social Infrastructure 2483 2650 2394 2473 -0.4 -6.7
(viii) Export Credit 23621 25954 15506 15673 -33.6 -39.6
(ix) Others 37159 39615 50219 52093 40.2 31.5
(x) Weaker Sections including net PSLC- SF/MF 1180928 1141715 1361042 1381194 17.0 21.0
Note 1: Data are provisional. Bank credit, Food credit and Non-food credit data are based on Section-42 return, which covers all scheduled commercial banks (SCBs), while sectoral non-food credit data are based on sector-wise and industry-wise bank credit (SIBC) return, which covers select banks accounting for about 93 per cent of total non-food credit extended by all SCBs .
Note 2: With effect from January 2019, sectoral credit data are based on revised format due to which values and growth rates of some of the existing components published earlier have undergone changes.
Note 3: Credit data are adjusted for past reporting errors by select SCBs from December 2021 onwards.
1 NBFCs include HFCs, PFIs, Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), NBFCs engaged in gold loan and others.
2 “Other Services” include Mutual Fund (MFs), Banking and Finance other than NBFCs and MFs and other services which are not indicated elsewhere under services.
3 “Agriculture and Allied Activities” under the priority sector also include priority sector lending certificates (PSLCs).
4 “Micro and Small Enterprises” under the priority sector include credit to micro and small enterprises in industry and services sectors and also include PSLCs.
5 “Medium Enterprises” under the priority sector include credit to medium enterprises in industry and services sectors.
