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37. External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs) - Registrations
Date : Feb 17, 2023
(Amount in US$ Million)
Item 2021-22 2021 2022
Dec Nov Dec
1 2 3 4
1 Automatic Route        
1.1 Number 1086 139 92 99
1.2 Amount 28851 4374 5203 2768
2 Approval Route        
2.1 Number 18 1 0 0
2.2 Amount 11035 1175 0 0
3 Total (1+2)        
3.1 Number 1104 140 92 99
3.2 Amount 39886 5549 5203 2768
4 Weighted Average Maturity (in years) 8.00 5.30 4.70 7.20
5 Interest Rate (per cent)        
5.1 Weighted Average Margin over 6-month LIBOR or reference rate for Floating Rate Loans 1.71 1.01 1.62 1.68
5.2 Interest rate range for Fixed Rate Loans 0.00-10.50 0.00-10.25 0.00-11.80 0.00-10.35
Borrower Category        
I. Corporate Manufacturing 12244 442 2116 522
II. Corporate-Infrastructure 17023 2584 2971 28
a.) Transport 1597 109 0 0
b.) Energy 8215 959 1192 6
c.) Water and Sanitation 10 0 14 0
d.) Communication 1,258 5 1,515 22
e.) Social and Commercial Infrastructure 0 0 0 0
f.) Exploration,Mining and Refinery 4691 1100 250 0
g.) Other Sub-Sectors 1252 411 0 0
III. Corporate Service-Sector 1570 291 13 36
IV. Other Entities 609 500 0 0
a.) units in SEZ 9 0 0 0
b.) SIDBI     0 0
c.) Exim Bank 600 500 0 0
V. Banks 100 0 0 0
VI. Financial Institution (Other than NBFC) 4 0 0 0
VII. NBFCs 7995 1690 81 2148
a). NBFC- IFC/AFC 5621 1275 0 1418
b). NBFC-MFI 93 17 31 3
c). NBFC-Others 2282 398 50 727
VIII. Non-Government Organization (NGO) 0 0 0 0
IX. Micro Finance Institution (MFI) 0 0 0 0
X. Others 341 42 22 34
Note: Based on applications for ECB/Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs) which have been allotted loan registration number during the period.
