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48. Investments by State Governments
Date : Feb 17, 2023
(₹ Crore)
Sr. No State/Union Territory As on end of December 2022
Consolidated Sinking Fund (CSF) Guarantee Redemption Fund (GRF) Government Securities Auction Treasury Bills (ATBs)
  1 2 3 4 5
1 Andhra Pradesh 9918 976 0 0
2 Arunachal Pradesh 2193 3 0 1700
3 Assam 4485 74 0 0
4 Bihar 7999 - 0 0
5 Chhattisgarh 6117 - 1 208
6 Goa 816 393 0 0
7 Gujarat 9649 573 0 0
8 Haryana 1451 1456 0 0
9 Himachal Pradesh - - 0 0
10 Jammu & Kashmir UT - - 0 0
11 Jharkhand 1031 - 0 0
12 Karnataka 12943 311 0 33907
13 Kerala 2565 - 0 0
14 Madhya Pradesh - 1097 0 0
15 Maharashtra 57286 1208 0 22000
16 Manipur 60 120 0 0
17 Meghalaya 937 65 8 0
18 Mizoram 348 65 0 0
19 Nagaland 1526 40 0 0
20 Odisha 15621 1749 101 39930
21 Puducherry 453 - 0 1023
22 Punjab 6342 0 0 0
23 Rajasthan - - 129 9000
24 Tamil Nadu 7991 - 18 3252
25 Telangana 6775 1475 0 0
26 Tripura 830 16 0 1400
27 Uttarakhand 4222 173 0 0
28 Uttar Pradesh 4194 - 116 0
29 West Bengal 10880 796 239 0
  Total 176631 10588 611 112420
Notes: 1. CSF and GRF are reserve funds maintained by some State Governments with the Reserve Bank of India.
2. ATBs include Treasury bills of 91 days, 182 days and 364 days invested by State Governments in the primary market.
3. - : Not Applicable (not a member of the scheme).
