Corrigendum cum Minutes of Pre-bid Meeting E-Tender No: RBI/Bhubaneswar Regional Office/HRMD/7/24-25/ET/775 Reserve Bank of India, Bhubaneswar invites e-tender for “Providing unarmed security guards (preferably Ex-Serviceman) for Bank’s office premises, Data Centre project site and residential colonies located in Bhubaneswar” for an initial period of one year (01st April 2025 to 31st March, 2026) and can be extended by the Bank at its opinion for further period of two years, one year at a time, with or without any variation in terms and conditions, subject to satisfactory performance of the services and adherence to contractual obligations by the concerned entity. The e-tendering shall be done through the e-tendering portal of MSTC Ltd ( All eligible and interested companies/agencies/firms must register themselves with MSTC Ltd through the above-mentioned website to participate in the e-tendering process. 2. Intending tenderers shall pay a sum of ₹9,80,000/- (Rupees Nine lakhs Eighty Thousand only) as earnest money (EMD) to be paid through NEFT/ DD/ BG issued by a Scheduled Bank in favour of ‘Reserve Bank of India, Bhubaneswar’. The documents pertaining to EMD should be scanned and uploaded with the pre-Qualification documents. 3. Applicants intending to apply will have to satisfy the Bank by furnishing documentary evidence in support of their possessing required eligibility and in the event of their failure to do so, the Bank reserves the right to reject their bids. E-tenders without EMD will not be accepted under any circumstances. 4. The Bank is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept either in full or in part any tender. The Bank also reserves the right to reject all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. 5. Any amendments / corrigendum to the tender, if any, issued in future will only be notified on the RBI Website and MSTC Website as given above and will not be published in the newspaper. As this is an E-tender, the rates shall be submitted only in online mode and not to mention the rates on any other documents, otherwise the bid shall be rejected. Regional Director Reserve Bank of India Bhubaneswar SCHEDULE OF TENDER (Only through e-procurement) S/No | E-Tender No. | RBI/Bhubaneswar Regional Office/HRMD/7/24-25/ET/775 | 1 | E-Tender Name | Annual Service Contract for providing unarmed security guards (preferably Ex-Serviceman) for Bank’s office premises, Data Centre project site and residential colonies located in Bhubaneswar. | 2 | Estimated cost | ₹4,90,00,000/- (Rupees Four Crore Ninety Lakhs Only) | 3 | Mode of e-tender | e-Procurement System (Online Part I - Technical Bid and Part II - Price Bid) through | 4 | Type of e-tender | Open (Two Bid System) | 5 | Date of NIT available to parties to download | January 15, 2025 at 16:00 hrs | 6 | Availability for viewing | February 05, 2025 at 16:00 hrs | 7 | Pre-bid meeting | Offline: February 12, 2025 at 11:30 hrs Venue: Reserve Bank of India, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, P.B.No. 16, Bhubaneswar - 751001, Odisha | 8 | Publication of minutes of Pre-bid meeting | February 14, 2025 at 16:00 hrs | 9 | Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) through NEFT / Net Banking and upload the details on the MSTC portal. | ₹9,80,000/- (Nine lakh eighty thousand only) paid through NEFT/ DD/ BG Beneficiary Name- Reserve Bank of India Account No: 186004001 IFSC code: RBIS0BBPA01 (5th and 10th character in IFSC code are zeros) Branch name-Bhubaneswar | 10 | E-Tender Fees | NIL | 11 | Date of Starting of e-tender for submission of on-line Technical Bid and price Bid at | February 20, 2025 from 14:00 hrs Onwards | 12 | Last date of submission of EMD. (Hard copy of NEFT details must be submitted (by hand / post / courier) before or on the last date of submission of tender, if applicable) | March 03, 2025 till 14:00 hrs | 13 | Date of closing of online e-tender for submission of Technical Bid & Price Bid. | March 03, 2025 till 14:00 hrs | 14 | Date & time of opening of Part-I (i.e. Technical Bid). | March 03, 2025 at 15:00 Hrs. | 15 | Validity of the e-tender | 90 days from the date of opening of Technical bid | 16 | Date & Time of opening of Part II, i.e., Financial Bid | Part-II (Financial Bid) of only those bidder(s) who is/are found qualified in Technical bid, will be opened electronically. Such bidder(s) will be intimated regarding date and time of opening of Part-II (Financial Bid) through valid email given by them. | 17 | Transaction Fee (Non-refundable) (To be paid separately by the tenderers to MSTC vide MSTC E-Payment Gateway for participating in the e-tender) | Payment of Transaction fee as mentioned in the MSTC portal through MSTC payment gateway/NEFT/RTGS in favour of MSTC LIMITED | | |