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Date : Jan 17, 2025
Supply of sufficient number of fully covered container trucks / vehicles for transportation of banknotes packed in boxes and/or coins packed in bags (coins with carrier’s risk) for Reserve Bank of India, Bhubaneswar

Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting and Corrigendum

E-Tender No. RBI/Bhubaneswar Regional Office/Issue/2/24-25/ET/784

The Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Bhubaneswar (hereinafter called “the Bank”), invites E-Tenders under Two-Bid system (Technical (Techno-Commercial) Bid & Price Bid) for supplying minimum five (05) number of fully covered container trucks/vehicles [three (3) containers having loading capacity of ten (10) tonne each and two (2) containers having loading capacity of nine (9) tonne each and having minimum storing capacity of 90 boxes and 80 boxes respectively (average size of each box is approximately 72 cm (length) x 63 cm (width) x 33 cm (height) weighing approximately between 90 and120 kg)], having metallic body of sufficient thickness, preferably bullet / tamper proof with secure tamper proof double locking arrangement, enabled with Global Positioning System (GPS), CCTV enabled for passenger and cargo compartment, wireless mobile communication system along with Hooter and Fire extinguisher for transportation of banknotes packed in boxes and/or coins packed in bags (coins with carrier’s risk) from:

  1. Railway Station/ Airports/ Presses/ any place or any Issue Office of RBI to the RBI, Bhubaneswar.

  2. RBI, Bhubaneswar to the currency chests located under its jurisdiction or to any other place specified by RBI, Bhubaneswar and;

  3. Currency chests located in the jurisdiction of RBI, Bhubaneswar to RBI, Bhubaneswar or to any other place specified by RBI, Bhubaneswar.

E-Tenders are invited from reputed, capable, and experienced Transport Contractors with at least three years of experience as on March 31, 2024. The Contractors should be holding proper and valid licence for the purpose of supplying Container Trucks.

In addition to the container trucks/vehicles, the Contractor should provide two escort vehicles, i.e. one 7-seater front escort vehicle (e.g. Tata Sumo/Bolero/Scorpio, etc.), for the use of Escort Officer along with 4-5 police personnel, and another rear escort vehicle (bus with push back seats with seating capacity for 30 persons) to be used for carrying RBI / other bank’s representatives and the remaining police personnel. The Contractor should obtain a Certificate of fitness of all vehicles from the concerned M.V.I./R.T.O. Further, Contractor must ensure that all the vehicle related documents like Registration Certificate, Insurance cover, Pollution Control Certificates, Driving Licences of drivers engaged by the contractor, National permit, Fitness Certificate, tax paid up to date etc. are valid in nature.

The vehicles provided for remittance of treasure and to the Escort Parties should be roadworthy / in good condition with proper / comfortable seats to withstand the strain of long journeys and the vehicles shall be less than 10 years old.

2. The period of contract will initially be valid for two-years from April 01, 2025 to March 31, 2027 and may be extended by the Bank at its opinion for a further period of one year, with or without any variation in the terms and conditions, subject to satisfactory performance of the contractual terms and conditions.

3. The Estimated cost of the work is approximately ₹1,50,00,000/- (Rupees One Crore and Fifty Lakh Only) per year for the contract period of two years from April 01, 2025 to March 31, 2027. However, the actual amount may vary.

4. The detailed information regarding the above e-Tenders will be available at MSTC website The details of eligibility criteria and the detailed Notice Inviting Tender are also available on the website of the Bank at The Tendering would be done through the e-Tendering portal of M/s MSTC Ltd. ( All interested bidders must register themselves with M/s MSTC Ltd. through the above referred website to participate in the e-Tendering process.

5. The last date for submission of online bids is February 25, 2025 (Tuesday), up to 11.00 AM and Part-I of the Tender will be opened at 12.00 PM on February 25, 2025 (Tuesday). The Part II i.e., price bids will be opened in respect of only those Contractors/bidders who satisfy all criteria stipulated in Part I. The date of opening of Price Bid will be intimated subsequently to the eligible bidders.

6. The schedule for the e-Tendering process is detailed hereunder:

E-Tender Schedule Proposed Date and time
Date of Publication of Advertisement in leading newspapers of Bhubaneswar January 17, 2025 (Friday).
Date and Time of Notice inviting Tender (NIT) and tender documents available to parties for viewing and download on Bank’s Website and e-procurement portal (MSTC) January 17, 2025 (Friday) from 11.00 AM onwards.
Pre-Bid meeting (Offline mode) February 12, 2025 (Wednesday) at 11.30 AM.

Venue: – Issue Department, Reserve Bank of India, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Secretariat Marg, Bhubaneswar- 751 001.
Date and Time of starting of e-tender for submission of online Technical (Techno Commercial) Bid and Price Bid at February 14, 2025 (Friday) from 11:00 AM onwards.
Date and Time of closing the bidding of e-tender for submission of online Technical (Techno commercial) Bid and Price Bid at February 25, 2025 (Tuesday) up to 11.00 AM.
Date & Time of opening of Part-I (Technical Bid) February 25, 2025 (Tuesday), 12.00 PM.
Date & Time of opening of Part-II (Price Bid) Date and time will be intimated separately to all the eligible bidders through the email id/contact numbers provided by the bidders.

7. The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all e-Tenders without assigning any reason thereof.

Note: All the Bidders must note that any amendments / corrigendum to the e-Tender, if issued in future, will only be notified on the website of RBI and MSTC Ltd. as provided above and will not be published in any newspaper.

Regional Director
Reserve Bank of India
