E-Tender No. – RBI/Mumbai Regional Office/HRMD/8/24-25/ET/721 Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Mumbai Regional Office, invites e-tenders under Two Bid system (Technical & Financial Bid) for providing fresh Milk/Tea/Coffee facility for its staff through vending machines at various RBI Office premises in Mumbai. The interested vendors must register themselves on the MSTC portal for participating through e-tendering. The period of contract will be for a period of one year from date of award of work (issue of the work order) as per laid down contractual obligations. The Tender along with the prices shall remain valid initially for a period of three months from the date of opening of Part-I. 2. The details of the tender document/corrigendum will be available only on RBI Website (https://www.rbi.org.in) and MSTC portal. The last date for submission of e-tender on MSTC portal (www.mstcecommerce.com) is March 10, 2025. 3. A pre-bid meeting (off-line mode) of the intending Tenderers will be held on February 24, 2025 at 11:00 am. Place of Pre-Bid meeting – HRMD Conference Room, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai Regional Office, First Floor, Main Office Building, Fort, Mumbai-400001. 4. All Pre-Qualification papers shall be uploaded on MSTC site and same will be downloaded at the time of opening Part-I of tender for examination by the Bank. 5. The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of ₹2,20,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh Twenty Thousand only) shall be deposited to RBI through NEFT or Bank Guarantee. The Bank Guarantee (from a Scheduled Commercial Bank) submitted towards EMD has to be valid for the validity period of the tender plus additional 45 days. Documentary evidence in support of remittance shall be submitted in sealed cover addressed to “The Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Human Resource Management Department, Mumbai Regional Office, Mumbai-400001”, so as to reach our Office by 12:00 noon on March 10, 2025, superscribing as “EMD for E-tender for providing Fresh Milk/Tea/Coffee facility through vending machines at various RBI Office premises in Mumbai.” 6. The duly filled in tender documents shall be uploaded on MSTC site. (Date of Starting of online submission (Part-I & Part-II) of e-tender is from January 27, 2025 and Date of closing of online submission of e-tender is March 10, 2025, 2:00 pm. 7. Part I of the tender will be opened online at 03:00 PM on March 10, 2025, in the presence of the authorised representative of the Tenderers who choose to be present. Part-II (Price bid) of the eligible Tenderers shall be opened on a subsequent date which will be intimated to the Tenderers in advance. 8. RBI is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept either in full, or in part any tender. The Bank also reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Regional Director Mumbai |