Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting Academic Division, College of Agricultural Banking (CAB), Reserve Bank of India (RBI), University Road, Pune 411016 invites bids through e-Tendering process from eligible, reputed vendors located in Pune Municipal Corporation area or Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation area for empanelment for designing & printing of the CAB’s quarterly journal ‘CAB Calling’ for the period Calendar Years 2025 to 2027 and price bid for the four issues from Volume 48 Issue 4 to Volume 49 Issue 3. The eligibility criteria are specified in the Tender document. Vendors intending to participate in the tendering process should submit their bids online as per the Tender document, which may be downloaded from RBI website (https://rbi.org.in) and MSTC website (https://www.mstcecommerce.com/eprocn). The tender document shall not be issued by any other means under any circumstances whatsoever. Corrigenda or clarifications, if any, shall be hosted on the above-mentioned websites only. Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the bids, either in whole or in part, without assigning any reasons therefor. Last date for submission of tender: 1100 hrs on February 27, 2025. SCHEDULE OF TENDER (SOT) 1 | e-Tender No. / Event No. | RBI/CAB PUNE/Estate/10/24-25/ET/831 | 2 | Tender Name | Designing, Printing and Supply of CAB’s Quarterly Journal “CAB Calling” - Empanelment for the period Calendar Years 2025 to 2027 and price bid for the four issues from Volume 48 Issue 4 to Volume 49 Issue 3. | 3 | Estimated value of tender (including Taxes) | ₹8 Lakhs (Rupees Eight Lakhs only) [this is an estimate and bids may be more or less than this] | 4 | Mode of Tender | e-Procurement System (online submission of) bid through https://www.mstcecommerce.com/eprocn The bidders, who intend to bid, are required to submit their offer electronically through this e-tendering portal. No physical bid would be accepted by RBI. | 5 | Uploading the information on Bank Website | January 27, 2025 | 6 | Date of publication of e-Tender through Procurement Portal | 1100 hrs on January 27, 2025 | 7 | Date of availability of NIT to the Bidders for downloading | 1100 hrs on January 27, 2025 | 8 | Pre-Bid Meeting (Offline) | February 06, 2025 at 11:00 hrs (Venue: Academic Division, College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India, University Road, Pune 411016) (Phone: 02025582360/62) (Email: cabacademic@rbi.org.in) | 9 | Date of Starting of e-Tender for submission of Online bids at https://www.mstcecommerce.com/eprocn | 1100 hrs on February 17, 2025 | 10 | Date and time of closing of Online e-tender for submission of bids | 1100 hrs on February 27, 2025 | 11 | Date and time of opening of technical bids | 1500 hrs on February 27, 2025 | 12 | Date and time of opening price bid | Price bids of eligible parties would be opened on a subsequent date after giving notice to the eligible bidder/s. | 13 | Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) | EMD @ 2% of the total contract amount i.e. approximately ₹16,000 will be collected from successful bidder. | CGM & Principal, College of Agricultural Banking, Pune Reserve Bank of India This document is the property of Reserve Bank of India (RBI). It may not be copied, distributed, or recorded on any medium, electronic or otherwise, without the RBI’s written permission thereof, except for the purpose of responding to RBI for the said purpose. The use of the contents of this document, even by the authorized personnel /agencies for any purpose other than the purpose specified herein, is strictly prohibited, and shall amount to copyright violation and thus, shall be punishable under the Indian Law. | | |