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Date : Oct 18, 2023
Extension of Last Date of Submission - Supply, Installation, testing and Commissioning (SITC) of 04 Nos. water pumps for Chiller line and Condenser line of Central AC Plants at Bank’s Building in Chennai

Extension of Last Date of Submission dated November 29, 2023

Minutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting

Please refer to the tender notice event No. RBI/Chennai Regional office/Estate/2/23-24/ET/84[SITC04NowaterpumpACplantRBIMOP] invited on the MSTC website on September 27, 2023, for the captioned work.

In this connection, it is hereby informed that the last date for submission of Pre-Qualification documents has been extended up to 17:00 Hrs. on October 25, 2023. The Techno-Commercial Bid (Part-I) of the tender will be opened at 15:30 Hrs. on November 28, 2023. Price-Bid (Part II) shall be opened on a subsequent date after scrutiny of documents which shall be intimated to the bidders through e-mail.

The revised important instructions to the bidder are as under:

i e-Tender No. RBI/Chennai Regional office/Estate/2/23-24/ET/84[SITC04NowaterpumpACplantRBIMOP]
ii. Name and location of the work. Supply, Installation, testing and Commissioning (SITC) of 04 Nos. water pumps for Chiller line and Condenser line of Central AC Plants at Bank’s Building in Chennai.
iii. Name & address of tender inviting authority. The Regional Director, Reserve Bank of India, Estate Department, Fort Glacis, 16, Rajaji Salai, Chennai-600001. Tel No.: 044 - 2539 9250/9922
E-Mail id:
iv. Estimated cost put to tender. ₹29 lakh. (Rupees Twenty-nine lakh only) incl. of GST.
v. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD). ₹58,000/- from each bidder
vi. Period of completion. 16 weeks from 10th day of work order
vii. (a) Tender documents available on and to be downloaded / submitted through e-Tender mode. Through Bank’s approved e-Tender portal
(b) Period during which Tender documents will be available in the MSTC e-tender portal. From September 27, 2023 to 14:00 Hrs. on November 28, 2023.
viii. Important instructions on e-Tender and amount of transaction fee to be paid. For instructions on e-Tender, please refer to the Annexure I: Important Instructions for E – Procurement of the tender document.
e-Tender transaction fee shall be paid in the MSTC Website as applicable.
ix Last date of submission of Pre-Qualification (PQ) papers Up to 17:00 Hrs. of October 25, 2023
x. Pre-bid meeting (offline). 12:00 Hrs. on November 14, 2023 at Estate Department, Reserve Bank of India, Fort Glacis, Rajaji Salai, Chennai - 600001.
Note: The participants are advised to confirm their participation one day before to make the necessary arrangements through mail ids mentioned
xi. Date of Starting of e-Tender for submission of bid (online) -Techno-commercial (Part I) bid and Price-bid (Part II). 16:00 Hrs. on, November 17, 2023
xii. Last Date of submission of EMD 14:00 Hrs. on November 28, 2023
xiii. Last date and time of submission of bid (online) -Techno-commercial (Part I) bid and Price-bid (Part II). 14:00 Hrs. on, November 28, 2023
xiv Date & time for opening of Techno-commercial bid (Part I). 15:30 Hrs. on, November 28, 2023
xv Date & time for opening of Price-bid (Part II) bid. Will be communicated subsequently to the eligible bidders through e-mail.
xvi Validity of the tender 03 months from the date of opening of the PART- I of the Tender.
xvii. Transaction fee Payment of Transaction fee as mentioned in the MSTC portal through MSTC payment gateway/NEFT/RTGS in favour of MSTC LIMITED.
xviii Contact details of tender inviting authority personnel.
  1. Shri. Rajesh N Pai (AGM, Estate Department) 044 - 2539 9922

  2. Smt. Revati Kottakota (AGM-Tech), Estate Department) 044 - 2539 9261

  3. Shri. Randeep Sangwan (AM - Tech, Estate Department) 044 - 2561 9820

  4. Smt. N. Sai Sameera (AM, Estate Department) 044 - 2539 9066

Please note that no further extension will be given for submission of this tender. All other terms and conditions mentioned in the tender remain unchanged.

Regional Director
Reserve Bank of India

Date: 18-10-2023
