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Date: 29/03/2016
Issue of ₹ 1 denomination currency notes with Rupee symbol (₹) and the inset letter ‘L’

The Reserve Bank of India will soon put into circulation currency notes in one rupee denomination. The notes have been printed by the Government of India.

These currency notes are legal tender as provided in The Coinage Act 2011. The existing currency notes in this denomination in circulation will also continue to be legal tender.

Dimensions and composition of One Rupee Currency Note as indicated in the Notification No G.S.R. 192(E) dated February 22, 2016 by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, published in the Gazette of India–Extraordinary-Part –II-Section 3-Sub-section (i), No. 124 dated February 24, 2016 will be :

Denomination of Note Shape and Size Paper Composition
One Rupee Currency Note Rectangular 9.7 x 6.3 cm 100 per cent (Cotton) Rag Content
    Weight of Paper:- 90 GSM (Grams per Square Meter)
Thickness of Paper:- 110 microns
Multi tonal Watermarks :-
(i) Ashoka Pillar in the window without words ‘सत्‍यमेव जयते’
(ii) Hidden Numeral ‘1’ in the centre
(iii) Hidden Word ‘भारत’ vertically arranged on right hand side.

The design of the One Rupee Currency Notes will be as under:

Obverse: It contains the words ‘भारत सरकार’ above the words “Government of India” with the bilingual signature of Shri Ratan P. Watal, Finance Secretary and with the replica of New Rupee One coin with ₹ symbol of 2016 issued with ‘सत्‍यमेव जयते’ and capital insert letter ‘L’ in numbering panel. The numbering will be in black at right hand bottom portion of the note.

Reverse: It contains the words ‘भारत सरकार’ above the words “Government of India” with the year 2016 on the representation of One Rupee coin with ₹ symbol having floral design and the surrounding design will consist of the picture of ‘Sagar Samrat’ - the oil exploration platform and with the authentic rendering of value in fifteen Indian language in language panel and the year figure shown on the centre bottom in international number.

Overall Colour Scheme: The colour of one Rupee Currency Note will be predominantly pink green on obverse and reverse in combination with others.

Ajit Prasad
Assistant Adviser

Press Release : 2015-2016/2282

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