DCM (RMMT) No.1403/11.37.01/2004-05
January 19, 2005
The Chairman & Managing Director,
All Public/Private Sector banks
Dear Sir,
Non-acceptance of coins by bank branches
Please refer to our circulars DCM (RMMT) No.404/11.37.01/2003-04
dated October 9, 2003 and DCM
(RMMT) No.1181/11.37.01/2003-04 dated April 5, 2004 advising you to ensure
acceptance of coins of all denominations without any restriction from the members
of public etc. by your branches. However, complaints regarding non-acceptance
of coins by bank branches in various parts of the country, continue to be received
by us/the Government and critical reports often appear in the Press. In order
to ensure that such incidents (leading to image risk) do not recur, you are
requested to periodically sensitize the staff so that there is no cause for
complaint from the customers. Further, the instructions relating to surprise
visits by Regional Managers/Zonal Managers to verify compliance by the branches
with the instructions relating to acceptance of coins and review of their reports
at the Head Office (cf. para 4 of the circular dated April 5, 2004) may be strictly
adhered to.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Yours faithfully
(U.S. Paliwal)
Chief General Manager