This face of the coin shall bear the Lion Capital of Ashoka Pillar with the legend “mel³ecesJe pe³eles “ inscribed below, flanked on the left periphery with the word “Yeejle" in Hindi and on the right upper periphery flanked with the word “INDIA“ in English. It shall also bear the denominational value "5" in International Numerals below the lion capital flanked on the left lower periphery with the word “©he³es“in Hindi and right lower periphery with the word "RUPEES" in English. |
The face of the coin shall bear the portrait of "CHANAKYA AND LOTUS WITH HONEYBEE" in the centre, and just below the portrait of Chanakya the word "®eeCeke̳e " in Hindi, and the word "CHANAKYA" in English, flanked on the left periphery with the words letter and numbers “Dee³ekeÀj-Yeejle fôeceeõCe kesÀ 150 Jeøeõ ” in Hindi, on the right periphery flanked with the words and numbers "INCOME TAX-150 YEARS OFBUILDING INDIA" in English. Also in the lower periphery the year "1860-2010" written in international numeral. |