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Date : Nov 15, 2023
Table 110: State-wise Average Daily Wage Rates in Rural India (Men - Construction Workers)
State/Union Territory 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Andhra Pradesh 237.5 257.5 276.6 291.0 303.9 324.2 353.1 409.3 482.4
Assam 248.8 265.3 283.8 287.9 295.8 308.5 317.7 341.1 368.9
Bihar 226.7 240.9 254.4 268.6 275.8 303.8 325.6 328.3 342.8
Gujarat 230.9 233.7 237.4 249.3 256.2 270.2 285.1 295.9 323.2
Haryana 357.1 364.0 367.7 371.0 386.7 408.3 404.4 420.7 461.0
Himachal Pradesh 317.3 325.7 341.3 354.8 359.9 435.8 445.8 462.7 488.3
Jammu & Kashmir 413.6 422.3 430.1 442.9 450.6 463.6 492.6 519.8 534.5
Karnataka 286.2 304.1 319.9 329.6 342.8 341.4 365.7 383.5 431.0
Kerala 787.9 777.3 787.5 814.5 836.2 839.1 829.7 837.7 852.5
Madhya Pradesh 173.4 185.5 200.5 219.5 220.5 224.0 263.5 266.7 278.7
Maharashtra 267.7 266.2 282.1 296.3 305.0 326.1 347.9 361.7 371.0
Manipur 310.5 332.1 336.7 338.1 342.8 350.8 350.0 350.0 350.0
Meghalaya 231.0 229.2 186.0 100.0 273.2 278.6 323.7 360.6 372.2
Odisha 198.8 209.2 231.7 256.1 264.1 275.2 294.3 313.8 328.9
Punjab 296.2 318.1 321.2 338.0 347.4 370.9 382.0 386.4 400.9
Rajasthan 303.3 338.6 350.7 351.3 360.9 363.6 365.2 383.6 393.7
Tamil Nadu 363.8 396.5 420.8 431.2 435.8 452.5 468.3 478.6 500.9
Tripura 200.0 200.0 212.5 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 286.1
Uttar Pradesh 216.1 235.5 250.2 270.2 285.8 299.9 313.9 334.6 352.8
West Bengal 229.7 241.6 265.9 281.5 290.5 300.9 308.2 333.4 340.6
ALL INDIA 275.0 288.1 303.9 319.0 328.7 341.2 362.2 373.3 393.3
Notes: 1. Yearly average wage rates have been calculated from monthly average wage rates.
2. Missing observations represent either men are not engaged in those occupations because of their non-availability or the activity is connected with the occupation that was not undertaken in the State or the activity is out of season in the State or the number of quotations is less than five.
3. The average daily wages at all-India level are derived by dividing the sum total of wages by number of quotations of all the states taken together.
4. All India data for 2020-21 is the average of 11 months as data for April 2020 is not available.
5. State-wise data for 2020-21 is the average of 10 months as data for April and May 2020 are not available.
Source: Indian Labour Journal, Labour Bureau, Government of India, various issues.
