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Date : Dec 11, 2023
Appendix Table 7: Composition of Social Sector Expenditure
(₹ Crore)
Item 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Revenue Expenditure (i + ii) 1,67,774.6 1,95,626.4 2,28,122.4 2,85,130.1 3,48,872.1 4,02,920.0 4,67,852.0 5,36,676.1 6,10,293.8 7,40,020.3
(i) Social Services (a to l) 1,48,551.5 1,74,555.3 2,03,765.7 2,55,268.5 3,08,550.0 3,65,711.2 4,25,643.6 4,85,363.2 5,50,120.8 6,33,141.0
(a) Education, Sports, Art and Culture 78,147.4 89,578.3 1,00,775.3 1,21,276.3 1,51,670.3 1,87,617.3 2,16,066.6 2,45,401.5 2,73,534.9 3,15,425.7
(b) Medical and Public Health 17,542.1 19,161.8 21,894.8 26,160.8 32,611.5 38,128.2 43,945.2 50,641.0 56,389.1 70,595.4
(c) Family Welfare 2,763.4 3,043.3 3,557.0 4,487.9 5,689.7 6,765.4 7,583.7 9,526.0 10,139.8 15,110.3
(d) Water Supply and Sanitation 8,464.9 8,774.6 9,814.1 10,281.3 10,517.6 11,505.9 12,704.3 12,428.5 14,654.4 20,575.6
(e) Housing 2,001.6 2,878.3 4,016.6 5,885.8 5,739.4 6,427.9 6,676.0 8,640.9 8,707.6 12,510.2
(f) Urban Development 4,686.8 9,470.5 14,219.1 21,771.7 22,744.4 21,653.5 22,839.8 28,344.5 31,530.6 34,408.3
(g) Welfare of SCs, STs and OBCs 10,456.6 11,801.9 14,630.1 18,046.5 20,936.3 25,304.8 30,899.4 38,036.8 42,691.1 42,486.5
(h) Labour and Labour Welfare 1,656.4 2,484.1 2,351.3 2,839.1 3,404.0 4,027.5 4,382.5 5,916.2 6,954.2 7,506.8
(i) Social Security and Welfare 9,232.2 12,917.2 17,611.8 25,233.7 32,848.9 38,729.9 48,506.9 55,563.2 65,543.5 72,280.9
(j) Nutrition 4,021.6 4,844.9 6,178.4 8,475.1 11,234.6 13,453.3 15,691.4 16,955.6 19,570.2 20,388.1
(k) Expenditure on Natural Calamities 8,569.6 7,859.5 6,656.6 8,325.8 8,409.0 8,761.6 13,691.8 10,980.9 16,936.4 18,342.5
(l) Others 1,009.0 1,741.1 2,060.5 2,484.7 2,744.3 3,335.8 2,656.0 2,928.1 3,468.9 3,510.6
(ii) Economic Services (a + b) 19,223.1 21,071.0 24,356.7 29,861.5 40,322.1 37,208.8 42,208.4 51,312.9 60,173.0 1,06,879.4
(a) Rural Development 17,587.8 19,315.3 22,203.3 26,550.3 35,630.7 32,594.3 37,222.4 44,370.4 48,773.5 95,222.5
(b) Food Storage and Warehousing 1,635.3 1,755.8 2,153.4 3,311.2 4,691.5 4,614.5 4,986.0 6,942.5 11,399.4 11,656.9
2. Capital Outlay (i + ii) 18,261.2 22,615.3 29,818.9 38,485.3 43,059.8 40,748.5 45,901.7 56,458.1 60,923.6 83,860.0
(i) Social Services (a to i) 14,137.1 17,393.2 22,989.9 29,168.0 29,374.0 31,401.2 34,336.6 43,291.4 50,110.3 63,070.0
(a) Education, Sports, Art and Culture 1,716.0 2,378.6 3,360.4 4,594.9 4,146.4 5,055.2 4,581.5 5,767.7 7,330.0 8,760.0
(b) Medical and Public Health 1,722.0 3,134.8 3,415.4 3,631.9 3,928.7 4,236.9 5,006.8 6,073.0 7,623.5 10,515.1
(c) Family Welfare 3.7 34.9 40.5 72.6 105.2 8.8 73.3 61.0 251.6 313.6
(d) Water Supply and Sanitation 5,181.4 6,646.5 9,343.9 11,330.8 10,158.2 8,810.5 8,925.7 11,450.5 13,582.4 18,740.0
(e) Housing 744.9 981.5 1,009.2 1,209.3 1,048.9 3,040.6 3,165.3 4,361.6 5,025.8 7,511.8
(f) Urban Development 2,301.5 1,766.2 2,457.3 4,149.9 6,198.8 5,196.9 7,395.2 9,066.2 7,516.9 7,111.6
(g) Welfare of SCs, STs and OBCs 1,241.6 1,715.5 1,841.4 2,441.0 2,073.1 2,859.3 3,169.9 3,261.9 4,138.8 5,385.9
(h) Social Security and Welfare 244.0 271.9 517.4 793.7 803.5 1,170.7 1,018.7 1,517.2 2,363.9 2,422.1
(i) Others 982.0 463.4 1,004.3 943.7 911.0 1,022.4 1,000.2 1,732.3 2,277.4 2,303.7
(ii) Economic Services (a + b) 4,124.2 5,222.1 6,829.0 9,317.4 13,685.8 9,347.2 11,565.0 13,166.7 10,813.4 20,792.1
(a) Rural Development 3,950.8 5,387.9 5,728.4 5,831.5 7,025.1 9,243.7 9,971.9 9,953.8 10,008.0 18,365.8
(b) Food Storage and Warehousing 173.4 -165.8 1,100.6 3,485.9 6,660.6 103.6 1,593.1 3,212.8 805.3 2,426.3
3. Loans and Advances by State Governments (i + ii) 3,394.3 4,746.5 7,525.2 7,922.8 7,805.3 8,268.1 9,815.6 9,808.6 7,983.7 6,177.5
(i) Social Services (a to d) 3,041.9 3,629.7 6,179.8 6,394.4 5,828.7 7,295.4 7,275.6 7,509.2 6,669.2 5,916.3
(a) Education 52.6 15.7 18.6 13.9 8.8 67.4 76.1 42.4 32.5 25.4
(b) Housing 750.5 894.4 3,282.0 3,320.0 779.1 1,249.5 1,885.9 1,715.3 2,026.1 639.2
(c) Housing (Government servants) 359.8 429.3 454.6 588.4 573.6 685.7 810.2 946.1 1,158.3 1,163.9
(d) Others 1,879.0 2,290.3 2,424.6 2,472.1 4,467.3 5,292.8 4,503.3 4,805.3 3,452.3 4,087.8
(ii) Economic Services (a + b) 352.4 1,116.8 1,345.4 1,528.4 1,976.6 972.7 2,540.0 2,299.4 1,314.5 261.2
(a) Rural Development 6.4 5.8 2.9 4.2 3.3 3.6 5.6 5.3 6.1 4.2
(b) Food Storage and Warehousing 346.0 1,110.9 1,342.5 1,524.2 1,973.2 969.1 2,534.4 2,294.1 1,308.4 256.9
Total Social Sector Expenditure (1+2+3) 1,89,430.2 2,22,988.2 2,65,466.4 3,31,538.2 3,99,737.2 4,51,936.5 5,23,569.3 6,02,942.7 6,79,201.1 8,30,060.0

Appendix Table 7: Composition of Social Sector Expenditure* (Concld.)
(₹ Crore)
Item 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 (BE) 2022-23 (RE) 2023-24 (BE)
1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1. Revenue Expenditure (i + ii) 8,61,451.9 9,73,062.7 10,58,642.8 11,86,239.2 12,67,449.2 13,51,173.2 15,01,451.3 18,45,516.6 18,88,426.5 20,21,718.3
(i) Social Services (a to l) 7,40,108.3 8,35,442.9 9,13,348.7 10,32,141.7 11,05,285.2 11,67,386.2 13,23,524.2 16,15,196.4 16,61,792.0 17,79,876.7
(a) Education, Sports, Art and Culture 3,49,494.1 3,86,926.0 4,24,798.0 4,67,961.5 5,16,390.7 5,12,428.9 5,69,751.4 6,62,438.7 6,78,312.7 7,24,219.6
(b) Medical and Public Health 81,008.9 93,457.5 1,12,193.6 1,25,575.9 1,36,605.1 1,56,355.8 1,92,604.3 2,09,031.9 2,13,998.3 2,28,113.2
(c) Family Welfare 16,461.9 18,014.0 20,528.4 23,409.8 26,379.8 31,192.2 32,106.8 43,267.1 42,794.6 45,942.5
(d) Water Supply and Sanitation 27,176.9 35,170.0 39,190.4 38,187.6 29,574.3 29,133.5 35,775.4 57,270.3 46,027.3 51,773.5
(e) Housing 15,121.9 19,769.6 27,623.6 31,503.1 25,565.2 28,109.6 32,612.0 68,959.1 74,693.4 70,343.7
(f) Urban Development 43,003.2 61,207.5 62,677.2 67,444.4 72,141.7 84,671.4 89,317.7 1,19,600.2 1,33,186.9 1,25,234.3
(g) Welfare of SCs, STs and OBCs 51,996.3 59,040.7 67,756.7 71,217.8 86,452.8 78,944.3 97,940.1 1,52,103.4 1,44,462.1 1,63,916.6
(h) Labour and Labour Welfare 7,080.8 7,552.9 9,272.7 11,085.0 10,886.9 11,382.7 15,496.8 18,806.9 16,326.7 21,795.4
(i) Social Security and Welfare 90,270.8 98,085.9 1,03,858.5 1,34,868.2 1,28,971.8 1,42,090.1 1,68,974.8 1,99,822.0 2,19,317.9 2,52,140.0
(j) Nutrition 21,564.9 22,817.8 23,505.2 24,642.3 27,006.3 26,765.1 29,494.3 37,622.1 40,276.7 41,402.0
(k) Expenditure on Natural Calamities 32,738.5 27,998.8 15,985.9 29,827.7 39,090.3 60,135.8 51,397.3 36,782.4 41,311.1 42,528.5
(l) Others 4,190.1 5,402.3 5,958.6 6,418.2 6,220.4 6,176.8 8,053.4 9,492.3 11,084.5 12,467.6
(ii) Economic Services (a + b) 1,21,343.6 1,37,619.8 1,45,294.1 1,54,097.6 1,62,164.0 1,83,787.0 1,77,927.1 2,30,320.2 2,26,634.5 2,41,841.6
(a) Rural Development 1,07,971.0 1,26,248.3 1,32,244.5 1,37,508.1 1,43,731.6 1,60,168.1 1,51,182.7 2,09,426.1 2,01,156.1 2,06,976.2
(b) Food Storage and Warehousing 13,372.6 11,371.5 13,049.6 16,589.4 18,432.4 23,618.8 26,744.4 20,894.1 25,478.4 34,865.4
2. Capital Outlay (i + ii) 98,665.9 1,13,884.1 1,25,126.8 1,35,237.1 1,27,080.9 1,40,073.2 1,93,870.5 3,02,056.5 2,77,777.4 3,41,213.1
(i) Social Services (a to i) 69,555.3 83,782.4 92,819.0 1,01,097.9 88,927.5 1,11,552.9 1,54,449.8 2,41,264.3 2,25,239.1 2,81,907.8
(a) Education, Sports, Art and Culture 10,590.4 11,681.1 13,135.0 13,856.9 12,547.1 16,368.0 19,341.5 33,816.2 32,544.2 42,621.3
(b) Medical and Public Health 12,325.7 13,590.2 13,274.0 15,886.9 13,288.5 17,089.6 25,350.1 41,073.5 42,882.9 45,992.9
(c) Family Welfare 280.7 127.4 386.6 504.5 701.5 580.3 816.0 1,509.0 3,081.8 3,855.1
(d) Water Supply and Sanitation 18,756.6 22,750.9 28,701.6 32,003.1 28,390.7 38,954.3 54,148.6 81,694.7 62,795.5 89,482.5
(e) Housing 6,653.7 10,032.7 8,898.3 5,832.4 4,343.5 6,475.4 10,558.5 14,069.5 13,156.2 16,781.8
(f) Urban Development 9,592.1 12,420.2 15,463.7 20,099.0 17,735.5 21,745.1 32,140.0 43,563.3 48,259.3 52,568.6
(g) Welfare of SCs, STs and OBCs 6,198.8 6,399.8 8,240.8 8,048.8 7,135.0 6,152.6 7,112.1 14,257.8 13,538.8 17,890.0
(h) Social Security and Welfare 3,125.5 2,970.4 2,444.3 2,368.1 2,367.5 1,971.3 2,163.9 5,484.5 4,167.8 5,581.4
(i) Others 2,031.8 3,809.7 2,274.6 2,498.2 2,418.1 2,216.4 2,819.0 5,795.9 4,812.7 7,134.2
(ii) Economic Services (a + b) 29,110.6 30,101.7 32,307.8 34,139.2 38,153.3 28,520.3 39,420.7 60,792.1 52,538.3 59,305.3
(a) Rural Development 26,255.6 23,898.7 26,174.4 27,061.1 25,596.4 30,562.0 28,975.5 56,782.9 48,471.8 55,352.7
(b) Food Storage and Warehousing 2,855.0 6,203.0 6,133.4 7,078.2 12,556.9 -2041.7 10,445.2 4,009.3 4,066.5 3,952.6
3. Loans and Advances by State Governments (i + ii) 8,818.6 41,241.6 17,164.5 21,247.3 15,796.8 20,840.5 21,048.9 29,725.1 32,510.4 38,760.2
(i) Social Services (a to d) 8,684.3 9,642.2 16,460.1 20,134.6 15,154.5 19,989.5 19,831.0 28,697.3 31,267.7 37,710.5
(a) Education 125.8 47.8 379.3 761.8 795.9 661.3 785.8 1,878.9 1,860.8 1,700.8
(b) Housing 2,267.7 693.6 2,205.6 3,062.1 1,034.3 898.8 1,590.0 1,663.0 2,201.9 1,566.0
(c) Housing (Government servants) 1,332.1 1,593.1 1,116.2 1,394.3 970.3 516.0 888.5 1,379.7 1,656.9 1,607.1
(d) Others 4,958.7 7,307.7 12,759.0 14,916.5 12,354.0 17,913.4 16,566.7 23,775.8 25,548.1 32,836.6
(ii) Economic Services (a + b) 134.3 31,599.3 704.5 1,112.6 642.3 851.0 1,217.8 1,027.8 1,242.6 1,049.7
(a) Rural Development 4.0 3.7 3.8 3.9 0.1 5.4 2.5 8.0 7.0 8.0
(b) Food Storage and Warehousing 130.3 31,595.6 700.6 1,108.8 642.1 845.6 1,215.4 1,019.8 1,235.6 1,041.7
Total Social Sector Expenditure (1+2+3) 9,68,936.4 11,28,188.3 12,00,934.1 13,42,723.6 14,10,326.9 15,12,087.0 17,16,370.7 21,77,298.1 21,98,714.3 24,01,691.7
RE: Revised Estimates. BE: Budget Estimates.
* : Includes expenditure on social services, rural development and food storage and warehousing under revenue expenditure, capital outlay and loans and advances by the State Governments.
Note: Data from 2017-18 onwards include Delhi and Puducherry also.
Source : Budget documents of the State governments. Details in methodology.
