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Date : Dec 11, 2023
Statement 30: Expenditure on Operations and Maintenance
(₹ Crore)
State/UT 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 (RE) 2023-24 (BE)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1. Andhra Pradesh 4,710.0 5,850.0 9,060.0 8,970.0 4,840.0 8,470.0 2,080.0 7,820.0 7,121.3 6,760.0 3,220.0 8,740.3 4,794.1 13,237.5 7,767.0 7,717.3 9,647.4 10,600.0
2. Arunachal Pradesh - - - - - 150.0 - - - - - 1,530.1 74.3   - - 367.5 119.2
3. Assam 360.0 - - - - 4,250.0 3,540.0 - - - 560.0 579.7 639.5 - - - -
4. Bihar - - - - - 2,480.0 5,490.0 - 7,832.2 - 2,210.0 7,771.5 8,746.4 7,197.3 13,141.1 14,195.1 21,366.8 19,847.4
5. Chhattisgarh 330.0 380.0 450.0 510.0 400.0 580.0 710.0 910.0 687.6 540.0 570.0 632.4 763.5 860.0 900.1 940.0 1,216.1 1,228.0
6. Goa 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - - 0 553.3 575.0 883.4      
7. Gujarat 640.0 1,300.0 990.0 2,330.0 620.0 610.0 840.0 - - - - 0.0 905.5 722.8 682.1 672.0 886.0 1,544.0
8. Haryana 750.0 990.0 920.0 980.0 890.0 1,640.0 850.0 1,850.0 995.7 - 1,130.0 - 1,129.4 1,286.1 1,272.5 1,313.7 1,459.9 1,737.5
9. Himachal Pradesh 590.0 660.0 810.0 1,040.0 1,570.0 1,690.0 1,820.0 - 2,466.4 2,370.0 3,030.0 2,935.8 2,849.7 3,176.2 3,159.8 3,560.9 4,329.5 3,849.6
10. Jharkhand - - - 180.0 - 10,170.0 11,390.0 4,310.0 17,787.8 - 4,500.0 7,062.7 4,149.7 5,390.6 6,216.1 3,395.5 7,643.3 6,842.8
11. Karnataka 860.0 670.0 670.0 660.0 790.0 1,440.0 1,900.0 2,270.0 2,840.0 - 2,830.0 2,880.1 3,044.9 3,164.8 41,235.0 49,104.0 48,205.0 39,750.0
12. Kerala 550.0 650.0 650.0 690.0 800.0 810.0 880.0 920.0 1,047.6 1,250.0 1,400.0 1334.4 2,655.8 1,411.3 1,766.6 1,810.0 1,513.0 1,456.3
13. Madhya Pradesh 460.0 720.0 690.0 640.0 680.0 1,010.0 1,470.0 1,690.0 1,406.9 1,670.0 2,180.0 1,965.0 2,042.1 1,369.1 1,351.6 1,487.0 3,738.5 3,621.4
14. Maharashtra 18,500.0 18,400.0 23,190.0 15,940.0 6,450.0 6,330.0 7,750.0 9,330.0 10,331.7 - 5,220.0 12,620.0 17,957.1          
15. Manipur 500.0 470.0 540.0 490.0 - 1,770.0 1,760.0 - - - 3,490.0 5,752.6 3,974.9 195.3 213.0 278.6 396.5 419.9
16. Meghalaya - - - - 200.0 - - - - - - 341.2 50.0 - - -
17. Mizoram 370.0 - - - 2,660.0 - - - - - - 0.0 3,681.0 551.7 4,195.5 3,900.4 6,643.5 5,650.6
18. Nagaland 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 40.0 750.0 220.0 - - - 180.0 393.5 266.6 163.8 108.3 162.2 137.2 109.8
19. Odisha 1,210.0 1,600.0 1,820.0 1,940.0 2,290.0 2,610.0 3,360.0 3,920.0 4,237.6 4,510.0 4,710.0 5,108.8 4,189.3 4,171.8 3,993.1 4,478.9 5,223.5 5,436.7
20. Punjab - - - - - - - 160.0 - - 300.0 - - 183.0 391.2 397.8 207.1 284.9
21. Rajasthan 1,520.0 1,660.0 2,020.0 2,070.0 2,190.0 2,730.0 - - 469.0 580.0 570.0 999.1 717.5 933.3 995.1 1,274.3 1,328.0 1,523.7
22. Sikkim 2,260.0         50.0 1,830.0 - - - - 0.0 - 51.4 90.6 66.7 77.5 64.9
23. Tamil Nadu 3,720.0 4,070.0 4,120.0 4,730.0 4,660.0 6,370.0 8,490.0 9,000.0 9,498.5 - 8,750.0 9,343.7 10,183.0 10,996.0 10,645.0 12,005.7 13,714.9 16,272.5
24. Telangana - - - - - - - - 4,274.8 7,560.0 7,500.0 5,555.0 13,739.9 3,139.7 9,470.1 8,205.9 13,416.1 17,149.0
25. Tripura - - - - - 210.0 160.0 - - -   177.3 158.3   - - - -
26. Uttar Pradesh 2,670.0 2,770.0 3,440.0 3,500.0 - 3,700.0 4,720.0 8,350.0 5,808.7 5,990.0 7,130.0 8,662.7 9,013.0 12,024.9 11,140.2 14,182.5 15,134.9 14,483.3
27. Uttarakhand 90.0 300.0 290.0 280.0 - 130.0 830.0 1,180.0 970.0 - 1,710.0 1,941.4 1,489.5 234.5 596.2 728.3 933.4 1,292.2
28. West Bengal 2,160.0 1,070.0 1,170.0 1,210.0 890.0 1,160.0 1,220.0 1,670.0 1,903.1 - - 2,534.4 2,961.0   2,361.4 - - -
29. Jammu and Kashmir - - - - - - - - - - 610.0 - -   -      
30. NCT Delhi - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - 6734.93 12400.45 15152.9 16642.69 16217.1
31. Puducherry - - - - - - 20   24.4 - - 63.5 58.8 76.2 76.8 82.4 121.8 102.2
All States and UTs 42,270.0 41,580.0 50,850.0 46,180.0 29,970.0 59,110.0 61,330.0 53,380.0 79,703.1 31,230.0 61,800.0 88,925.0 1,00,788.1 77,847.3 1,35,052.3 1,45,112.0 1,74,350.2 1,69,603.0
BE: Budget Estimates. RE: Revised Estimates. ‘–’: Not available/Not applicable.
Note: Data in respect of Maharashtra and Uttarakhand for 2008-09 relates to Revised Estimates while 2009-10 are Budget estimates.
Source: Information received from the State governments and UTs.
