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Date : Dec 27, 2023
Appendix Table VI.1: Consolidated Balance Sheet of NBFCs
(Amount in ₹ crore)
Item End-March 2019 End-March 2020 End-March 2021 End-March 2022 End-March 2023 End- September 2023 Percentage variation 2022-23
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Share Capital 1,03,244 1,25,801 1,26,687 1,35,662 1,43,336 1,46,115 5.7
2. Reserves & Surplus 4,45,614 5,05,865 6,92,514 8,41,583 9,63,307 9,26,442 14.5
3. Public Deposits 40,057 50,022 62,262 70,539 85,254 96,156 20.9
4. Total Borrowings (A+B) 20,02,808 22,35,336 23,51,008 25,84,500 30,02,239 31,69,959 16.2
A. Secured Borrowings 11,06,917 13,05,214 13,30,259 14,87,621 17,64,649 18,44,331 18.6
A.1. Debentures 5,21,003 5,13,108 5,53,770 5,76,001 6,24,602 6,33,907 8.4
A.2. Borrowings from Banks 4,89,732 5,72,253 6,19,680 7,39,466 9,14,713 9,70,950 23.7
A.3. Borrowings from FIs 29,027 57,610 45,863 59,420 76,747 82,645 29.2
A.4. Interest Accrued 16,958 17,732 17,933 19,746 17,211 14,832 -12.8
A.5. Others 50,196 1,44,510 93,012 92,988 1,31,375 1,41,997 41.3
B. Un-Secured Borrowings 8,95,891 9,30,122 10,20,750 10,96,879 12,37,590 13,25,627 12.8
B.1. Debentures 3,40,905 3,93,392 4,28,833 4,38,610 4,85,632 5,11,629 10.7
B.2. Borrowings from Banks 1,19,964 1,22,657 1,55,409 1,81,089 2,18,507 2,26,676 20.7
B.3. Borrowings from FIs 9,700 5,906 11,076 9,658 13,235 17,198 37.0
B.4. Borrowings from Relatives 1,994 2,642 4,189 3,000 2,805 2,277 -6.5
B.5. Inter-Corporate Borrowings 72,103 78,279 77,856 89,896 1,05,184 1,04,148 17.0
B.6. Commercial Paper 1,42,966 66,865 72,597 70,266 84,366 1,14,109 20.1
B.7. Interest Accrued 17,598 19,000 19,477 17,882 18,690 21,347 4.5
B.8. Others 1,90,661 2,41,381 2,51,313 2,86,477 3,09,170 3,28,243 7.9
5. Current Liabilities & Provisions 2,33,415 2,52,111 2,96,233 3,20,279 3,43,004 3,71,470 7.1
Total Liabilities/ Total Assets 28,25,139 31,69,135 35,28,704 39,52,564 45,37,139 47,10,141 14.8
1. Loans & Advances 22,95,371 24,63,943 27,09,196 29,52,442 34,26,970 36,93,921 16.1
1.1. Secured 16,49,728 18,58,735 20,10,912 21,36,416 23,81,311 25,22,137 11.5
1.2. Un-Secured 6,45,643 6,05,208 6,98,284 8,16,026 10,45,660 11,71,784 28.1
2. Investments 2,59,008 3,47,875 4,62,843 5,88,527 6,57,723 5,79,903 11.8
2.1. Govt. Securities 17,328 68,777 47,426 65,542 92,767 93,426 41.5
2.2. Equity Shares 1,35,395 1,44,453 2,81,480 3,69,459 3,96,665 3,13,412 7.4
2.3. Preference Shares 6,644 6,439 6,106 7,007 5,814 14,458 -17.0
2.4. Debentures & Bonds 35,446 34,696 27,088 35,154 35,158 32,387 0.0
2.5. Units of Mutual Funds 44,421 65,106 67,015 68,284 70,422 69,764 3.1
2.6. Commercial Paper 1,390 1,275 1,450 1,714 1,177 2,467 -31.4
2.7. Other Investments 18,384 27,129 32,279 41,367 55,720 53,990 34.7
3. Cash & Bank Balances 96,030 1,31,459 1,58,937 1,79,031 1,74,972 1,86,057 -2.3
3.1. Cash in Hand 6,770 6,260 3,575 5,372 6,513 17,099 21.2
3.2. Deposits with Banks 89,260 1,25,199 1,55,361 1,73,659 1,68,459 1,68,958 -3.0
4. Others 1,74,730 2,25,858 1,97,728 2,32,564 2,77,474 2,50,260 19.3
Memo Items              
1. Capital Market Exposure 1,39,965 1,62,749 1,99,368 3,39,916 3,82,292 3,23,018 12.5
of which: Equity Shares 70,611 89,565 1,25,618 2,56,105 2,85,472 2,11,050 11.5
2. CME as per cent to Total Assets 5.0 5.1 5.6 8.6 8.4 6.9  
3. Leverage Ratio 4.1 4.9 4.4 4.3 4.0 4.2  
Notes: 1. Data are provisional.
2. Percentage figures are rounded-off.
3. Excluding CICs and PDs.
Source: Quarterly returns of NBFCs, RBI.
