1967 |
Introduction of Social Controls
over banks with a view to securing a better alignment of the banking
system to the needs of economic policy. |
22 Dec 1967 |
National Credit
Council set up to provide a forum to discuss and assess credit
priorities on an all India basis. Council was to assist RBI and
government to allocate credit. |
01 Apr
1968 |
Quarternary Alloy Rupee Coins
demonetised. |
01 Sep 1968 |
Gold (Control)
Act passed to bring the administration of the control on a permanent
statutory footing. (see: 1966 Gold Control Rules) |
1968 |
Export Credit (Interest Subsidy)
Scheme, 1968 introduced to promote exports. Pre-shipment Credit
Scheme introduced wef Jan 1969 as an export promotion measure. This
allowed banks to get refinance from the Reserve Bank. |
29 Jan 1969 |
Setting up of
the Banking Commission by GOI to report on (i) Banking costs; ( ii)
legislations affecting banking; (iii) indigenous banking; (iv) bank
procedures; (v) non banking financial intermediaries. |
01 Feb
1969 |
Gold Holdings of RBI revalued at
the current official IMF rate of 0.118489 grammes of fine gold per
rupee (to take into account the devaluation of the Rupee by 36.5 %
in June 1966) The profit on revaluation transferred to the reserve
fund. |
19 Jul 1969 |
14 major Indian
Scheduled Commercial Banks with deposits of over Rs 50 crores
nationalised ' to serve better the needs of development of the
economy in conformity with national policy objectives'. On
February 10, 1970 the Supreme Court held the Act void mainly on the
grounds that it was discriminatory against the 14 banks and that the
compensation proposed to be paid by Govt was not fair
compensation. A fresh Ordinance was issued on February 14 which
was later replaced by the Banking Companies (Acquisition and
Transfer of Undertakings ) Act, 1970. (5 of 1970). |
24 Sep
1969 |
National Institute of Bank
Management (NIBM) established at Bombay (Mumbai). Shifted to its
Pune campus in the mid 1980s. |
29 Sep 1969 |
Bankers Training College (CBTC) established at Poona (Pune) to
provide training to the cooperative sector. Later renamed College of
Agricultural Banking (CAB) in 1974. |
1969 |
Lead Bank Scheme introduced
which envisaged an area approach to banking to meet the credit gaps
in the economy. |
01 Jan 1970 |
Special Drawing
Rights (SDR) created by the IMF to enhance international
liquidity. |
1970 |
RBI prescribed for the first
time the minimum interest rate to be charged by banks on advances
against sensitive commodities. |
The Agricultural
Credit Board set up with Governor as Chairman to formulate and
review policies in the sphere of rural credit. |
03 Apr
1970 |
The Managing Agency system
abolished by the Companies Amendment Act, 1969. |
04 May 1970 |
B.N. Adarkar
appointed Governor till June 15 |
16 Jun
1970 |
S. Jagannathan appointed
Governor. |
Between Feb and Aug 1970 |
trends led to concern and strong measures including increasing bank
rate and raising SLR from 25 to 28%. |
01 Nov
1970 |
New Bills Rediscounting Scheme
introduced was expected to impart flexibility to the Money Market,
even out liquidity within the banking system and enable the Reserve
Bank to exercise more effective control over the money market. |
14 Jan 1971 |
Credit Guarantee
Corporation of India Ltd. established. To facilitate bank lendings
to the priority sectors. It guaranteed credit extended by scheduled
commercial banks to small borrowers and for other priorty
purposes. |
12 Apr
1971 |
Concerns related to Industrial
sickness led to the establishment of the Industrial Reconstruction
Corporation of India Ltd. |
01 Jul 1971 |
Insurance cover extended to cooperative banks. |
15 Aug
1971 |
Convertibility of USD suspended.
This brought to an end the system of fixed exchange rates embodied
in the Bretton Woods System. After an interim arrangement which
lasted up to 1973, the world shifted to a floating exchange rate
regime. |
State Level
Bankers� Committees set up to consider problems requiring inter-bank
coordination. |
| Hindi Version of RBI Annual
Report and Trend and Progress of Banking in India for the year ended
30 June, 1971. |
25 Mar 1972 |
Interest Rate Scheme Introduced which envisaged concessional
interest rates on advances made by Public Sector Banks to selected
low income groups. |
03 Apr
1972 |
Import Policy for 72-73 stressed
the importance of achieving self reliance reflecting the views of
the times. |
Nov 1972 |
Special payment
arrangements with the erstwhile COMECON group of countries where
payments were settled in rupees through bilateral trade which was a
type of barter arrangement. |
1973 |
"Oil Shock" when oil prices
quadrupled. This led to double digit inflation as well as global
recession. As a response the Bank deployed a series of restricted
measures to contain / moderate the expansion of bank credit. Call
money rate rose to an all time high of 30% prompting the Indian
Banks' Association to intervene and fix a ceiling of 15%. |
01 Sep 1973 |
Non Banking Companies (Reserve Bank) Direction, 1973 sought to
regulate the acceptance of deposits by companies conducting prize
chits, lucky draws savings schemes, etc. |
08 Sep
1973 |
Quantitative credit ceiling on
non food bank credit prescribed for the first time for the busy
season of 1973-74. |
Nov 1973 |
Restrictions on
SBI and its subsidiaries removed to bring them on par with other
commercial banks. |
01 Jan
1974 |
Foreign Exchange Regulation Act,
1973 came into force to conserve foreign exchange. Its
administration was entrusted to the Reserve Bank. |
09 Dec 1974 |
Asian Clearing
Union (ACU) established to facilitate payments for current
international transactions on a multilateral basis. Clearing
operations were to be denominated in member�s currency or AMU which
would be equivalent to 1 SDR. Clearing operations commenced
November, 1975. |
13 Dec
1974 |
Reserve Bank of India
(Amendment) Act, 1974 widened the powers of the Bank. |
19 May 1975 |
N. C. Sengupta
appointed governor up to August 19. |
09 Aug
1975 |
Tandon Committee Report
emphasized need to correlate bank credit to the business/ production
plans and own resources of borrowers. Entailed a shift from
�security based� to �need based� approach to bank credit. The new
norms formed the basis of bank lending for working capital
requirements. |
20 Aug 1975 |
K.R. Puri
appointed governor |
25 Sep
1975 |
Exchange value of Rupee linked
to movements in a basket of selected foreign currencies (major
trading partners) |
26 Sep 1975 |
Regional Rural
Banks were set up as alternative agencies to provide credit to rural
people in the context of the 20 Point Programme.These were expected
to "combine the rural touch and local feel, ��with the modern
business organisation��. |
01 Nov
1975 |
Foreign Currency (Non Resident)
Account Scheme introduced in USD and GBP To encourage private
remittance from abroad. |
16 Nov 1975 |
Refinance Corporation (ARC) renamed Agricultural Refinance and
Development Corporation (ARDC) and its activities widened. |
1975 |
20 point economic programme
introduced. |
01 Feb 1976 |
Duty Draw back
credit scheme introduced as an export promotion measure. |
1976 |
Village Adoption Scheme for
banks introduced. |
Apr 1977 |
A new series of
Money supply introduced the concepts of M1, M2, M3 etc. Money supply
with the public consisted of (a) currency with the public, (b)
demand deposits of all commercial banks, of state, central and urban
cooperative banks and of salary earners societies, and (c) �Other
deposits with Reserve Bank of India�. |
02 May
1977 |
M. Narasimham appointed Governor
up to November 30. |
1977 |
Integrated Rural
Development Programme (IRDP) initiated as a poverty alleviation
measure. |
01 Dec
1977 |
I.G. Patel appointed
Governor. |
16 Jan 1978 |
Notes of Rs
1,000/-, Rs 5,000/- and Rs 10,000/- denominations demonetised to
curb �the illicit transfer of money for financing transactions which
are harmful to the national economy��. |
03 May
1978 |
RBI commenced gold auctions on
behalf of Government of India out of government stock at fortnightly
intervals. |
27 May 1978 |
The Deposit
Insurance Corporation (DIC) took over the undertaking of the Credit
Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd. (CGCI) to form the Deposit
Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) wef July 15,
1978. |
03 June
1978 |
RBI Act amended. The amendments
were made mainly to enable the more effective utilization of foreign
exchange reserves. |
12 Dec 1978 |
Prize Chit and
Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978 came into force wef 12
December, 1978. |
1978 |
Annual Appraisal of Banks
introduced in the nature of management audit introduced. Emphasis
mainly on the examination of the organizational set-up, manpower
planning , machinery for supervision and control over branches,
systems & procedures in key areas, funds management and
management of credit. |
30 Mar 1979 |
Penalty for
non-compliance of CRR & SLR introduced to give the Reserve Bank
teeth to implement Monetary Policy measures more effectively. |
| Rural Planning and Credit Cell
set up in the Reserve Bank of India to ensure proper implementation
of the multi-agency approach to credit in rural areas. |
Aug 1979 |
Information Review started being published every month To
disseminate in simple language and without delay the credit and
banking policy decisions of the Reserve Bank. |
17 Jan
1980 |
International gold prices soar
to all time highs |
Mar 1980 |
Banks required
to provide financial support to implementation of 20 point programme
to improve lot of weaker sections. |
Sixth Five Year Plan. |
15 Apr 1980 |
Six private
sector banks nationalised ��in order further control the heights of
the economy, to meet progressively, and serve better, the needs of
the development of the economy and to promote the welfare of the
people in conformity with the policy of the State�� |
1980 |
Recommendations of Chore
Committee related to the cash credit system, adopted. Emphasis on
increasing contribution for working capital requirements by
borrowers out of internal resources. |
Travel Scheme (NTS) introduced. |
15 Jan
1981 |
GOI announced special bearer
bond To mop up unaccounted money and channelise it to productive
purposes. |
Apr 1981 |
Organisational internal restructuring in the Reserve Bank. New
Departments set up. |
1981 |
Build up of inflationary
pressures and adverse movement in foreign trade following the hike
in oil prices. Bank rate raised to 10%, CRR raised to 7.5%, SLR to
35%. |
| Ordinance
prohibiting companies (including Banking Companies) cooperative
societies, firms, to repay any person any deposit otherwise than by
an account payee cheque / bank draft when such repayment amounted to
Rs. 10,000 or more. |
01 Jan
1982 |
Export Import Bank of India
established with the objective of providing comprehensive package of
financial and allied services to exporters and importers. |
01 Jan 1982 |
New 20 point
programme announced by the PM. |
12 July
1982 |
National Bank for Agriculture
and Rural Development (NABARD) established on the basis of the
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act, 1981. ��For
providing credit for the promotion of agriculture, small scale
industries, cottage and village industries, handicrafts, and other
rural crafts for promoting integrated rural development and securing
rural prosperity��. |
16 Sep 1982 |
Manmohan Singh
appointed Governor. |
| C D Deshmukh Memorial Lecture
introduced as an annual event in Governor Deshmukh's honour |
| National
Clearing Cell (NCC) set up by the bank to introduce mechanised
cheque processing and the national clearing of cheques. |
12 Jan
1984 |
Banking Laws (Amendment) Act,
1983 widened the activities that banks could undertake (such as
leasing), provided nomination facilities to account holders,
strengthened the powers of the Reserve Bank, streamlined returns and
prohibited unincorporated bodies from accepting deposits from the
public except to a specified extent amongst others. |
01 Feb 1984 |
Urban Banks
Department formed to supervise the affairs of Urban Cooperative
Banks. |
01 May
1984 |
Authorised capital of the
Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation raised to Rs 50
crores |
15 Jan 1985 |
A Ghosh
appointed Governor up to February 4 |
04 Feb
1985 |
RN Malhotra appointed
Governor |