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Presentation of Speakers

Day 1 November 8, 2017
Welcome Address by B.P. Kanungo, Deputy Governor, RBI
Day 1 - Session II November 8, 2017
Solving the problem of Financial Exclusion - Ramraj Pai, President, CRISIL Foundation, India
ILO approach and experience in financial education - Yousra Hamed, Technical Expert, Social Finance Program, Enterprises Department, International Labour Organization
USAID Financial Sector Transformation Project ‒ Natalia Lozytska, Financial Literacy and Communications Director, USAID Financial Sector Transformation Project, Ukraine
Day 1 - Session III November 8, 2017
financial literacy in ASIA: Some highlights of the OECD/INFE Survey on Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion - Adele Atkinson, Senior Policy Analyst, Financial Affairs Division, OECD
Comparative Overview of Financial Capability Instruments - Uma Shankar, Principal Chief General Manager, Reserve Bank of India
Financial Literacy Towards Financial Well-Being: Indonesia Experience - Sarjito, Director of Inspections and Capital Market Investigations, Financial Services Authority, Indonesia
Insights from Financial Literacy Surveys and Their Implications on Policy and Practice - Johnny Noe E. Ravalo, Assistant Governor, Office of Systemic Risk Management, Central Bank of the Philippines
Day 1 - Session IV November 8, 2017
INDIA'S NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR FINANCIAL EDUCATION - Sandip Ghose, Director, National Institute of Securities Markets, India
The Financial Capability Strategy for the UK - Jonathan Hollow, Head of Corporate Strategy and Innovation, Money Advice Service, United Kingdom
Day 2 - Summary of Day 1 November 9, 2017
High-level Global Symposium Implementing effective financial literacy policies in a changing financial landscape - Flore-Anne Messy, Head of the Financial Affairs Division, OECD; and Executive Secretary of the OECD/INFE
Day 2 - IN THE SPOTLIGHTNovember 9, 2017
New research findings on financial education and financial literacy - Ruchika Singh, Senior Policy Manager and Finance Sector Lead, J-PAL South Asia
Designing scalable and sustainable financial education interventions – Train the trainers, peer learning and self- guided learning - Uma Shankar, Principal Chief General Manager, RBI
Day 2 - Session I November 9, 2017
Financial education for school children and youth - David Boyle, Group Manager - Education, Commission for Financial Capability, New Zealand
Financial education in the workplace - Jérémie Ryan, Director, Financial Literacy and Stakeholder Engagement, Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Financial literacy for older generations in the digital age - Sandra Boyd-Hoare, Senior Policy Officer, Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Day 2 - Session II November 9, 2017
Promoting financial health through employers - Olaf Simonse, Money Wise Platform, Ministry of Finance, the Netherlands
Supporting safe investment through financial education - A Hong Kong Experience - David Kneebone, General Manager, Investor Education Centre, Hong Kong, China
Supporting safe investment through financial education - Lyndwill Clarke, Head of Consumer Education, Financial Services Board, South Africa
Supporting safe investment through Financial Education Approach of SEBI in Investor Education - Nagendraa Parakh, Executive Director, Securities and Exchange Board of India
Recent initiatives on investor education in Italy - Pasquale Munafò, Securities and Exchange Commission (CONSOB), Italy
Day 2 - Closing Remark November 9, 2017
Closing Remarks - Sonali Sengupta, General Manager, Reserve Bank of India