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Date : Jan 16, 2023
Statement 11: Development Expenditure
(₹ Crore)
State/UT 2020-21
(Revised Estimates)
(Budget Estimates)
Variation (Per cent)
Col.3/Col.2 Col.4/Col.3
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Andhra Pradesh 1,17,831.9 1,42,975.4 1,84,525.9 21.3 29.1
2. Arunachal Pradesh 13,255.1 18,158.2 16,212.3 37.0 -10.7
3. Assam 53,219.0 97,074.9 74,065.5 82.4 -23.7
4. Bihar 1,11,174.7 1,84,137.6 1,56,867.3 65.6 -14.8
5. Chhattisgarh 57,887.0 74,679.3 77,436.9 29.0 3.7
6. Goa 9,672.7 17,551.3 14,926.3 81.5 -15.0
7. Gujarat 1,25,720.7 1,37,230.0 1,44,340.8 9.2 5.2
8. Haryana 61,422.9 84,016.0 95,793.3 36.8 14.0
9. Himachal Pradesh 25,530.6 29,619.0 29,590.0 16.0 -0.1
10. Jharkhand 50,431.0 61,677.6 69,189.2 22.3 12.2
11. Karnataka 1,62,221.4 1,63,835.5 1,73,318.8 1.0 5.8
12. Kerala 78,761.5 82,727.3 90,023.3 5.0 8.8
13. Madhya Pradesh 1,41,559.7 1,56,139.3 1,76,881.1 10.3 13.3
14. Maharashtra 2,16,884.9 2,96,840.5 3,17,803.1 36.9 7.1
15. Manipur 9,128.8 17,630.2 20,070.4 93.1 13.8
16. Meghalaya 9,156.5 11,968.6 12,623.7 30.7 5.5
17. Mizoram 6,367.2 8,446.0 7,687.8 32.6 -9.0
18. Nagaland 7,219.6 8,757.1 9,949.4 21.3 13.6
19. Odisha 84,372.6 1,08,006.4 1,33,740.9 28.0 23.8
20. Punjab 42,223.5 61,529.0 66,010.1 45.7 7.3
21. Rajasthan 1,33,528.8 1,84,742.3 2,02,816.3 38.4 9.8
22. Sikkim 5,279.9 6,801.3 6,668.5 28.8 -2.0
23. Tamil Nadu 1,77,518.1 1,95,145.2 2,03,437.2 9.9 4.2
24. Telangana 1,09,728.9 1,60,134.3 1,98,875.9 45.9 24.2
25. Tripura 8,971.4 14,238.8 15,553.8 58.7 9.2
26. Uttar Pradesh 2,17,144.2 2,94,340.9 3,79,905.0 35.6 29.1
27. Uttarakhand 26,153.4 29,030.5 37,195.9 11.0 28.1
28. West Bengal 1,21,552.4 1,53,103.8 1,79,874.4 26.0 17.5
29. Jammu and Kashmir 36,868.4 65,482.2 75,217.3 77.6 14.9
30. NCT Delhi 38,649.9 49,768.7 57,422.7 28.8 15.4
31. Puducherry 5,033.7 6,635.5 6,481.2 31.8 -2.3
All States and UTs 22,64,470.7 29,22,422.8 32,34,504.4 29.1 10.7
*: Comprise expenditure on Revenue and capital accounts and loans and advances extended by states for development purposes.
Source: Budget documents of the State governments. Details in methodology.
