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Date : Dec 11, 2023
States: Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur
Appendix I : Revenue Receipts of States and Union Territories with Legislature (Contd.)
(₹ Lakh)
2021-22 (Accounts) 2022-23 (Budget Estimates) 2022-23 (Revised Estimates) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates) 2021-22 (Accounts) 2022-23 (Budget Estimates) 2022-23 (Revised Estimates) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates)
1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
TOTAL REVENUE (I+II) 1,16,64,024.0 1,34,09,780.0 1,29,26,815.1 1,35,41,867.3 1,85,87,585.1 1,95,17,968.8 2,03,96,687.0 2,25,70,989.5
I. TAX REVENUE (A+B) 76,16,060.9 91,81,830.5 87,97,262.2 1,02,46,402.3 1,35,77,884.1 1,36,96,668.0 1,52,68,008.8 1,66,68,365.3
A. State's Own Tax Revenue (1 to 3) 58,34,051.9 74,09,780.5 70,18,850.2 81,03,877.2 66,23,733.9 72,85,969.0 78,13,723.8 86,49,998.3
1. Taxes on Income (i+ii) 49.9 56.0 40.1 41.7 31,623.4 34,999.0 35,000.0 35,000.0
i) Agricultural Income Tax 49.9 56.0 40.1 41.7
ii) Taxes on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employment 31,623.4 34,999.0 35,000.0 35,000.0
2. Taxes on Property and Capital Transactions (i to iii) 5,48,749.8 5,39,741.9 6,75,307.1 6,94,731.6 9,64,418.5 10,19,070.0 11,16,403.0 12,45,012.0
i) Land Revenue 47,083.7 50,951.4 83,956.1 60,952.6 73,271.8 1,24,070.0 1,13,391.0 1,20,000.0
ii) Stamps and Registration Fees 4,85,732.7 4,68,740.5 5,70,418.9 6,11,179.0 8,09,841.5 8,20,000.0 9,20,000.0 10,40,000.0
iii) Urban Immovable Property Tax 15,933.3 20,050.0 20,932.0 22,600.0 81,305.1 75,000.0 83,012.0 85,012.0
3. Taxes on Commodities and Services (i to viii) 52,85,252.2 68,69,982.6 63,43,503.0 74,09,103.9 56,27,692.0 62,31,900.0 66,62,320.7 73,69,986.2
i) Sales Tax (a to e) 22,48,742.6 24,96,465.1 24,96,467.4 28,64,557.5 16,18,477.1 16,96,801.0 18,06,400.1 19,51,400.1
a) Central Sales Tax 12,074.2 14,202.5 11,932.3 13,472.2 85,939.5 73,500.0 73,500.0 14,000.0
b) State Sales Tax/VAT 22,36,668.4 24,80,805.7 24,77,091.0 28,42,431.2 15,25,441.3 16,23,298.0 17,32,900.1 19,37,400.0
c) Surcharge on Sales Tax 0.1 0.1
d) Receipts of Turnover Tax 0.4 1.0
e) Other Receipts -0.0 1,456.8 7,444.0 8,654.0 7,095.8 2.0
ii) State Excise 2,03,223.1 2,65,551.8 2,80,048.9 2,97,536.5 10,33,448.0 13,25,500.0 12,91,761.3 13,84,500.0
iii) Taxes on Vehicles 4,03,709.7 4,13,859.0 5,30,071.9 5,85,761.0 3,02,867.9 3,70,000.0 4,00,000.0 4,44,000.0
iv) Taxes on Goods and Passengers 0.1 6,393.9 3,000.0 4,100.0 4,200.0
v) Taxes and Duties on Electricity 6,991.8 7,059.7 7,500.0 57,279.9 4,58,158.3 3,36,400.0 3,59,859.0 3,85,786.0
vi) Entertainment Tax 0.3 84.5 -1.0
vii) State Goods and Services Tax 24,16,980.9 36,81,828.0 30,23,800.0 35,98,262.8 22,02,852.2 25,00,001.0 28,00,000.1 32,00,000.1
viii) Other Taxes and Duties 5,604.1 5,218.7 5,614.8 5,706.2 5,410.1 199.0 200.1 100.0
B. Share in Central Taxes (i to x) 17,82,009.0 17,72,050.0 17,78,412.0 21,42,525.0 69,54,150.2 64,10,699.0 74,54,285.0 80,18,367.0
i) Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) 4,83,267.0 5,81,855.3 6,18,074.0 7,40,121.0 19,85,536.0 21,04,962.0 24,43,174.0 25,92,763.0
ii) Corporation Tax 5,23,812.0 5,53,301.6 5,34,851.0 6,46,821.0 20,56,280.0 20,01,663.0 24,54,663.0 25,66,406.0
iii) Income Tax 5,10,481.0 5,34,372.2 5,16,555.0 6,24,866.0 20,58,868.0 19,33,184.0 22,55,967.0 24,96,766.0
iv) Estate Duty
v) Other Taxes on Income and Expenditure 4.0 15.2
vi) Taxes on Wealth 148.0 -20.3 415.0 -71.0 -71.0 -67.0
vii) Customs 1,43,133.0 76,830.4 81,615.0 97,938.0 4,94,953.0 2,77,946.0 1,98,189.0 2,54,358.0
viii) Union Excise Duties 89,809.0 23,932.1 25,424.0 30,508.0 2,64,708.0 86,578.0 99,130.0 1,06,532.0
ix) Service Tax 29,496.0 1,778.8 1,893.0 2,271.0 86,282.0 6,437.0 3,233.0 1,609.0
x) Other Taxes and Duties on Commodities and Services 1,859.0 7,093.0
II. NON-TAX REVENUE (C+D) 40,47,963.1 42,27,949.6 41,29,552.9 32,95,465.0 50,09,701.0 58,21,300.8 51,28,678.2 59,02,624.2
C. Own Non-Tax Revenue (1 to 6) 10,46,250.7 11,76,954.6 15,35,498.7 17,08,862.0 15,30,487.8 13,61,819.9 13,79,871.3 14,91,309.7
1. Interest Receipts 17,705.0 12,842.0 15,368.0 15,416.7 1,64,372.4 22,683.2 22,583.2 22,583.2
2. Dividends and Profits 22,797.5 25,700.0 11,607.4 12,360.3 13,873.4 22,780.2 12,699.1 11,925.1
3. General Services 8,47,417.9 9,49,890.2 13,04,043.4 13,89,990.8 72,124.6 73,458.9 75,134.5 77,300.2
of which: State Lotteries 7,13,492.9 8,40,200.0 11,53,680.0 12,47,910.9

Appendix I : Revenue Receipts of States and Union Territories with Legislature (Contd.)
(₹ Lakh)
2021-22 (Accounts) 2022-23 (Budget Estimates) 2022-23 (Revised Estimates) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates) 2021-22 (Accounts) 2022-23 (Budget Estimates) 2022-23 (Revised Estimates) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates)
1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
4. Social Services (i to ix) 58,362.5 76,953.7 79,538.2 86,050.6 3,51,303.1 2,76,954.1 2,69,502.8 2,66,648.7
i) Education, Sports, Art and Culture 24,516.3 30,983.7 32,102.5 33,954.4 3,01,872.6 2,30,729.3 2,23,342.5 2,14,689.9
ii) Medical and Public Health 29,457.2 40,060.5 41,157.9 45,815.6 19,291.3 38,057.3 35,193.9 38,658.7
iii) Family Welfare 3.8 11.0 6.0 6.0 30.4 407.2 40.7 42.8
iv) Water Supply and Sanitation 0.4 0.3 0.4 1,978.3 2,028.2 1,784.7 1,984.1
v) Housing 527.8 577.1 596.4 659.3 3,188.2 2,025.6 2,025.1 2,630.1
vi) Urban Development 738.6 912.9 874.4 1,018.6 1,531.8 50.0 3,215.0 3,660.0
vii) Labour and Employment 3,069.1 3,827.5 3,641.0 4,014.2 2,954.0 2,799.4 3,879.3 4,057.9
viii) Social Security and Welfare 12.4 537.3 1,122.6 534.3 1,000.7 0.5 20.0 20.1
ix) Others 37.3 43.3 37.2 47.9 19,456.0 856.8 1.6 905.1
5. Fiscal Services
6. Economic Services (i to xvii) 99,967.7 1,11,568.7 1,24,941.6 2,05,043.6 9,28,814.3 9,65,943.5 9,99,951.6 11,12,852.5
i) Crop Husbandry 994.1 1,431.7 1,185.6 1,321.7 2,496.7 4,089.0 5,391.3 6,040.1
ii) Animal Husbandry 931.0 1,281.3 1,062.7 1,328.3 236.5 313.3 215.8 289.0
iii) Fisheries 2,352.9 2,452.0 2,687.4 2,909.3 654.7 700.0 688.3 700.0
iv) Forestry and Wildlife 20,057.2 29,214.8 27,196.6 38,493.5 1,40,602.5 1,40,312.5 1,50,000.1 1,65,000.1
v) Plantations
vi) Co-operation 24,954.3 25,433.0 30,267.9 41,727.9 698.0 1,073.0 1,617.5 1,673.0
vii) Other Agricultural Programmes 79.3 72.3 85.2 92.2 696.6 700.1 727.7 729.3
viii) Major and Medium Irrigation Projects 3,883.6 3,854.3 4,294.5 4,391.2 32,884.3 30,730.9 33,954.3 38,373.1
ix) Minor Irrigation 585.9 725.7 735.5 775.6 23,887.4 39,001.0 38,546.0 41,606.0
x) Power 99,695.2 37,115.0 35,015.0 35,724.0
xi) Petroleum 9.0 12.4 12.4 12.4 0.5 0.2
xii) Village and Small Industries 724.9 284.5 140.8 148.1 3,770.7 3,100.1 3,250.0 4,000.1
xiii) Industries@ 22,118.3 23,735.0 29,856.9 84,200.4 6,18,085.3 7,05,067.2 7,27,114.5 8,15,025.5
xiv) Ports and Light Houses 183.9 3,787.2 1,686.2 1,825.2
xv) Road Transport        
xvi) Tourism 382.3 850.2 720.6 850.7 0.2 0.2
xvii) Others* 22,711.0 18,434.6 25,009.5 26,966.9 5,106.1 3,741.1 3,430.8 3,692.3
D. Grants from the Centre (1 to 7)** 30,01,712.4 30,50,995.0 25,94,054.3 15,86,603.0 34,79,213.2 44,59,480.8 37,48,806.9 44,11,314.6
1. State Plan Schemes
2. Central Plan Schemes
3. Centrally Sponsored Schemes 3,80,100.1 9,21,779.0 3,38,888.3 8,21,228.0 25,48,796.6 32,20,866.8 29,37,977.9 32,27,610.6
4. NEC/ Special Plan Scheme
5. Finance Commission Grants 22,17,113.0 15,92,200.0 15,92,200.0 7,59,190.0 5,60,876.8 7,38,614.0 7,38,614.0 7,64,727.0
i) Post Devolution Revenue Deficit Grants 19,89,100.0 13,17,400.0 13,17,400.0 4,74,900.0
ii) Grants for Rural Local Bodies 1,20,300.0 1,24,600.0 1,24,600.0 1,26,000.0 1,97,521.9 3,97,314.0 3,97,314.0 4,05,227.0
iii) Grants for Urban Local Bodies 33,600.0 61,300.0 61,300.0 64,900.0 1,81,354.9 1,50,200.0 1,50,200.0 1,58,800.0
iv) Grant in aid for State Disaster Response Fund 25,120.0 33,000.0 26,400.0 27,760.0 1,45,600.0 1,91,100.0 1,91,100.0 2,00,700.0
v) Others (including Health Sector Grants) 48,993.0 55,900.0 62,500.0 65,630.0 36,400.0
6. Grants under proviso to Article 275(1) of the Constitution        
7. Other Grants 4,04,499.4 5,37,016.0 6,62,965.9 6,185.0 3,69,539.8 5,00,000.0 72,215.0 4,18,977.0
of which: GST Compensation (1)#
GST Compensation (2)# 3,85,554.9 5,27,331.0 6,46,547.0 3,09,489.8 5,00,000.0 72,215.0 4,18,977.0

Appendix I : Revenue Receipts of States and Union Territories with Legislature (Contd.)
(₹ Lakh)
2021-22 (Accounts) 2022-23 (Budget Estimates) 2022-23 (Revised Estimates) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates) 2021-22 (Accounts) 2022-23 (Budget Estimates) 2022-23 (Revised Estimates) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates)
1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
TOTAL REVENUE (I+II) 3,33,31,157.2 4,03,42,721.7 4,30,92,453.9 4,49,52,260.5 14,09,100.5 24,44,786.2 25,60,077.3 27,54,753.5
I. TAX REVENUE (A+B) 2,75,24,519.7 3,08,11,345.7 3,35,78,728.7 3,62,70,588.0 7,65,879.8 8,24,720.1 9,29,508.0 10,51,357.0
A. State's Own Tax Revenue (1 to 3) 2,20,92,713.3 2,56,52,570.7 2,75,78,630.7 2,98,18,100.0 1,65,539.4 2,40,000.1 2,40,000.0 3,20,000.0
1. Taxes on Income (i+ii) 2,65,213.2 3,05,000.0 3,05,000.0 3,30,000.0 2,660.1 7,049.1 7,049.0 8,035.9
i) Agricultural Income Tax 1.2        
ii) Taxes on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employment 2,65,211.9 3,05,000.0 3,05,000.0 3,30,000.0 2,660.1 7,049.1 7,049.0 8,035.9
2. Taxes on Property and Capital Transactions (i to iii) 38,65,823.7 36,00,000.0 43,00,000.0 49,50,000.0 1,133.8 3,100.0 3,100.0 3,534.0
i) Land Revenue 3,06,466.1 4,00,000.0 3,00,000.0 4,50,000.0 335.5 700.0 700.0 798.0
ii) Stamps and Registration Fees 35,59,357.6 32,00,000.0 40,00,000.0 45,00,000.0 798.3 2,400.0 2,400.0 2,736.0
iii) Urban Immovable Property Tax
3. Taxes on Commodities and Services (i to viii) 1,79,61,676.5 2,17,47,570.7 2,29,73,630.7 2,45,38,100.0 1,61,745.5 2,29,851.0 2,29,851.0 3,08,430.1
i) Sales Tax (a to e) 45,92,412.7 50,20,000.0 55,00,000.0 56,20,000.0 41,165.8 45,000.0 45,000.0 54,000.0
a) Central Sales Tax 1,07,729.8 1,41,200.0 1,54,100.0 1,57,200.0        
b) State Sales Tax/VAT 45,25,209.6 51,38,800.0 56,05,900.0 55,47,800.0 41,165.8 45,000.0 45,000.0 54,000.0
c) Surcharge on Sales Tax 4.3        
d) Receipts of Turnover Tax        
e) Other Receipts -40,531.1 -2,60,000.0 -2,60,000.0 -85,000.0        
ii) State Excise 17,22,071.5 22,00,000.0 23,00,000.0 25,20,000.0 1,599.5 1,800.0 1,800.0 2,052.0
iii) Taxes on Vehicles 9,08,016.2 10,50,000.0 11,45,000.0 12,50,000.0 5,666.6 8,000.0 11,000.0 13,200.0
iv) Taxes on Goods and Passengers 39,353.3 1,76,000.0 1,76,000.0 1,76,000.0 47.3 500.0 500.0 570.0
v) Taxes and Duties on Electricity 8,38,391.9 11,44,440.0 11,44,400.0 12,00,000.0 0.3
vi) Entertainment Tax 1,992.7        
vii) State Goods and Services Tax 97,30,488.9 1,19,90,000.0 1,25,41,100.0 1,36,04,100.0 1,12,555.8 1,73,540.0 1,70,540.0 2,37,455.6
viii) Other Taxes and Duties 1,28,949.5 1,67,130.7 1,67,130.7 1,68,000.0 710.3 1,011.0 1,011.0 1,152.5
B. Share in Central Taxes (i to x) 54,31,806.3 51,58,775.0 60,00,098.0 64,52,488.0 6,00,340.4 5,84,720.0 6,89,508.0 7,31,357.0
i) Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) 16,01,673.0 16,93,891.0 18,59,350.0 20,86,431.0 1,82,106.0 1,91,994.0 2,40,748.0 2,36,486.0
ii) Corporation Tax 15,12,769.0 16,10,765.0 18,68,553.0 20,65,221.0 1,80,982.0 1,82,572.0 2,15,586.0 2,34,082.0
iii) Income Tax 16,51,971.0 15,55,659.0 18,15,407.0 20,09,181.0 1,75,239.0 1,76,326.0 2,05,767.0 2,27,731.0
iv) Estate Duty
v) Other Taxes on Income and Expenditure 12.0
vi) Taxes on Wealth 302.0 -57.0 2,15,016.0 -54.0 27.0 -7.0 -6.0 -6.0
vii) Customs 3,91,076.3 2,23,667.0 1,59,486.0 2,04,686.0 38,482.0 25,351.0 18,077.0 23,200.0
viii) Union Excise Duties 2,05,721.0 69,670.0 79,771.0 85,728.0 18,224.0 7,897.0 9,042.0 9,717.0
ix) Service Tax 62,783.0 5,180.0 2,515.0 1,295.0 5,280.4 587.0 294.0 147.0
x) Other Taxes and Duties on Commodities and Services 5,499.0
II. NON-TAX REVENUE (C+D) 58,06,637.6 95,31,376.0 95,13,725.2 86,81,672.5 6,43,220.6 16,20,066.1 16,30,569.3 17,03,396.5
C. Own Non-Tax Revenue (1 to 6) 19,30,669.6 27,12,812.5 22,05,440.7 24,16,970.0 10,748.3 40,000.0 25,000.0 40,000.0
1. Interest Receipts 2,61,704.6 2,84,310.6 1,40,000.0 3,00,000.0 136.1 1,500.0 150.0 200.0
2. Dividends and Profits 8,835.7 40,102.0 40,102.0 10,000.0
3. General Services 2,36,699.1 3,61,666.2 4,13,557.9 4,63,500.0 9,034.6 32,400.0 6,534.6 22,128.6
of which: State Lotteries 4,222.2 13,092.9 13,092.9 13,491.8        

Appendix I : Revenue Receipts of States and Union Territories with Legislature (Contd.)
(₹ Lakh)
2021-22 (Accounts) 2022-23 (Budget Estimates) 2022-23 (Revised Estimates) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates) 2021-22 (Accounts) 2022-23 (Budget Estimates) 2022-23 (Revised Estimates) 2023-24 (Budget Estimates)
1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
4. Social Services (i to ix) 7,77,007.3 9,90,779.1 6,60,431.0 4,32,900.0 683.8 1,224.5 683.8 843.0
i) Education, Sports, Art and Culture 61,775.1 1,00,117.0 45,000.0 60,000.0 55.3 285.6 55.3 70.0
ii) Medical and Public Health 70,792.6 52,837.3 52,837.3 55,000.0 99.1 144.4 99.1 110.0
iii) Family Welfare 846.8 5,387.9 5,387.9 5,000.0
iv) Water Supply and Sanitation 10,377.6 55,084.0 55,084.0 10,000.0 336.4 460.0 336.4 400.0
v) Housing 11,710.9 50,000.0 50,000.0 25,000.0 182.6 315.5 182.6 250.0
vi) Urban Development 5,55,728.8 5,90,000.0 3,14,768.9 2,00,000.0
vii) Labour and Employment 10,741.9 15,031.5 15,031.5 12,500.0 3.1 4.9 3.1 4.0
viii) Social Security and Welfare 22,088.3 40,042.0 40,042.0 45,000.0
ix) Others 32,945.5 82,279.4 82,279.4 20,400.0 7.4 14.2 7.4 9.0
5. Fiscal Services 2.3        
6. Economic Services (i to xvii) 6,46,420.6 10,35,954.7 9,51,349.8 12,10,570.0 893.9 4,875.5 17,631.6 16,828.4
i) Crop Husbandry 7,927.5 14,613.7 23,600.0 25,000.0 4.5 24.3 4.5 10.0
ii) Animal Husbandry 2,199.8 8,819.0 8,819.0 8,819.0 6.3 17.1 6.3 20.0
iii) Fisheries 1,362.8 2,728.0 2,728.0 2,500.0 22.6 10.2 22.6 30.0
iv) Forestry and Wildlife 20,503.6 33,075.0 33,075.0 33,000.0 775.9 4,000.0 11,700.0 15,000.0
v) Plantations
vi) Co-operation 10,364.7 13,821.0 13,821.0 15,000.0 13.8 90.0 13.8 90.0
vii) Other Agricultural Programmes 321.9 2,320.0 2,320.0 2,500.0 1.1
viii) Major and Medium Irrigation Projects 41,446.4 3,56,000.0 1,90,000.0 3,85,000.0 9.7 310.0 310.0 347.2
ix) Minor Irrigation 4,661.0 9,000.0 9,000.0 10,000.0 3.3 6.0 3.3 3.7
x) Power 853.8 14,000.0 14,000.0 16,000.0
xi) Petroleum 16.3 2.2 8.0 9.0
xii) Village and Small Industries 360.8 653.8 653.8 500.0 23.0 60.0 5,536.4 1,000.0
xiii) Industries@ 4,88,563.1 4,98,131.7 5,30,631.7 6,30,500.0 0.7 100.0 0.7 100.0
xiv) Ports and Light Houses 80.0        
xv) Road Transport        
xvi) Tourism 1,242.7 1,542.0 1,542.0 1,542.0 14.4 125.0 14.4 125.0
xvii) Others* 66,516.5 81,248.3 1,21,151.3 80,200.0 19.8 131.8 19.8 102.5
D. Grants from the Centre (1 to 7)** 38,75,967.9 68,18,563.5 73,08,284.6 62,64,702.5 6,32,472.3 15,80,066.1 16,05,569.3 16,63,396.5
1. State Plan Schemes        
2. Central Plan Schemes 56.8        
3. Centrally Sponsored Schemes 11,78,234.2 43,57,646.9 30,47,536.7 35,65,621.8 3,45,936.7 13,15,127.6 13,23,431.5 14,18,878.1
4. NEC/ Special Plan Scheme        
5. Finance Commission Grants 7,69,312.3 11,51,924.4 14,16,686.4 11,78,262.4 2,67,437.7 2,60,000.0 2,60,000.0 2,40,500.0
i) Post Devolution Revenue Deficit Grants 2,52,400.0 2,31,000.0 2,31,000.0 2,10,400.0
ii) Grants for Rural Local Bodies 3,52,715.9 5,13,676.0 6,94,404.0 5,06,513.0 6,550.0 13,500.0 13,500.0 13,700.0
iii) Grants for Urban Local Bodies 1,58,836.4 2,99,948.1 3,83,982.1 3,16,549.0 6,700.0 6,700.0 7,100.0
iv) Grant in aid for State Disaster Response Fund 2,57,760.0 3,38,300.4 3,38,300.4 2,84,160.4 3,360.0 3,520.0 3,520.0 3,760.0
v) Others (including Health Sector Grants) 71,040.0 5,127.7 5,280.0 5,280.0 5,540.0
6. Grants under proviso to Article 275(1) of the Constitution 50,119.2 55,928.1 62,335.9 2,033.5 10,000.0 2,000.0
7. Other Grants 19,28,364.6 12,58,873.0 27,88,133.4 14,58,482.4 19,098.0 2,905.0 12,137.9 2,018.4
of which: GST Compensation (1)#        
GST Compensation (2)# 17,83,422.5 9,72,500.0 24,12,000.0 11,11,300.0        
