During the year, the pace of activities relating to human resource development, communication processes, economic
policy research, information management, international relations, corporate risk management, corporate strategy,
promotion of Rajbhasha, legal processes and development of physical infrastructure, was sustained. In fact, the
Reserve Bank earned accolades and international recognition in the areas of corporate risk management, sports
welfare and construction of infrastructure even as sustained efforts were made to firm up India’s position in
international relations.
X.1 This chapter discusses the achievements
of a number of departments of the Reserve Bank
during 2016-17 and their priorities and agendas
set for 2017-18. Major achievements with respect
to communication processes during the year
included the launch of a mobile application
version of the Bank’s website and more intensive
use of the social media besides a slew of public
awareness and financial literacy campaigns. In
the area of human resource initiatives, notable
developments include the introduction of structured
e-learning courses targeted at larger groups of
staff members, the launching of the RBI Academy
and adoption of a vision document for sports. The
Reserve Bank was the recipient of the Rashtriya
Khel Protsahan Puruskar - 2016, announced by
the Government of India in recognition of the
Bank’s contribution in the field of ‘Employment of
Sports persons and Sports Welfare Measures’.
As part of the Enterprise-Wide Risk Management
(ERM) Framework that was adopted by the Bank
in 2012, a Risk Tolerance Framework is being
finalised and the incident reporting system has
been modified by widening the reporters’ universe
to secure greater involvement of staff members in
the risk-reporting process. A notable achievement
during the year was the International Operational
Risk Working Group (IORWG) recognising the
Reserve Bank’s strategy for enhancing risk culture, as a ‘best practice’. Similarly, the Indian Green
Building Council (IGBC) awarded ‘Platinum’ rating
to all the new constructions and select residential
constructions in recognition of the Bank's efforts to
introduce green building concepts in construction
X.2 During the year, more state governments
were integrated with the Reserve Bank’s Core
Banking Solutions (e-Kuber) and all (25) agency
banks were integrated with e-Kuber for processing
Goods and Services Tax (GST) transactions
seamlessly. Building upon the formulation of
a business continuity plan, a business impact
analysis was carried out even as a medium-term
corporate strategy and action plan for the
Bank is being finalised. As part of the continuing
thrust on promoting the use of Hindi, a number
of officers were deputed and successfully cleared
the newly-introduced examination of proficiency in
Hindi. Furthermore, several important legislations
relating to the financial sector such as the
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, Specified Bank
Notes (SBNs), and Payment and Settlement
Systems were introduced/amended.
X.3 A number of studies on a variety of
topical issues were prepared and published in
the area of economic and policy research, even
as the pace of activities relating to statutory and non-statutory publications, data dissemination
and organisation of events that were marked
by intellectual contributions from the highest
echelons of the field, sustained their momentum.
As far as statistics and information management is
concerned, the coverage of the SAARCFINANCE
database that has been developed in-house,
was enhanced, while the formats of eXtensible
Business Reporting Language (XBRL)-based
returns for submissions by banks were streamlined
and a technical guidance note on these returns
was issued for ensuing quality and uniformity. In
addition, a nowcasting exercise was undertaken
incorporating sentiments captured from news
articles with the application of latest technological
innovations like web-scrapping. In the international
arena, Bank's notable achievements include
effective coordination of the Financial Sector
Assessment Program (FSAP). Besides, as Chair
of BRICS and as co-chair of the G-20 Framework
Working Group (FWG), several related events
were organised even as the country position on
a range of international financial architecture
(IFA) issues in the G-20 IFA Working Group, was
X.4 The Central Board of Directors is the apex
body in the governance structure of the Reserve
Bank. There are also four Local Boards for the
Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western areas
of the country which take care of local interests.
The central government appoints/nominates
Directors to the Central Board and Members to
the Local Boards in accordance with the Reserve
Bank of India (RBI) Act. The composition of the
Central Board is enshrined under Section 8(1) of
the RBI Act, 1934. It comprises of the Governor,
who is the Chair, and four Deputy Governors of
the Reserve Bank; four Directors nominated by the central government, one from each of the
four Local Boards as constituted under Section
9 of the Act; ten Directors nominated by the
central government and two government officials
nominated by the central government.
X.5 The Central Board is assisted by three
committees: the Committee of the Central Board
(CCB), the Board for Financial Supervision (BFS)
and the Board for Regulation and Supervision
of Payment and Settlement Systems (BPSS).
These committees are chaired by the Governor.
In addition, the Central Board has four subcommittees,
viz., the Audit and Risk Management
Sub-Committee (ARMS); the Human Resource
Management Sub-Committee (HRM-SC);
the Building Sub-Committee (BSC) and the
Information Technology Sub-Committee (IT-SC).
These sub-committees are typically headed by an
external Director.
Meetings of the Central Board and CCB
X.6 The Central Board held seven meetings
during the accounting year 2016-17 in Bengaluru,
Mumbai, Kanpur, Kolkata, New Delhi (twice) and
Chennai. The Finance Minister of India addressed
the post-Budget meeting held in New Delhi on
February 11, 2017.
X.7 CCB held 46 meetings during the year, 34
of which were held through electronic mode. CCB
attended to the current business of the Reserve
Bank, including approval of its Weekly Statement
of Affairs. External Directors were invited to CCB
meetings by rotation.
X.8 No meeting of the Local Boards could be
held in 2016 due to lack of quorum. Two meetings
of the Local Boards pertaining to Eastern and
Western areas were held on April 25 and June 02,
2017 subsequent to the induction of new members
in the respective Boards.
X.9 A Standing Committee of the Central
Board set up in 2014-15 to look into important
concerns pertaining to UCBs, NBFCs, currency
management, etc. in regions where Local Boards
were not able to function, held meetings in each
of the four regions (five meetings in all after
July 2016) to discuss region-specific issues and
Attendance of Directors
X.10 The details of participation of Directors in
the meetings of the Central Board, its committees
and sub-committees are given in the Annex.
Central Board/ Local Boards – Changes
X.11 Dr. Raghuram G. Rajan relinquished
charge as Governor on completion of his tenure.
Dr. Urjit R. Patel who was holding the charge of
Deputy Governor was appointed Governor for a
period of three years with effect from September
04, 2016. Earlier, Shri N. S. Vishwanathan was
appointed Deputy Governor for a period of three
years from July 04, 2016 vice Shri Harun R. Khan.
Dr. Viral V. Acharya was appointed as Deputy
Governor for a period of three years from January
23, 2017 vice Dr. Urjit R. Patel. Shri R. Gandhi
relinquished charge as Deputy Governor on the
forenoon of April 03, 2017. Shri B.P. Kanungo was
appointed Deputy Governor for a period of three
years from April 03, 2017 vice Shri R. Gandhi.
Shri S. S. Mundra relinquished charge as Deputy
Governor on the forenoon of July 31, 2017.
X.12 Shri Y. C. Deveshwar and Professor
Damodar Acharya, Directors on the Central Board
nominated under Section 8(1)(c) of the RBI Act,
1934 vacated their positions on the expiry of their
terms on September 02, 2016 and October 11,
2016, respectively. Dr. Nachiket Mor nominated
under Section 8(1)(b) of the RBI Act, ceased
to be a Director of the Central Board on expiry of his term on May 15, 2017. The term of Shri
Shaktikanta Das, Director on the Central Board
nominated under Section 8(1)(d) of the RBI Act,
ended on May 31, 2017. Shri Subhash Chandra
Garg, Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs,
Ministry of Finance, Government of India, was
nominated as a Director on the Central Board
under Section 8(1)(d) of the RBI Act, 1934 with
effect from July 12, 2017 vice Shri Shaktikanta
X.13 Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Dr. Ashok Gulati and Shri
Manish Sabharwal were nominated as Directors
on the Central Board of Directors of the Reserve
Bank under Section 8(1)(c) of the RBI Act, 1934
for a period of four years each with effect from
February 09, 2017.
X.14 Shri Vallabh Roopchand Bhanshali and
Shri Dilip S. Shanghvi were appointed as Members
on the Western Area Local Board under Section
9(1) of the RBI Act, 1934, for a period of four years
with effect from February 09, 2017 and March 11,
2017, respectively. Dr. Prasanna Kumar Mohanty
was appointed as Member on the Southern Area
Local Board under Section 9 (1) of the RBI Act,
1934 for a period of four years with effect from
February 09, 2017. Shri Sunil Mitra was appointed
as Member on the Eastern Area Local Board
under Section 9(1) of the RBI Act, 1934 for a
period of four years with effect from February 09,
2017. Dr. Nachiket Mor nominated under Section
9(1) of the RBI Act, 1934 ceased to be a Member
on the Eastern Area Local Board on expiry of his
term on May 15, 2017.
Executive Directors – Changes
X.15 During the year, Shri U. S. Paliwal,
Executive Director, superannuated and two
Executive Directors - Shri G. Mahalingam and
Shri Chandan Sinha - took voluntary retirement. Against consequential vacancies Shri Sudarshan
Sen, Shri M. Rajeshwar Rao, Smt. Surekha
Marandi, Smt. Malvika Sinha and Shri S. Ganesh
Kumar were promoted as Executive Directors.
Agenda for 2016-17: Implementation Status
X.16 E-meetings for the CCB introduced in 2014
continued to be held on e-mode every Wednesday
except on the last Wednesday of the month, which
was held as a face-to-face meeting. The agenda
notes for various meetings of the Central Board
and its committees/sub-committees were provided
to the participants in soft form.
Agenda for 2017-18
X.17 The Reserve Bank will examine the
feasibility of publishing minutes of the Board
meetings as a step towards greater transparency.
X.18 Transparency, timeliness and credibility
continue to be the mainstay of the Reserve
Bank’s communication strategy. The Reserve
Bank endeavours to strike a chord with the public
through communication that is dynamic, evolving
and responsive to domestic and international
developments. The Department of Communication
(DoC) is the nodal department that formulates the
communication policy and maintains a two-way
communication between the Reserve Bank and
the public.
Agenda for 2016-17: Implementation Status
The Website
X.19 To make its website (www.rbi.org.in) more
user-friendly, the Reserve Bank launched a mobile
application (app) version of the Bank's website on
March 09, 2017. The app is available for download
on Android as well as iOS platforms from the Play
Store/App Store, respectively, using the keyword 'Reserve Bank of India'. To start with, the most
accessed sections of the website (www.rbi.org.
in), namely, press releases, IFSC/MICR codes,
bank holidays and current rates including policy
rates and reference rates of four major currencies
have been made available on the app. There is a
dynamic window on the top of the landing page
of the app which displays public awareness
messages released by the Reserve Bank.
Social Media
X.20 The website of the Reserve Bank is also
integrated with two social media sites – Twitter
to send alerts for press releases and YouTube
for speeches, media interviews and press
conferences of the top management including
post-policy press conferences and financial
education films produced by the Reserve Bank.
As at end-June 2017, the Reserve Bank’s Twitter
account had over 2.5 lakh followers and YouTube
had over 11,000 subscribers.
Monetary Policy Communication
X.21 Under the new Monetary Policy Framework
introduced in October 2016, the Reserve Bank
has been communicating the resolutions of the
Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) through
press releases followed by a press conference.
The Governor’s post-policy conferences on
the bi-monthly statements on monetary policy
were disseminated through YouTube along with
live streaming on the Reserve Bank’s website
and business television channels. The audio
and transcripts of the press conferences were
uploaded on the Bank's website. The minutes
of MPC meetings were uploaded on the website
of the Reserve Bank on the 14th day after every
meeting of the MPC as provided under Section
45ZL of the RBI Act, 1934.
Awareness Campaigns and Advertisements
X.22 During 2016-17, the Reserve Bank
undertook a pan-India mass media public
awareness and financial literacy campaign.
Using the tagline RBI Kehta Hai and mnemonic
‘Moneykumar’ the awareness campaign created
an identity for better recall.
Mann ki Baat
X.23 The campaign began with Prime Minister
Shri Narendra Modi urging people, in his Mann Ki
Baat of July 31, 2016 that was broadcast on All
India Radio, to be alert and watchful of fictitious
emails/calls/SMS scams. The message aimed to
alert the public about fraudulent offers of cheap
funds through lottery wins and job offers while
seeking account and card details. The campaign
also focused on educating the common man on
various banking facilities that are available.
Currency Matters
X.24 Following demonetisation in November
2016, the Reserve Bank in conjunction with
the Ministry of Finance, issued two rounds of
advertisements to create awareness about the
security features of the new design of currency
notes of ₹500 and ₹2000 denominations,
apart from the government’s decision on
demonetisation. These advertisements were
issued in 660 newspapers on November 09, 2016.
In the second round, a combined advertisement
on the security features of ₹500 and ₹2000 notes
was published in Hindi and vernacular languages
in 420 newspapers on November 14, 2016. One
more round of advertisements on currency was
issued on November 12, 2016.
X.25 The announcement of withdrawal of
Specified Bank Notes (SBNs) in November
was a challenge to communication function
as it touched millions of people in the country. DoC disseminated information on the same on
a timely basis and in a manner that was easy
to understand. All the communications issued to
banks on the withdrawal of SBNs were promptly
posted on the Bank’s website under a separate
heading titled ‘All You Wanted to Know from RBI
about Withdrawal of Legal Tender Status of ₹500
and ₹1000 Notes’ with notifications to banks, press
releases, data releases and Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs) clearly segregated for ease
of reference. The Department also responded to
more than 2500 queries on SBNs from the public
received through emails and as many telephone
calls during the period from November 8, 2016 to
June 30, 2017. The queries were answered with
reference to the FAQs published on the website
which were amended simultaneously with the
instructions that followed subsequently.
Know Your Customer (KYC)
X.26 Under the Depositors Education and
Awareness (DEA) Fund Scheme, the Reserve
Bank released an advertisement for creating
awareness on KYC updation in bank accounts
in 114 newspapers in 14 languages between
September 02 and September 04, 2016.
Rural Sensitisation
X.27 A pilot programme was conducted in
rural areas to create awareness on select topics
like Business Correspondents, insurance,
responsible borrowing, nomination, investment
in unscrupulous entities, Banking Ombudsman
and KYC. The 10-day campaign was conducted
in four districts of Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh,
covering about 200 villages. The main takeaways
from the campaign included continued supply-side
constraints in the form of server downtime,
inadequate ATMs, printers, etc.; need for more
awareness programmes and sensitisation of
ground-level bank staff and the imperative of real-time
mid-course correction of such awareness
programmes for better customisation.
Awareness through BEST Buses and Digital
X.28 One more pilot project for public awareness
was done through displays on 30 BEST buses in
Mumbai for one month. The messages included
awareness on KYC updation as well as cautioning
the public against fictitious mails.
Media Workshops
X.29 During the year, DoC held a workshop at
the College of Agricultural and Banking (CAB),
Pune from March 06 - 08, 2017 with the objective
of familiarising mediapersons with the major
functional areas of the Reserve Bank and their
nuances. The workshop was also attended by
Hindi and Marathi mediapersons.
X.30 Two more workshops were held to
familiarise mediapersons in Delhi on Demystifying
the Revised Prompt Corrective Action Framework, and Database on Indian Economy and other RBI
Agenda for 2017-18
X.31 DoC will continue to conduct workshops/
sessions for the media on important regulatory
and banking related issues. The Reserve Bank
has been focusing on increasing consumer
awareness on banking services, regulations and
consumer protection matters. As part of these
efforts, DoC, in coordination with other stakeholder
departments of the Bank, will extend the pan-India
mass media public awareness campaign across
all media to cover more segments of the public.
The department is expecting to make substantial
progress in setting up the museum-cum-financial
literacy centre in Kolkata. In line with international
experience, efforts will be made to integrate the
RBI website with more social media platforms
during the year (Box X.1).
Box X.1
Social Media and Central Bank Communication: An Overview
Central banks around the world have been traditionally
cautious and conservative in communicating their policy
matters to the general public. The speed with which messages
can go viral on social media has made them virtually
impossible to be ignored as a medium of communication
even for central banks. Central banks are, therefore, opening
up gradually and cautiously and increasingly using social
media to connect with the public and making their presence
felt in public domain.
To understand the role of social media in central bank
communication and the present trend in its usage, a quick
study of 24 major central banks and their use of social media
for communicating with the public was undertaken. The
study revealed that to start with,
- Central banks prefer to disseminate the information
available on their websites in the form of a really simple
syndication (RSS) feed or an e-mail alert.
- Most of the central banks (22 of the 24) use Twitter
to send alerts for information already disseminated
through the website.
- Barring a few, most of them do not respond to tweets
posted by general public.
- YouTube is the third most popular social media used,
with 18 of the 24 central banks using it primarily for
consumer awareness and education.
- Facebook is also popular media used to connect with
people with 15 of the 24 central banks using the same.
- To connect with the youth, some of the central banks
use LinkedIn, Instagram and Flickr. Around 1/3rd of the
24 central banks use LinkedIn for recruitment purposes
and sharing ideas and experiences among the central
bankers and Flickr for updating photos of the events and
meetings of the central banks and officials.
- Central banks in Europe use a wide variety of social
media platforms, including Facebook, Flickr and
Instagram. In particular, select central banks used
Facebook to directly interact with students. The Swiss
National Bank uses Facebook to seek feedback on its
monetary policy and uses it as an input for formulating monetary policy. The Bank of England has a presence
on relatively less popular platforms like Pinterest
(personalised social platform), Podcast (for broadcasting
news and announcements on ipods) and Soundcloud
(medium for distributing audio content), apart from its
active presence in most of the popular social media.
Further, the Bank of England also carries out various
public awareness programmes and quizzes for students
on social media like Facebook; and participants are
rewarded with attractive prizes and gifts. On the contrary,
the Bank of Japan has a minimal social media presence
(only on Twitter).
- YouTube is more popular among developing countries
to create awareness and clarify concepts about the
functioning of the central banks. In particular, African
countries have shown remarkable presence on social
media. South-East Asian central banks are the new
entrants to social media space and mostly Facebook
and Twitter. Some of them also have a presence on YouTube for dissemination of educational videos and
- Some central banks, including the Reserve Bank, use
MobileApp to stay engaged with the public. The Bank
of England uses the App guide for checking banknotes.
It provides an interactive guide on security features of
the current Bank of England currency notes. Federal
Reserve’s App provides users latest insights into the
state of the economy and provides information, such
as, press releases and notifications. ECBstatsApp is
an App that allows one access to the statistics compiled
by the European Central Bank (ECB) assisted by
various national central banks. The Czech National
Bank's official App informs users about all valid Czech
banknotes and coins and the protective elements they
contain. The official Bank Negara Malaysia mobile App
disseminates the central bank’s latest news and
announcements, foreign exchange rates, fraud alerts,
watch lists and many other user friendly features for the
benefit of the public. |
X.32 The Human Resource Management
Department (HRMD) endeavours to facilitate
the Reserve Bank’s central banking activities by
enhancing staff efficiency, drawing out the best
from them and creating an atmosphere of trust
and teamwork.
In-house Training
X.33 The Reserve Bank strives to impart
necessary knowledge and skill upgradation
for development of technical and behavioural skills of its human resource. It also helps the
employees in attaining personal growth and in
improving their effectiveness at work. The six
training establishments of the Bank, viz., Reserve
Bank Staff College (RBSC), Chennai; College of
Agricultural Banking (CAB), Pune; and four Zonal
Training Centres in Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata
and Chennai, cater to its training requirements
(Table X.1).
Training at External Institutions
X.34 During 2016-17, 816 officers were deputed
by the Bank to participate in training programmes, seminars and conferences organised by external
management or banking institutions in India. Class
III and Class IV employees were also deputed for
trainings in external institutions in India during
the year. Further, the Bank deputed 506 officers
to attend various training courses, seminars,
conferences and workshops conducted by
banking and financial institutions and multilateral
institutions in different countries (Table X.2).
Table X.1: Reserve Bank Training Establishments - Programmes Conducted (July-June) |
Training Establishment |
2014-15 |
2015-16 |
2016-17 |
Number of Programmes |
Number of Participants |
Number of Programmes |
Number of Participants |
Number of Programmes |
Number of Participants |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
RBSC, Chennai |
141 |
2626 (30) |
125 |
2741 (50) |
129 |
3346 (172) |
CAB, Pune |
215 |
7183 (63) |
198 |
7580 (69) |
173 |
5788 (56) |
ZTCs (Class I) |
105 |
2241 |
97 |
2055 |
101 |
1934 |
ZTCs (Class III) |
98 |
2036 |
102 |
2247 |
104 |
2130 |
ZTCs (Class IV) |
53 |
1041 |
38 |
807 |
33 |
758 |
Note: Figures in brackets pertain to foreign participants. |
Table X.2 Number of Officers Trained in
External Training Institutions in India and Abroad during 2014-15 to 2016-17 |
Year |
Trained in India
(external institutions) |
Trained abroad |
1 |
2 |
3 |
2014 - 15 |
906 |
562 |
2015 - 16 |
905 |
599 |
2016 - 17 |
816 |
506 |
Study Leave Schemes and Golden Jubilee
X.35 Eight officers of the Bank availed of the
schemes for pursuing higher studies overseas (other than the Bank’s Golden Jubilee Scheme),
during the year. A total of 479 employees pursued
select part-time/distance education courses up
to June 30, 2017 under the Bank’s incentive
scheme. Under the Golden Jubilee Scholarship
Scheme, seven officers were selected during
the year to pursue higher studies in reputed
universities abroad.
Other Initiatives
Structured e-learning
X.36 The Reserve Bank has introduced
structured e-learning courses targeted at larger
groups of staff members. This will be an ongoing
process with newer modules being prepared and
hosted on the Learning Management System of
the Bank. At present nine e-learning modules are
being offered by the RBSC on the Bank’s intranet.
X.37 During the course of the year, 129 students
were selected and provided internship in the Bank
as part of the summer internship scheme.
X.38 The year also saw the setting up of the RBI
Academy (Box X.2).
Box X.2
The RBI Academy
The RBI Academy was launched on September 26,
2016 with a specialised programme on corporate finance
conducted in collaboration with IIM, Ahmedabad. Thereafter,
it has conducted basic programmes on macroeconomics,
microeconomics, faculty development programme, two
programmes each on fundamentals and advance courses
of IS audit and assurance, and a programme on Big Data.
The participants were from the Reserve Bank, commercial
banks and SEBI.
The long-term goal of the Academy is to become an
institution catering to the training needs of officers from
central banks, commercial banks and financial institutions
in areas of regulatory concern so as to increase awareness
about central banking issues and allied areas.
The Academic Advisory Council (AAC) of the Academy
comprises eminent persons and academicians. The council
meets every six months to assess the progress of the
Academy and to guide the future course of action. It has
been advising on the programmes to be conducted, their
content, faculty and mode of delivery.
Going forward, it is proposed to conduct about 15
programmes in the next 12 months on topics such as big
data, forensic audit, dynamic stochastic general equilibrium
(DSGE) modelling, supervisory legal framework, risk
assessment and cyber security.
The brick and mortar Academy is proposed to come up at
Navi Mumbai. |
Grants and Endowments
X.39 Towards promoting research, training and
consultancy in the banking and financial sector,
the Reserve Bank provided financial support
amounting to ₹320 million to the Indira Gandhi
Institute of Development Research (IGIDR),
Mumbai; ₹75 million to the Centre for Advanced
Financial Research and Learning (CAFRAL),
Mumbai; ₹15.3 million to the National Institute of
Bank Management (NIBM), Pune; ₹10.9 million to
the Indian Institute of Bank Management (IIBM),
Guwahati; and ₹6.14 million to the London School
of Economics (LSE) India observatory and the IG
Patel Chair.
Industrial Relations
X.40 Industrial relations in the Bank remained
by and large cordial during the year. The Bank
continued to hold periodic meetings with recognised
associations/federations of officers and employees/
workmen on various matters related to service
conditions and welfare measures for employees.
Superannuation Benefits
X.41 The demand from pensioners and retirees
related to improvement in pension remains
unresolved and the Bank is still engaged with the
Government of India for an early resolution of the
The RBI Policy Challenge
X.42 The second edition of the RBI Policy
Challenge, a national level competition, got
underway in October 2016. The competition,
aimed at enhancing knowledge regarding
monetary policy making amongst undergraduate
and post graduate students, was well received.
The Challenge was organised in three rounds,
viz., at the Regional, Zonal and National levels. In
the National Finals held at Central Office, Mumbai
on March 30, 2017, the team from the Madras
School of Economics emerged as winners.
Table X.3: Recruitments by the Reserve Bank in 2016 * |
Category of Recruitment |
Category-wise strength |
Total |
of which |
Per cent of total |
SC |
ST |
SC |
ST |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Class I |
159 |
18 |
11 |
11.32 |
6.92 |
Class III |
486 |
82 |
38 |
16.87 |
7.82 |
Class IV |
(a) Maintenance Attendant |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
(b) Others |
20 |
2 |
6 |
10.00 |
30.00 |
Total |
666 |
102 |
55 |
15.32 |
8.26 |
*January to December |
Recruitments and Staff Strength
X.43 During 2016 (January-December), the
Reserve Bank recruited 666 employees. Of
these, 102 belonged to Scheduled Castes
(SCs) and 55 to Scheduled Tribes (STs),
together constituting 23.58 per cent of the total
recruitments (Table X.3).
X.44 The total staff strength of the Reserve
Bank as on December 31, 2016 was 15,461
as compared to 15,854 a year ago. Of the total
staff strength, 19.41 per cent belonged to the SC
category and 6.53 per cent belonged to the ST
category (Table X.4).
X.45 During 2016 (January-December), four
meetings were held between the management
and representatives of the All India Reserve Bank Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and the
Buddhist Federation to discuss issues relating
to the implementation of the Reserve Bank’s
reservation policy.
Table X.4: Staff Strength of the Reserve Bank* |
Category |
Total Strength |
strength |
Per cent to
total strength |
SC |
ST |
SC |
ST |
2015 |
2016 |
2015 |
2016 |
2015 |
2016 |
2016 |
2016 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Class I |
7,233 |
6,781 |
1,062 |
993 |
434 |
408 |
14.64 |
6.02 |
Class III |
3,756 |
4,017 |
552 |
620 |
212 |
234 |
15.43 |
5.83 |
Class IV |
4,865 |
4,663 |
1,486 |
1,388 |
405 |
368 |
29.76 |
7.89 |
Total |
15,854 |
15,461 |
3,100 |
3,001 |
1,051 |
1,010 |
19.41 |
6.53 |
*: End December |
X.46 In accordance with the central
government’s policy, the Reserve Bank is
providing reservations to Other Backward
Classes (OBCs) effective from September 08,
1993. The representation of OBCs in the Reserve
Bank as on December 31, 2016 stood at 2,133.
Of these, 650 were in Class I, 848 in Class III and
635 in Class IV.
X.47 The total strength of ex-servicemen in the
Reserve Bank, as at end December 2016, stood
at 939. Out of these 161 were in Class I, 188 in
Class III and 590 in Class IV. The total number of
physically challenged employees in Class I, Class
III and Class IV cadres in the Reserve Bank stood
at 196, 72 and 86 respectively, as on December
31, 2016 (Table X.5).
X.48 As on June 30, 2017, the number of full
time employees in the Bank stood at 14,684. Of
these, 6,744 were in Class I, 3,618 in Class III and
4,322 in Class IV.
Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at
the Workplace
X.49 The formal grievance redressal mechanism
for prevention of sexual harassment of women
at the workplace, which has been in place since 1998, was further strengthened with the issue of
a new comprehensive set of guidelines in 2014-
15 in accordance with the Sexual Harassment of
Women at Workplace (Prohibition, Prevention and
Redressal) Act and Rules, 2013. One complaint
was received and resolved during January to
December 2016.
Table X.5: Total Strength of OBCs, Ex-servicemen and PWD* |
Category |
Total strength |
Ex- servicemen |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Class I |
6,781 |
650 |
161 |
196 |
Class III |
4,017 |
848 |
188 |
72 |
Class IV |
4,663 |
635 |
590 |
86 |
Total |
15,461 |
2,133 |
939 |
354 |
*: end December 2016.
PWD : Persons with Disability. |
X.50 During the year, a number of awareness
programmes were organised for employees at
various Regional Offices for creating awareness
about the mechanisms in place at the Bank and also
for sensitising the staff regarding these matters.
Likewise, workshops on awareness on prevention
of sexual harassment were also organised to
create awareness among newly recruited Officers
and Assistants. RBSC, Chennai has also been
conducting gender sensitisation programmes
for members of complaints committees. The
training establishments also held sessions during
induction programme for newly recruited officers /
staff that focused on gender sensitisation.
Right to Information (RTI)
X.51 The Bank received 14,542 requests for
information and 1,412 first appeals under the RTI
Act during 2016-17, all of which were attended
to. During the year, four training programmes/
workshops were conducted on the RTI Act for staff
at the Bank’s training centres.
Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar
X.52 The Reserve Bank was the recipient of
the Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar - 2016
announced by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and
Sports, Government of India. The award was
handed over by the Hon’ble President of India in a
ceremony held at Rashtrapati Bhawan on August
29, 2016. The accompanying citation recognised
the contribution made by the Bank in the field
of ‘Employment of Sportspersons and Sports
Welfare Measures’.
Agenda for 2016-17: Implementation Status
X.53 The Manpower Planning Committee
constituted to look into the manpower needs
of the Bank over the next five years (2016 –
2020) submitted its report during the year. The
Committee endeavoured to make a realistic
and futuristic assessment of staff requirement
by taking into account the impact of changes in
the activities and processes that are already
underway or are expected to take place over the
next five years, areas which are likely to expand in
near future, activities that are expected to shrink
or become redundant over the next five years
because of various initiatives, etc. Implementation
of the Committee’s recommendations is presently
Agenda for 2017-18
X.54 Review of extant guidelines on recruitment;
review of training policy; formulation of a policy for
succession planning in the Bank; policy on use
of social media and implementation of the vision
document for sports, are some of the main items in
the agenda of the department for the year 2017-18.
X.55 SRU was established in February 2016 with
an objective to undertake research and analysis of
topics across various verticals within the Reserve
Bank. As part of its operation, SRU delivers high
quality policy papers and economic monitor that
reviews key macroeconomic and financial sector
developments, and also features research on
special themes of contemporary relevance.
Agenda for 2016-17: Implementation Status
X.56 During 2016-17, the Unit initiated several
policy notes in varied areas including real sector,
financial markets, investment situation, fiscal
position and the external sector. The monthly
economic monitor has been a regular feature of the Unit during the year. Besides the regular
surveillance and market intelligence related work,
the Unit also conducted a number of mid-term
projects that looked into issues related to urban cooperative
banks, India’s equilibrium exchange rate,
export elasticity, forex interventions, adequacy of
forex reserves and household finance. In addition
to the above, SRU was involved in cutting edge
research projects that delved into the areas of food
security, public infrastructure, fiscal consolidation,
and inflation dynamics. Several of these studies
have already been published or accepted for
publication in notable journals.
X.57 SRU is also collaborating with the
CAFRAL in organising joint seminars. Several
such seminars were organised during the
year wherein eminent professors, experts and
market participants from finance and economics
delivered lectures or presented their research
findings. A separate lecture series has also been
started to encourage the presentation of in-house
Agenda for 2017-18
X.58 Going forward, the Unit is envisaged to be
the hub at the Reserve Bank with a concentrated
talent pool of employees trained with a doctorate
degree for doing cutting-edge research in
economics and finance. The Unit will continue
its monitoring and market intelligence work and
present the same as inputs to policy making. It
would undertake research in areas of strategic
and contemporary interest across various verticals
of the Reserve Bank. It would also continue to
disseminate research inputs through seminars
and publications.
X.59 The Enterprise-wide Risk Management
(ERM) framework was adopted by the Reserve Bank in February 2012 to develop an integrated
assessment and management of its risk
exposures. A three-phase roll out of the ERM
framework was envisaged. The first phase
included the development of methodologies and
tools for identification, assessment and reporting
of financial and non-financial risks as well as
building an institutional memory of ‘Incidents’1
and ‘Near Misses’2, which have since been
accomplished. The second phase envisages
a quantitative assessment of operational risk
(OR) and articulation of Bank’s risk appetite for reserve management and risk tolerance level for
operational risk; while the former has been set
in motion with the building up of the requisite
database since July 01, 2013 and adoption of the
Basic Indicator Approach (BIA) for quantification
of OR, the latter has been initiated with the rollout
of the Risk Tolerance Framework (RTF) in the
Bank (Box X.3). Two important goals for the third
and final phase are an increased involvement of
the risk monitoring function in the assessment
and management of policy risk as well as the
review of the bifurcation of risk taking and risk management in the Bank. The Risk Monitoring
Department (RMD) is the nodal department for
the formulation and operationalisation of ERM in
the Reserve Bank.
Box X.3
Risk Tolerance Framework of the Reserve Bank
The global financial crisis (GFC) triggered the strengthening
of risk management systems across the financial world,
with one of the key developments in this regard being the
strengthening of the risk oversight function by the Boards
of the financial entities. Central banks were no exception to
this trend, as some of the leading ones from the advanced
economies had acquired considerable financial risk on
their balance sheets due to the qualitative and quantitative
easing operations. While the Reserve Bank did not see a
slippage in the quality of its balance sheet due to the GFC,
it proactively strengthened its internal risk control framework
by implementing a phased rollout of the ERM framework
in 2012. As a part of this phased approach, the Reserve
Bank is in the process of putting in place a RTF whereby
its governance structure will formally articulate its attitude
to risk, and the nature and extent of risk that it is willing to
accept in pursuit of its mission, vision, business objectives
and overall strategic goals.
Strategically, this is a key framework given that while the
Reserve Bank is a risk-sensitive institution, it also recognises
that it is exposed to various types of risks including policy,
strategic, reputational, financial, and operational, in the
pursuit of its core objectives (particularly those of fostering
monetary and financial stability), which need to be managed
effectively. Going forward, RTF is expected to be the
cornerstone of a broader risk framework, which, inter alia, would integrate risk management into the organisational
strategy, thus enabling prioritised risk management of key
RTF, as being implemented in the Reserve Bank, has the
following four components:
i. Risk Tolerance Statement: which is a formal articulation
of the organisation’s risk philosophy and attitude to risk.
The Reserve Bank is now seen to be among select
central banks, which have formally articulated their ‘risk
ii. Risk Tolerance Limits (RTLs): which are a series of limits
meant to ensure that the Bank’s operations are carried
out in conformity with its articulated risk tolerances;
iii. Risk Reporting Framework: which seeks to monitor
and report to the governance structure the ongoing
conformity with the defined RTLs; and
iv. Definition of Roles and Responsibilities: of the various
stakeholders in this framework, to obviate any gaps or
overlaps in it.
While the latter three of the foregoing four components
already exist in the Reserve Bank in various forms, the
implementation of RTF will facilitate creation of a consistent,
comprehensive and integrated framework. |
Strengthening the Risk Culture
X.60 Fostering a risk culture in the organisation
by, inter alia, sensitising the staff at all levels,
is considered crucial for achieving a shared
understanding of the Bank’s attitude to risk and
for creating an enabling environment for viewing
errors as a learning experience, even as risk
reporting facilitates timely mitigating interventions
to avert losses.
Agenda for 2016-17: Implementation Status
X.61 RMD has taken several measures for
strengthening the risk culture in the Bank. These
include conducting seminars, conferences,
classroom discussions in training establishments,
outreach to Regional Offices (ROs) across the
country as well as development and dissemination
of case studies based on real-life Incidents, which
have scope for organisational learning. The incident
reporting system has also been modified by
widening the reporters’ universe to secure greater
involvement of staff in the risk-reporting process
(Box X.4). Thus, while almost all Senior Officers of the Bank have been provided exposure to the ERM
framework, over 100 designated Risk Officers
spread across all the Central Office Departments
(CODs), ROs and Training Establishments (TEs)
have also been intensively trained. The seminars/
conferences have benefitted from the ‘tone from
the top’ provided by the involvement of the top
management in reinforcing the risk culture in the
Box X. 4
Developments in the Incident Reporting System
The adoption of ERM framework by the Reserve Bank
in February 2012, inter alia, envisaged the building up of
institutional memory of Incidents and Near Misses. In pursuit
of this vision of the Bank, the Incident Reporting Framework
(IRF) was developed specifying the principles and guidelines
as well as a template for reporting of Incidents by the in-charges
of the respective business units (BUs)3 to the RMD.
In order to facilitate the development of the ‘loss’ database,
which is also a prerequisite for the quantification of the
Bank’s operational risk, a user-friendly software has been
implemented for the reporting of Incidents by BUs.
Given the importance of sharing of the Incidents across
the BUs for strengthening risk management in the Bank, a
structure of incentives for reporting and dis-incentives for
non-reporting of risk events has been developed, which
includes the following:
(i) As part of the principles enunciated in IRF, Incidents
reported to RMD do not trigger the initiation of
administrative action (since the objective of reporting of
Incidents to RMD is only to build up a loss database and
wherever possible, facilitate organisational learning with
a view to introducing appropriate controls to obviate the
recurrence of similar risk events);
(ii) Incidents reported by a BU to RMD are not to be
reckoned as an audit finding. However, the controls
implemented by BU to prevent the recurrence of the risk
event/s are assessed during audit and the absence (or ineffectiveness) of requisite controls can be included as
audit observations;
(iii) Unreported risk events, identified during the audit, are
included as audit observations, which consequently,
also have an impact on the overall risk profile of the
(iv) Fostering risk culture: Since the willingness to share
Incidents by BUs is, inter alia, a function of the risk
awareness in the Bank, several steps have been taken
by RMD to strengthen the risk culture in the organisation.
These include conducting a number of seminars to
sensitise the officers on ERM; designating two Risk
Officers (over 100 in all) in each BU to help foster a
risk culture in their respective units; and developing
case studies of unique Incidents for placing them on the
Bank’s intranet and making these available to the TEs;
(v) The universe of the reporters has been widened on a
pilot basis for a few CODs and ROs to permit any officer
of these BUs to intimate an incident, directly to the RMD
through a simplified reporting template that has been
placed on the Bank’s intranet portal. The framework also
provides for ensuring the confidentiality of the reporter’s
The foregoing measures have helped in enhancing risk
awareness and improving risk reporting in the Bank. |
RBI’s Practice Internationally Recognised
X.62 The International Operational Risk Working
Group (IORWG), a forum of 69 central banks and
the BIS, has a well-defined process for identifying
best practices in various aspects of operational
risk management in central banks. In 2016-17,
the IORWG (of which the RBI is a member) has
recognised the Bank’s strategy for enhancing risk
culture as a ‘best practice’ that may be emulated
by the other member central banks.
Central Bank Risk Managers’ Conference
(CBRMC), 2016
X.63 The Reserve Bank hosted the 12th edition
of the CBRMC on November 17-18, 2016 in
Mumbai. CBRMC was launched under the aegis
of the BIS in 2004 and has since been hosted
by various central banks around the world. This
edition of the conference was attended by senior
risk officials from 31 central banks and the BIS,
and focused on the economic capital framework
as its central theme. The Reserve Bank has, at the
invitation of the BIS, joined the steering group of the
forum. Immediately following the CBRMC, a two-day
European Central Bank (ECB)-RBI technical
cooperation workshop on risk management was
also organised on November 21-22, 2016 in
Mumbai, as per the MoU signed between the ECB
and the Reserve Bank in January 2015.
Agenda for 2017-18
Move towards Convergence of Risk Ratings
X.64 RMD has launched a project along with
the Inspection Department for developing a web-enabled
risk reporting and analysis platform,
viz., Audit Management and Risk Monitoring
System (AMRMS). This project in the form of
software, once operationalised, will, inter alia,
enable greater convergence of risk assessment
by the internal audit function with that of the risk
monitoring function through its Risk Assessment
Methodology for Operational Risk (RAM-OR), by
providing an on-screen comparison of risk ratings
under the two methodologies. This is expected
to bring about a higher degree of objectivity
and consistency in the risk assessment process
within the Bank through a harmonised risk-rating
Holistic Risk Assessment of the Bank
X.65 The Risk Register (RR) is a comprehensive
inventory of all the processes/sub-processes
inherent in the functioning of a Business Area (BA)
as well as of all their identifiable risks. RRs have
been prepared for each BA of the Bank and upon
finalisation of all of them, a composite view of the
operational risk profile for the entire Bank will be
available. As regards the measurement of financial
risk exposures of the Bank, the Economic Capital
Framework, already in place, provides an ongoing
balance-sheet-wide monitoring mechanism
therefor, and enables an informed decision on
building up the requisite level of financial buffers
against such exposures.
X.66 Internal audit/inspection undertaken by
the Inspection Department of the Reserve Bank
provides risk assurance to the top management. The inspections are conducted under the Risk
Based Internal Audit (RBIA) framework wherein
internal control and governance processes are
examined by a team consisting of Principal
Inspecting Officer, Inspecting Officers and
information systems (IS) Auditors. The Inspection
Department also provides support to the Audit and
Risk Management Sub-Committee (ARMS) of the
Central Board as also to the Executive Directors’
Committee (EDC) overseeing the internal audit
Agenda for 2016-17: Implementation Status
X.67 The implementation of Audit Management
and Risk Monitoring System (AMRMS) is in an
advanced stage. A parallel run of the RBIA module
was underway and was to go live by July 2017.
The process of preparation of request for proposal
(RFP)/scope of vulnerability assessment and
penetration testing (VA-PT) for identified critical
IT applications was completed and the modalities
for conducting the technology audit/VA-PT for
these critical IT applications were issued to the
empanelled external audit firm. During the year, the
compliance processing of VA-PT/technology audit
of data centres and CBS application (including
e-Treasury module) was undertaken and the
action taken by business owner departments with
regard to the vulnerabilities of VA-PT findings
were closely monitored. VA-PT of the video
conferencing (VC) system was undertaken and
the audit report has been submitted. In addition,
VA-PT/technology audit of the Next Generation
Real Time Gross Settlement (NG-RTGS) system
was also undertaken and the draft audit report has
been submitted.
Agenda for 2017-18
X.68 In the first phase of AMRMS
implementation, the module on RBIA has
gone live in July 2017. The other modules of AMRMS application will be rolled out in 2017-
18. The scope of AMRMS includes automating
RBIA and other audit modules such as vertical
audit, control self-assessment audit (CSAA),
scrutinies and technology audit along with other
supplementary audit functions. A host of benefits
will accrue due to AMRMS being a centralised
web-based application accessible from any RBI
office. The endeavour will usher in a less-paper
environment along with standardisation and
uniformity in the conduct of inspections by using
standardised checklists in accordance with the
best international practices.
X.69 VA-PT/technology audit of select critical IT
applications would also be carried out.
X.70 The International Department has the
mandate of monitoring global developments,
conducting international policy analysis and
fostering international cooperation at various
international fora such as G-20, BRICS, SAARC,
Agenda 2016-17: Implementation Status
X.71 The apogee of the department’s work
during the year was the effective coordination of
the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP)
for India. The IMF’s Article IV consultations,
conducted every year, were also coordinated.
X.72 Being Chair of BRICS, India hosted several
BRICS events during 2016, including the Eighth
BRICS summit in Goa in October. On the eve of
the summit, the Reserve Bank co-hosted the first
BRICS Economic Forum Seminar and the BRICS
Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’
(FM&CBG) Meeting. The Reserve Bank as
the Chair of the BRICS Contingent Reserve
Arrangement (CRA) maintained readiness to meet
any request for drawal. It also worked with other members to set up a system of macroeconomic
information exchange.
X.73 With India co-chairing the G-20 Framework
Working Group (FWG), its meeting at Varanasi
was successfully co-hosted with the Ministry
of Finance during March 28-29, 2017. The
department worked in close collaboration with the
government for shaping India’s growth strategy for
the G-20 Hangzhou Action Plan in 2016 and the
Hamburg Action Plan in 2017. Under the German
Presidency, India played a lead role in shaping up
a set of resilience principles in the area of private finance, external sector and monetary policy, which
were endorsed at the G-20 FM&CBG meeting.
X.74 On a range of international financial
architecture (IFA) issues being discussed in the
G-20 IFA Working Group, a sustainable approach
to capital account liberalisation was mooted (see
Box X.5).
X.75 The Bank contributed to the finalisation
of the FX Global Code, a set of global principles
of good practices in the forex market. A notable
achievement has been inclusion of the Indian experience on macroprudential policies in the
Committee on Global Financial Systems' (CGFS)
Box X.5
Approaches to Capital Account Liberalisation: OECD and IMF
Capital flows can be viewed as trade in assets that allows international risk sharing. As future consumption can be bought through such trade by postponing current consumption or vice versa, it allows economic entities to smooth consumption inter-temporally (Lewis and Liu 2015). However, capital flows are prone to sudden surges, stops and even reversals and, therefore, are not an unmitigated blessing. Bhagwati (1998) argued that claims of enormous benefits from free capital mobility across borders were not persuasive. In this backdrop, it would be of interest to look at the approaches of the two main international organisations dealing with capital account liberalisation (CAL), viz., the OECD and the IMF.
OECD’s views are reflected in its two codes introduced in 1961, viz., the Code on Liberalisation of Capital Movements (generally known as the OECD Code) and the Code of Liberalisation of Current Invisible Operations. The codes aim at encouraging members to progressively remove barriers to capital movements in quest for faster growth. In 1992, short-term capital movements were covered under the code, thus limiting the scope for capital flow management measures (CFMs). In 2002, restrictions on overseas portfolio investment were made untenable under the code.
The IMF’s approach to CAL has evolved over a period of time. Before the onset of the Asian financial crisis, there were moves to recognise capital account convertibility as an explicit goal. However, the overwhelming evidence from the Asian financial crisis forced IMF to backtrack. Accordingly, gradualism, with some CFMs and macroprudential measures (MPMs), were deemed as a legitimate policy for emerging markets to exercise. The IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) also noted in 2015 that empirical literature was unable to establish a robust positive relationship between CAL and growth. Cross-border spillovers of capital flows have since increased and the G-20 countries were urged to take them on board while dealing with national policies.
From an emerging market perspective, the IMF’s approach appears prudent and pragmatic. It also stands vindicated in the wake of the global financial crisis. While the OECD Code may have served the advanced economies, emerging markets have demanded more flexibility in the codes as they do not sufficiently provide for CFMs or MPMs. India has been of the view that adherence to the OECD code should remain a voluntary process, enabling members to decide on its appropriateness in the context of evolving macro-financial conditions. While the OECD codes are currently under revision, G-20 has asked the IMF and the OECD to converge their views, especially with respect to MPMs.
Bhagwati, J. (1998), “The Capital Myth: The Difference Between Trade in Goods and in Dollars”, Foreign Affairs, May/June.
Lewis, K. K. and E. X. Liu (2015), “Evaluating International Consumption Risk Sharing Gains: An Asset Return View”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 71: 84-98. |
X.76 India took part in almost all the surveys,
thematic reviews and peer reviews conducted
by the FSB during 2016-17. The G-20 financial
regulatory agenda during 2016-17 focused on
assessment of effects of reforms with the FSB
working on a structured framework for post
implementation evaluation of effects of G-20 regulatory reforms. While the Reserve Bank
generally supported this framework as a kind of
incentive for member nations to develop stronger
database and assessment methodologies at
their country level for better self-evaluation, due
concerns were expressed on the likely possibility
of missing out the unintended consequences
on the plea of lack of materiality (of evidence)
and feasibility (of data), particularly in case of
emerging market economies (EMEs) (Box X.6). A
follow up on the FSB peer review of India, August 2016 was underway during the year. The FSB
meeting on Analytical Group on Vulnerabilities
was hosted in January 2017.
Box X.6
Effects of G-20 Regulatory Reforms on India
G-20 in 2008 initiated comprehensive financial regulatory
reforms to address the fault lines that led to the global
financial crisis. Currently, Financial Stability Board (FSB)
under the aegis of G-20 is focussing on the effects of reforms
and presented its findings, predominantly for advanced
economies (AEs), in its second Annual Report, 2016. A key
finding of FSB has been that bulk of adjustment to higher
capital has taken place through accumulation of retained
earnings rather than sharp adjustment through lending or
asset growth, although some decline in risky lending for EU
banks is observed.
In the Indian context, along with enhanced capital
requirements, there has been an added issue of increase in
non-performing assets (NPAs) since 2013. Notwithstanding
this, banks’ capital to risk weighted assets ratio (CRAR)
remained above the stipulated levels (Chart 1). Unlike AE
banks, however, higher CRAR has not led to a significant
reduction in asset size or risky lending for Indian banks as a
whole (Cohen, 2013). There are, nevertheless, bank group-wise
variations to this trend. Further, a bank-wise analysis
shows that banks with higher CRAR also have higher
return on assets (RoA) although the degree of this positive
relationship has slightly flattened in 2015 in the post Basel
III phase (Chart 2).

On the market liquidity impact of the liquidity coverage ratio
(LCR) since January 2015, the FSB report concludes lack of
any broad deterioration in market liquidity conditions. In the
Indian context, the existence of SLR and the gradual carve-outs
from it for LCR have enabled a frictionless transition
to LCR relative to the cross-country experience. However,
some banks which were very close to the prescribed LCR
appeared to have been impacted at the margin as reflected
in call money rates, although not in volumes (Pattanaik et
al. 2017).
Total loss absorbing capacity (TLAC) is another regulatory
measure imposed on global systemically important banks (GSIBs) to address the 'too-big-to-fail' problem. One of the
consequences of this regulatory measure, as per the FSB is
an attempt by many of the GSIBs to reduce their presence
and activities and at times close down their businesses in
EMEs. Remittances are one such area which has been hit due to a decline in correspondent banking in countries
like South Africa. While India remains insulated from such
an impact, higher capital standards for GSIBs has had
implications for trade finance. Though the market share of
foreign banks in India’s international trade finance is on an
average about 30 per cent, it has seen a declining trend in
recent years (Chart 3).
Cohen B. (2013), “How have Banks Adjusted to Higher
Capital Requirements?” BIS Quarterly Review, September.
Financial Stability Board (2016), 2nd Annual Report,
Implementation and Effects of G-20 Financial Regulatory
Pattanaik S., R. Kavediya and A. Hait (2017), “The
Unintended Side Effects of Basel III Liquidity Regulations
on the Operating Target of Monetary Policy’’, RBI Working
Paper, February. |
X.77 The department hosted a senior-level
conference with Banque de France on challenges
related to cyber threats and operational risks. As
regards green finance, the Bank engaged itself
with the G-20 Green Finance Study Group.
X.78 A working group of the SAARC
countries was formed to enhance coverage and
standardisation of the SAARCFINANCE database.
The third seminar on the SAARCFINANCE
database and the first meeting of the working
group on SAARCFINANCE database were
organised during November 17-18, 2016 at the
College of Agriculture Banking (CAB), Pune. In
October 2016, the SAARCFINANCE central bank
Governors agreed on a road map on the areas of
cooperation such as the cost of remittances within
the region, banking regulation and supervision,
financial inclusion, regional database, research
studies, and capacity building. During the year, liquidity support in US dollars was provided to the
central banks of Sri Lanka and Maldives, and to
Bhutan in Indian rupees under the SAARC swap
X.79 Under the aegis of the Joint Technical
Coordination Committee with the Nepal Rastra
Bank (NRB), measures were initiated to address
their concerns on several bilateral banking issues.
Besides, the South Asia Regional Training and
Technical Assistance Centre (SARTTAC) was set
up in New Delhi by the IMF with cooperation of
Government of India and the Reserve Bank.
X.80 Technical assistance programmes and
staff exchange visits were organised for various
SAARC central banks in several areas. In
addition, during 2016-17, the department also
organised 35 exposure visits by leading global
universities, officials from central banks and
international standard setting bodies. Mimamsa -
the International Department’s discussion forum
was also started during the year and talks by
national and international experts were organised
under the forum.
Agenda for 2017-18
X.81 The department will continue to work along
with the government to shape the national growth
strategy and preserve India’s stance under the G-20
Argentina Presidency and the 15th General Review
of Quotas (GRQ) during 2017-18. It will also work
towards completion of FSAP, currently underway
and provide country responses. The department’s
work-streams relating to the FSB will cover, inter
alia, shadow banking, asset management, cyber
security FinTech and Resolution Steering Group’s
X.82 Efforts are currently underway to establish a
network of financial institutions in BRICS including
plans to strengthen the BRICS institutions of
CRA and National Development Bank (NDB). A
proposal for establishment of the BRICS Bond
Fund (BBF) is also being examined.
X.83 The department will host the second
meeting of the Working Group on the
SAARCFINANCE database along with a seminar
on the SAARCFINANCE database, with a view to
expanding coverage and improving data quality.
X.84 The Department of Government and
Bank Accounts (DGBA) oversees the functions
of the Reserve Bank of India as banker to banks
and banker to government, besides formulating
internal accounting policies of the Bank.
Agenda for 2016-17: Implementation Status
X.85 During the year, DGBA pursued with
various state governments through its Regional
Offices (ROs) for further integration of their
receipts and payments with the Reserve Bank’s
CBS (e-Kuber). As at the end of June 2017, 14
states had gone live for e-receipts and eight for e-payments. A standard operating procedure for
imposition of penalties on agency banks has also
been put in place.
X.86 A Working Group on Business Process
Reengineering (BPR) is examining the changes
required for government banking in the context
of implementation of CBS in the Reserve Bank
and agency banks, IT induction in government,
more efficient payment systems, wider coverage
of Aadhaar, greater financial inclusion and vastly
enhanced mobile connectivity. A Committee
on Cost of Government Banking, comprising
members from both government and agency
banks, was also constituted which will make
recommendations on the rates at which
commission could be paid to agency banks for
carrying out government banking on behalf of the
Reserve Bank. Both the committees are expected
to submit their reports soon.
X.87 The Empowered Committee of State
Finance Ministers on Goods and Services Tax
(GST) had finalised banking arrangements for
GST, wherein the Reserve Bank will be the
aggregator for the funds. The government is
putting in place the required operational and
accounting guidelines. The systems of agency
banks are also being integrated with the Reserve
Bank’s CBS (e-Kuber). All agency banks have
been integrated with the Reserve Bank’s CBS
in a testing environment for processing of GST
transactions seamlessly.
Agenda for 2017-18
X.88 After successful commencement of GST,
DGBA, in consultation with DIT, will continue
to monitor the progress of full implementation
of GST framework. Further, integration of the
remaining state governments with the Reserve
Bank’s e-Kuber will be taken forward. The practice of Paper-to-Follow (P2F) for state government
cheques under the cheque truncation scheme
is proposed to be discontinued in consultation
with DPSS. The report of the Working Group on
BPR for government business will be examined
for implementation towards improving the overall
conduct of government business.
X.89 The Department of External Investments
and Operations (DEIO) manages the country’s
foreign exchange reserves (FER). The increasing
volume of FER warrants strengthening the
reserves management structure in terms of
valuation methods, risk management practices,
accounting framework and IT infrastructure
including disaster management.
Agenda for 2016-17: Implementation Status
X.90 Diversification of India’s foreign currency
assets (FCA) continued during the year by way
of investment in new markets and asset classes
within the framework of safety, liquidity and
returns. A number of proactive and preventive
measures were taken to ensure the efficacy of the
extant IT security system. The hot standby dealing
room and back office is fully operationalised at a
different location to mitigate the impact of disaster
induced disruptions.
Agenda for 2017-18
X.91 The agenda for 2017-18 includes further
diversification of FCA, active management
of the gold portfolio, strengthening of the risk
management framework relating to portfolio
management as well as IT systems and further
enhancement of staff capacities.
X.92 A knowledge centre for macroeconomic
policy oriented research, the Department of Economic and Policy Research (DEPR) of the
Reserve Bank is entrusted with the task of
providing research inputs and management
information system (MIS) services for policy-related
decision making. The department’s
contributions are multi-dimensional – apart from
being a source of important primary national level
data, DEPR is also responsible for the Reserve
Bank’s headline and research publications as also
the Bank’s collaboration with external experts on
policy-oriented research.
Agenda for 2016-17: Implementation Status
X.93 During the year, the department brought
out the flagship publications of the Reserve Bank
– the Annual Report, the Report on Trend and
Progress of Banking in India, State Finances:
A Study of Budgets, the Reserve Bank of India
Bulletin, and the second edition of the Handbook
of Statistics on Indian States. The department
compiled and disseminated primary statistics
on monetary aggregates, balance of payments,
external debt, combined government finances,
household financial savings and flow of funds.
X.94 During 2016-17, twenty two research
papers were completed, of which 18 were
published outside the Bank in domestic and
foreign journals. In addition, 11 working papers
were brought out during the year. Together, the
research areas covered were: regional study on
the availability of clean notes, regional study on
impact of MGNREGA, equilibrium exchange rate,
credit and production linkages in agriculture, call
money rate spread in India, corporate leverage
in EMEs, interaction of asset prices with bank
credit and monetary policy, and bank lending and
loan quality in India. Several initiatives were also
undertaken for promoting research in collaboration
with external experts. Two working papers were
brought out in collaboration with the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), viz., Quarterly Projection Model for India; and Inflation Forecast Targeting
for India. A Development Research Group (DRG)
study on Shocks and Inflation was completed
during the year.
X.95 The department organised a number of
events during the year, including the 16th C. D.
Deshmukh Memorial Lecture that was delivered
by Prof. Willem H. Buiter, ‘The Good and the Bad
Fiscal Theory of the Price Level', in April 2017.
Eminent professors, viz., Prof. Kenneth Kletzer,
University of California, Santa Cruz and Prof.
Rajesh Singh, Iowa State University visited the
Reserve Bank during the year. Apart from intensive
interactions, Prof. Kletzer delivered a talk on 'Fiscal
Interdependence, Fiscal Insurance and Sovereign
Debt' while Prof. Singh deliberated upon 'Money,
Interest Rates and Exchange Rates in Segmented
Asset Markets' and 'Monetary Policy Under
Financial Exclusion'. The DEPR Study Circle,
an in-house forum, organised 15 presentations
on diverse themes. Besides, external experts,
including Prof. Barry Eichengreen, University of
California, Berkeley; and Dr. Naoyuki Yashino,
Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo were
invited to make presentations. The Department
coordinated the SEACEN training course on
'Financial Cycles and Crises' hosted by the Bank
in December 2016 wherein 32 participants from
10 SEACEN member central banks attended the
course. The annual research conference of the
department was held in Kochi in June 2017 and
included a keynote address by Prof. V. V. Chari,
University of Minnesota (on the role of economic
policy adviser) and a panel discussion (on deglobalisation
and protectionism) by academic and
policy experts, apart from staff deliberations on
evolving organisational issues. The second edition
of the Handbook of Statistics on Indian States,
that provides a wealth of data on the regional
economy, was also released at the conference.
Agenda for 2017-18
X.96 Going forward, apart from the usual
statutory and non-statutory publications and
compilation and dissemination of data, some policy-oriented
macroeconomic and monetary policy
issues have been identified for focused analysis
and research during 2017-18. They include:
inter-relationship between credit and output to
delve into the apparent disconnect between the
two evolving in recent years; fiscal policy and
growth in the context of the on-going debate on
the efficacy of fiscal policy vis-à-vis other policies
in reviving economic activity in EMEs; quality of
state government finances, which will specifically
analyse the efficiency of expenditures; micro
aspects of remittances that will study details such
as modes and frequency of transfers, transaction
cost at receivers’ end, and speed of delivery and
utilisation of remittances; and volatility spill-overs
across money, bond and forex markets that will
examine dynamic conditional correlation between
the markets from the viewpoint of appropriate
policy responses. Furthermore, in keeping
with the frequency of release of many other
macroeconomic statistics as also the practices
of advanced economies, generation of quarterly
estimates of household financial savings and flow
of funds will be attempted. The department will
continue to organise a number of seminars and
lectures during 2017-18. The release of ‘History of
the Reserve Bank’ Volume-V by the History Cell
will also be taken up once the draft is finalised.
X.97 The Department of Statistics and
Information Management (DSIM) provides high
quality statistical services, including compilation,
analysis and dissemination of macro-financial
statistics to the public, and statistical support
and analytical inputs for meeting the policy and operational needs of the Reserve Bank. DSIM
maintains multi-dimensional statistical systems
related to banking, corporate and external
sectors; undertakes structured surveys relating to
enterprises and households as inputs for monetary
policy formulation; manages the centralised
submission of returns through XBRL system and
dissemination through the Reserve Bank’s data
warehouse; and provides statistical analyses and
Agenda for 2016-17: Implementation Status
X.98 During 2016-17, DSIM released core
statistics relating to banking, corporate and
external sectors in a timely manner and in
several areas, with reduced time lags. With the
help of the SAARC countries, a database on key
macroeconomic and financial variables since
2001 was established in May 2016 and its
coverage was enhanced during the year. The
advance release calendar for 2017 for India as
well as for five other SAARC countries was placed
on the website.
X.99 With new data requirements, the
rationalisation of two existing annual returns on
deposits is being implemented with fully automated
submission and processing. A project on web-based
reporting and maintenance of detailed
information on banking entities with wider scope
was launched under the guidance of a Technical
Advisory Group (TAG).
X.100 The coverage of XBRL-based return
submission by banks was extended to
accommodate more diverse returns and users.
Around 30 additional returns pertaining to different
departments of the Bank were completed and will
go live soon on the XBRL platform. The formats of
returns were streamlined under the aegis of the
inter-departmental Returns Governance Group
(RGG). Regional rural banks and non-banking financial companies were brought under the XBRL
reporting in a phased manner.
X.101 In a major step towards harmonisation
of banking statistics, a technical guidance note
on XBRL returns was issued for ensuing quality
and uniformity of the inputs received through the
returns prescribed by the Reserve Bank, as part
of statutory, regulatory, supervisory, policy and
research requirements. This will ensure uniform
application of the aggregation rules for compiling
reporting-line items by different banks.
X.102 During the year, monetary policy surveys
were conducted as per calendar, to support policy
decisions. The Technical Advisory Committee on
Surveys (TACS) provided guidance on related
technical issues, which were further examined
in collaboration with the Indian Statistical
Institute, Kolkata for refinement of estimates. The
department also completed exploratory work
towards fine-tuning of the computation of capacity
utilisation at aggregate level from the Order Books,
Inventories and Capacity Utilisation Survey.
X.103 During 2016-17, a number of studies were
undertaken in the areas of risk and vulnerability in
the private corporate sector; and nowcasting for
short-term forecasts of manufacturing sales growth
incorporating sentiments captured from news
articles with application of latest technological
innovations like web-scrapping.
Agenda for 2017-18
X.104 The representativeness of the household
surveys will be further improved under the
guidance of the TACS by extending it to smaller
cities/rural areas. The coverage of the Consumer
Confidence Survey will be enhanced to cover
seven more cities and the survey design of the
Inflation Expectations Survey of Households will
be refined.
X.105 An innovative use of existing information
bases will be attempted to aid policy making.
Payment system data will be used to generate
an Employment Index. As part of half-yearly
surveillance, stress tests will be conducted to
assess the private corporate sector’s risk profile
using an industry-level sensitivity analysis under
suitably chosen stress scenarios in macroeconomic
variables and corporate performance parameters.
X.106 The department will initiate a project
on revamping the data warehouse system. The
next generation warehouse, i.e., 'Centralised
Information Management System' will include a
big-data platform.
X.107 For the purpose of facilitating research and
generation of leading indicators, the department
will work on building databases comprising national
electronic funds transfer (NEFT) and national
automated clearing house (NACH) transaction-level
payment system data in the Hadoop System4. A new
web-based, self-validating system of collecting and
maintaining branch information will be developed
into which the Geographical Information System
will be integrated. The web-based banking assets
and liabilities (Nostro/Vostro balances) reporting
system will be implemented.
X.108 Further centralisation and standardisation
of reporting will involve more returns prescribed
by the Reserve Bank being brought under the
XBRL-based submission and the existing XBRL
system will be migrated to a new IT infrastructural
setup (virtual server) to handle the increased
reporting load and to improve efficiency of the
system. Measures will be taken to reduce the
reporting burden for banks by standardisation of
items under the aegis of the RGG. This will include providing harmonised definitions of additional
X.109 A need is felt to enhance the extant
statistical and supervisory information systems
on credit in the Reserve Bank. This could be in
the form of setting up of a Public Credit Register
(PCR), an extensive database of credit information
for India that is accessible to all stakeholders. The
PCR would help in improving efficiency of the
credit market besides helping the central bank in
supervision as well as the policy making. DSIM
would be working in coordination with other
departments and outside experts in rolling out the
PCR and enhancing its scope and coverage in a
phased manner.
X.110 The Legal Department is an advisory
department established for examining and
advising on legal issues and for facilitating the
management of litigation on behalf of the Reserve
Bank. It vets the circulars, directions, regulations
and agreements for various departments of the
Reserve Bank with a view to ensuring that the
decisions of the Reserve Bank are legally sound.
The Legal Department also extends support and
advice to DICGC and other RBI subsidiaries on
legal issues, litigation and court matters.
Agenda for 2016-17: Implementation Status
X.111 Several important legislations concerning
the financial sector were brought in/amended
during the year. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Code, 2016 sought to consolidate and amend the
laws relating to reorganisation and the insolvency
resolution of corporate persons, partnership firms
and individuals in a time bound manner. The Code
has provided for the establishment of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India for regulation of the
insolvency professionals, insolvency professional
agencies and information utilities.
X.112 The Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of
Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and
Services) Act, 2016 provides for the targeted
delivery of subsidies and services to individuals
residing in India by assigning them unique identity
numbers, called Aadhaar numbers.
X.113 The Finance Act, 2017 amended Section
31 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 relating
to the issue of demand bills and notes, providing
for the central government to authorise any
scheduled bank to issue electoral bonds.
X.114 The Finance Act, 2017 also amended
certain provisions of the Payment and Settlement
Systems Act, 2007. The amendment provides
that instead of the existing Board for Regulation
and Supervision of Payments and Settlement, the
Payments Regulatory Board will exercise functions
relating to the regulation and supervision of
payments and settlement systems under the Act.
The new Board shall consist of the Governor of the
Reserve Bank as Chairperson and the following
Members: Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank
in charge of Payment and Settlement Systems,
one officer of the Reserve Bank to be nominated
by the Central Board of the Reserve Bank; and
three persons to be nominated by the central
X.115 The Specified Bank Notes (Cessation of
Liabilities) Act, 2017 provided for the cessation
of liabilities on specified bank notes5 in public
X.116 The Calcutta High Court vide its decision
dated March 03, 2017 upheld the Reserve Bank’s powers to require a company to transit from the
business of residuary non-banking companies
Agenda for 2017-18
X.117 In 2017-18, the department will continue to
advise various departments on legal matters and
furnish specific legal opinions whenever sought. It
will also continue its efforts at managing litigation
on behalf of the Reserve Bank and function as
a secretariat to the Appellate Authority under
the Right to Information Act. Amendments to
various Acts administered by the Reserve Bank
will be pursued during the year in order to meet
international commitments and standards and to
clarify relevant provisions.
X.118 The Corporate Strategy and Budget
Department (CSBD) formulates the annual budget
of the Reserve Bank by adopting activity based
budgeting which emanates from annual action
plans drawn by the Bank’s offices, departments
and training establishments. Action plans of the
business units are analysed in the context of
priorities, timelines and achievable milestones
vis-à-vis constraints and implementable corrective
measures in order to make the goals realistic and
X.119 The department has the responsibility of
rolling out an active and comprehensive business
continuity management (BCM) framework for the
Bank. The department aims at putting in place
a robust and resilient framework that manages
business disruption smoothly keeping in view the
satisfaction and interest of all stakeholders and
befitting the image of the Bank.
Agenda for 2016-17: Implementation Status
X.120 Execution of activity-driven budgets of all
accounting units was scrupulously monitored.
The department had prepared the BCM policy
for the Bank. A business impact analysis (BIA)
was carried out at all Central Office Departments
(CODs) and select Regional Offices (ROs)/
Training Establishments (TEs). Time-sensitive
critical activities of the Bank were determined
by the department. The department, besides
overseeing the smooth conduct of meetings of
the governing board and its sub-committees,
was actively engaged in the reconstitution of the
Governing Council of CAFRAL and appointment
of Directors of CAFRAL and NIBM. Approvals for establishment of State Government (SG) Cells,
and Department of Non-Banking Supervision and
Department of Cooperative Bank Supervision
Cells were granted to select Tier III offices.
Agenda for 2017-18
X.121 The department’s agenda for 2017-18
includes the implementation of a full-fledged
BCM framework which is dynamic and vibrant,
setting up a Crisis Command and Control Centre,
formulating a cohesive strategic plan for the
Bank which is inclusive and in sync with elevated
aspirations of all stakeholders (Box X.7), reducing
and rationalising expenditure by fine-tuning the
process of budget formulation, internalising the use of technology for ease of operations, and
initiating holistic measures to revamp capacity
and deliverable capability of external funded
Box X.7
Corporate Strategy in the Reserve Bank
In an endeavour to benchmark the Reserve Bank alongside
the best central banks in the world, a medium-term strategy
and action plan framework has been established wherein
granular action plans of all Central Office Departments
of the Reserve Bank have been aggregated into broad
strategies and linked to the core purpose, values and
vision statement. The intent is to clearly communicate
the manner in which strategy can be operationalised
and its implementation measured and evaluated. This is
expected to demonstrate clarity of purpose and sharpen
the effectiveness of strategy.
Strategy and Action Plan
A well-defined strategic planning and monitoring process
provides the framework for identifying priorities and
developing actions in order to deliver optimal results. An
overarching strategy framework helps to clearly bring out
the manner in which various business units contribute to
the actualisation of the Bank’s vision and mission through
their strategies and action plans. Therefore, articulation
and translation of the organisation’s vision, mission and
culture into operational terms is critical for the successful
implementation of strategy. The strategies and the
corresponding action plans of the Reserve Bank are listed
in the strategy document and linked to the core purpose, values and vision statement. Implementation status thereon
is monitored on a quarterly basis.
Linking Action Plan to Budget of the Bank
It is important to facilitate efforts to align the deliverable
action plans with the budget of the Bank, leading to adequate
and efficient allocation of resources in line with the Bank’s
priorities. A well-articulated strategic plan will help business
units (Central Office Departments /Regional Offices/
Training Establishments) prioritise the activities that they
plan to carry out during the year and budget accordingly.
Resource allocation would thereby get closely aligned with
the strategic and operational plan. The corporate strategy
framework, in the long run, will help bring about greater
efficiency and accountability in the Bank’s functioning.
Objectives of the Framework
Specifically, the framework seeks to:
• Provide the top management with a bird’s eye view of how
the agenda set by them is translating into strategies and
action plans on the ground and how budgetary resources
are being allocated as per organisational priorities.
• Sensitise the staff at all levels that departmental goals
serve strategic objectives and help them realise how
each of them is instrumental directly or indirectly in helping the Bank to achieve its core purpose, values and
• Generate a strong enterprise-wide commitment for
carrying out the organisation’s strategy by linking
organisational structure to the strategy framework.
• Monitor implementation of action plans.
• Achieve optimum allocation of resources by determining
the Bank’s strategic priorities and devoting resources
to them while at the same time rationalising resources
elsewhere by establishing a clear link between strategic
planning, operational plan and the budget.
The strategy and action plan framework helps align action
plans with strategic objectives, while a measurement mechanism puts in place a framework for monitoring their
effective implementation. To enable measurement of the
implementation of action plans with clear timelines and
milestones, templates enumerating their strategies and
action plans are prepared by each department quarterly.
These templates enable various departments to self-monitor
the status with respect to the achievement of the action
plans that they have set for themselves and their plans
for the following quarters in terms of (i) clear timelines;
(ii) milestones; (iii) barriers; and (iv) initiating timely corrective
measures to plug the gap between the envisaged goals and
their actual achievement. The status received from various
departments is compiled, analysed and submitted to the top
management to review the agenda set by them and also the
associated strategies and priorities. |
X.122 The Department of Corporate Services
(DCS) coordinates and facilitates internal corporate
services such as tendering and awarding contract
for printing of the Bank’s publications, entering into
rate contract for procurement of major stationary
items, facilitating conduct of seminars and
conferences, entering into corporate tie-up with
major airlines and hotel chains and empaneling of
travel agents to meet the requirements of various
regional offices and central office departments of
the Reserve Bank.
Agenda for 2016-17: Implementation Status
X.123 Presently, an interdepartmental working
group is reviewing the current policy on records
management to suggest modifications in current
instructions as well as the inclusion of best
practices on records management which will suit processes in an evolving business environment.
The handbooks on functions related to
procurement and rate contract, protocol and event
management are being finalised. The department
also carried out an impact analysis on a quarterly
basis to assess the benefits of the common and
centralised rate contracts and remedial measures
were taken accordingly, wherever required.
Agenda for 2017-18
X.124 During 2017-18, the department will assist
the Department of Information Technology (DIT) in
the implementation of the Electronic Documents
Management System (EDMS) and simultaneously
encourage the stakeholder departments to
reinforce the best practices for managing records
in the Bank.
X.125 During 2016-17, the Reserve Bank
continued its efforts to ensure compliance with
the statutory provisions of the Official Languages
Act with a view to promoting the use of Hindi in
its working. The Rajbhasha Department of the
Reserve Bank is entrusted with this responsibility.
Agenda for 2016-17: Implementation Status
X.126 During the year, 111 staff members passed
the Pragya6 examination of the Government of
India. As per the new scheme of the Rajbhasha
Department, Government of India, a number of
staff members were nominated for Parangat7
also and 192 passed this examination. To create
a conducive environment among staff members
to use Hindi on computers, staff members were
trained in Hindi typing and were nominated for a
typing examination conducted by Hindi Teaching
Scheme of the Government of India. To increase
the use of Hindi in noting and correspondence,
144 workshops were conducted across the Bank.
A ‘Hindi Fortnight’ was also celebrated in all
Regional Offices and Central Office Departments
by conducting several competitions in Hindi in
innovative ways.
X.127 For learning Hindi through a regional
language, teaching material was prepared in
Assamese and Konkani. Such material has
already been prepared in six other languages
(Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Oriya
and Bangla) of Region ‘C’. Besides, teaching
material for learning regional languages (Bangla,
Kannada, Oriya, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam)
through the Hindi medium was also prepared
for the officers on transfer to region ‘C’ in order
to help them communicate in local languages. In
order to sensitise senior officers and Heads of
Central Office Departments on the requirements
of the Official Language Policy, a workshop was
conducted at Bhubaneswar during December 16-
17, 2016. A seminar based on the role of information technology in Hindi was organised at Hyderabad
on March 10, 2017. A Rajbhasha conference for
all Rajbhasha officers was organised at CAB,
Pune during April 07-08, 2017. Apart from these,
an administrative glossary (English-Hindi) has
been brought out by the Bank for the use of banks
and financial institutions.
X.128 Towards implementation of the Official
Language policy in an effective manner, Rajbhasha
officers were imparted training in the management
development programme to enhance their skills.
A translation workshop was conducted at the
Reserve Bank Staff College, Chennai regarding
translation of legal documents, financial and
banking terminologies.
X.129 A book in Hindi titled Bankon Mein Grahak
Seva was published which contained articles on
customer service. Bank’s Hindi journal Banking
Chintan Anuchintan received a Gold award from
the Association of Business Communicators of
India. The statutory publications of the Bank - the
Annual Report and Report on Trend and Progress
of Banking in India continued to be prepared in a
bilingual form. In addition, the Financial Stability
Report, Weekly Statistical Supplement and the
monthly Bulletin were also published in a bilingual
form and the same were placed on Bank’s website.
Rajbhasha Samachar was published along with
its e-version which covers in-house activities and
events of the Bank to promote the use of Hindi. The
Rajbhasha Department also prepared the Annual
Rajbhasha Report regarding the progressive use
of Hindi in the Bank.
X.130 An incentive scheme for writing outstanding
books in Hindi on the subject matter of banking
was introduced during the year, with an award of
₹125,000. During the year, an all-India Hindi essay
writing competition as well as a Hindi and Bilingual
House Magazine competition were held for public
sector banks and financial institutions.
Visit of Parliamentary Committee
X.131 The Committee of Parliament on Official
Language (the Third Sub-Committee) visited the
Central Office of the Reserve Bank in Mumbai
on January 23, 2017 to inspect and review the
status of implementation of the Rajbhasha policy.
The sub-committee suggested further measures
for promoting the usage of Hindi in the Bank and
also instructed that intensive efforts be made for
the implementation of the official language in all
spheres of the Bank.
Agenda for 2017-18
X.132 An annual work plan for 2017-18 is being
prepared keeping in view the requirements of the
annual programme published by the Government
of India and the issues raised by the Committee
of Parliament on Official Language. Developing
a new Rajbhasha Reporting System is another
agenda for 2017-18. In addition, a booklet on
statutory provisions on official language will
be brought out for dissemination among staff
members of the Bank.
X.133 The responsibilities of the Premises
Department encompass creating, maintaining
and upgrading the Reserve Bank’s physical
infrastructure. In 2016-17, significant developments
have taken place in this direction including the
initiation of new activities.
Agenda for 2016-17: Implementation Status
X.134 During the year, the Premises Department
acquired land for constructing new office buildings
in centres where the Reserve Bank was functioning
from rented premises, viz., Agartala (Tripura),
Ranchi (Jharkhand) and Imphal (Manipur). On
the construction front, officers’ quarters along with
common amenities at Anna Nagar (Chennai) and
Dadar-Parel (Mumbai) are nearing completion.
Work for construction of infrastructural facilities
for the Centre for Advanced Financial Research
and Learning (CAFRAL) at Mumbai, and
reconstruction work of the residential quarters at
Hauz Khas (New Delhi), Chembur (Mumbai) and
Kharghar (Navi Mumbai) have commenced.
X.135 The Indian Green Building Council
(IGBC) awarded a ‘Platinum’ rating to all the new
constructions by the Bank [viz., RBSC (Chennai)
and IGIDR (Mumbai) hostels, Ameerpet Senior
Officers’ flats (Hyderabad) and the on-going Anna
Nagar complex], as also the existing residential
complex at Ameerpet (Hyderabad) in recognition of
the efforts to introduce green building concepts in
construction projects.
X.136 Another major thrust area of the
department’s function has been conservation of
water and energy and their efficient use. Along with
rain water harvesting, the Bank has installed grid
interactive solar power generators for enhancing
capacity in various premises.
X.137 E-tendering has been introduced for
procurement (beyond the threshold limit of ₹1
million and sale of goods/scrap, etc. beyond
₹0.5 million) with the objective of ensuring faster
processing, better price discovery and greater
transparency in procurement processes. A portal
for this purpose has been launched in coordination
with MSTC Ltd, a public sector undertaking.
X.138 The Department continued its focus
on strengthening perimeter security by
operationalising an internet protocol based
CCTV (IPCCTV) system in 20 office buildings.
Installation of integrated security system in
the Central Office building is expected to be
completed soon.
Agenda for 2017-18
X.139 Construction of office buildings at Naya
Raipur and Dehradun and residential colonies at
Trikuta Nagar, Jammu is expected to commence during 2017-18. An office building at Imphal
is presently on the drawing board. Residential
colonies in Mumbai (Andheri and Malad), Jaipur
(Malviya Nagar), Chandigarh and Ahmedabad
(Vasna) are also being planned. Steps have already
been initiated for construction of a Holiday Home
at Lonavala and reconstruction of the residential
colony at Guwahati (Zoo Narangi Road).
X.140 During 2017-18, concrete steps for further
conservation of water and electricity across all
premises have been envisaged as part of the
green initiative.
Table 1: Attendance in the Meeting of the Central Board of Directors during
July 01, 2016 - June 30, 2017 |
Name of the Member |
Appointed/Nominated under RBI Act, 1934 |
No. of Meetings Held |
No. of Meetings Attended |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Raghuram G. Rajan |
8 (1) (a) |
2 |
2 |
Urjit R. Patel |
8 (1) (a) |
7 |
7 |
R. Gandhi |
8 (1) (a) |
6 |
6 |
S. S. Mundra |
8 (1) (a) |
7 |
7 |
N.S. Vishwanathan |
8(1) (a) |
7 |
6 |
Viral V. Acharya |
8(1) (a) |
2 |
2 |
B.P. Kanungo |
8(1) (a) |
1 |
1 |
Nachiket M. Mor |
8 (1) (b) |
7 |
4 |
Y. C. Deveshwar |
8 (1) (c) |
2 |
0 |
Damodar Acharya |
8 (1) (c) |
2 |
2 |
Natarajan Chandrasekaran |
8 (1) (c) |
7 |
5 |
Bharat N. Doshi |
8 (1) (c) |
7 |
7 |
Sudhir Mankad |
8 (1) (c) |
7 |
7 |
Rajiv Kumar |
8 (1) (c) |
2 |
2 |
Ashok Gulati |
8 (1) (c) |
2 |
2 |
Manish Sabharwal |
8 (1) (c) |
2 |
2 |
Anjuly Chib Duggal |
8 (1) (d) |
7 |
4 |
Shaktikanta Das |
8 (1) (d) |
7 |
4 |
Table 2: Attendance in the Meeting of the Committees of the Central Board
during July 01, 2016 - June 30, 2017 |
Name of the Member |
Appointed/Nominated under RBI Act, 1934 |
No. of Meetings Held |
No. of Meetings Attended |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
I. Committee of the Central Board (CCB) |
Raghuram G. Rajan |
8 (1) (a) |
7 |
7 |
Urjit R. Patel |
8 (1) (a) |
46 |
32 |
R. Gandhi |
8 (1) (a) |
34 |
23 |
S. S. Mundra |
8 (1) (a) |
46 |
16 |
N. S. Vishwanathan |
8 (1) (a) |
46 |
28 |
Viral V. Acharya |
8 (1) (a) |
21 |
17 |
B. P. Kanungo |
8 (1) (a) |
12 |
7 |
Nachiket M. Mor |
8 (1) (b) |
26 |
10 |
Y. C. Deveshwar |
8 (1) (c) |
04 |
0 |
Damodar Acharya |
8 (1) (c) |
08 |
7 |
Natarajan Chandrasekaran |
8 (1) (c) |
28 |
13 |
Bharat N. Doshi |
8 (1) (c) |
32 |
25 |
Sudhir Mankad |
8 (1) (c) |
30 |
24 |
Rajiv Kumar |
8 (1) (c) |
6 |
3 |
Ashok Gulati |
8 (1) (c) |
7 |
7 |
Manish Sabharwal |
8 (1) (c) |
7 |
6 |
II. Board for Financial Supervision (BFS) |
Raghuram G. Rajan |
Chairman |
2 |
2 |
Urjit R. Patel # |
Chairman |
9 |
8 |
Urjit R. Patel |
Member |
2 |
2 |
R. Gandhi |
Member |
9 |
8 |
S. S. Mundra |
Vice-Chairman |
11 |
11 |
N.S. Vishwanathan |
Member |
11 |
11 |
Viral V. Acharya |
Member |
4 |
3 |
B.P.Kanungo |
Member |
2 |
1 |
Nachiket M. Mor |
Member |
10 |
9 |
Bharat N. Doshi |
Member |
11 |
10 |
Sudhir Mankad |
Member |
11 |
11 |
Ashok Gulati |
Member |
4 |
3 |
III. Board for Regulation and Supervision of Payment and Settlement Systems (BPSS) |
Raghuram G. Rajan |
Chairman |
1 |
1 |
Urjit R. Patel# |
Chairman |
2 |
2 |
Urjit R. Patel |
Member |
1 |
1 |
R. Gandhi |
Vice-Chairman |
3 |
3 |
S. S. Mundra |
Member |
3 |
2 |
N.S. Vishwanathan |
Member |
3 |
3 |
Viral V. Acharya |
Member |
1 |
1 |
Damodar Acharya |
Member |
1 |
1 |
Natarajan Chandrasekaran |
Member |
3 |
0 |
Bharat N. Doshi |
Member |
3 |
3 |
# w.e.f. September 4, 2016 |
Table 3: Attendance in the Meeting of the Sub-Committees of the Board during July 01, 2016 - June 30, 2017 |
Name of the Member |
Appointed/Nominated under
RBI Act, 1934 |
No. of Meetings Held |
No. of Meetings Attended |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
I. Audit & Risk Management Sub-Committee (ARMS) |
Bharat N. Doshi |
Chairman |
6 |
6 |
R. Gandhi |
Invitee |
6 |
4 |
S. S. Mundra |
Invitee |
6 |
4 |
N. S. Vishwanathan |
Member |
6 |
6 |
Viral V. Acharya |
Invitee |
3 |
2 |
B.P. Kanungo |
Invitee |
2 |
2 |
Nachiket M. Mor |
Member |
6 |
5 |
Sudhir Mankad |
Member |
6 |
5 |
Deepak Mohanty |
Member |
6 |
4 |
Deepak Singhal |
Member |
6 |
5 |
II. Building Sub-Committee (BSC) |
Sudhir Mankad |
Chairman |
1 |
1 |
Rajiv Kumar@ |
Chairman |
1 |
1 |
Y. C. Deveshwar |
Member |
1 |
0 |
@ w.e.f. February 27, 2017 |
III. Human Resource Management Sub-Committee (HRM-SC) |
Damodar Acharya@ |
Chairman |
2 |
2 |
Natarajan Chandrasekaran* |
Chairman |
1 |
1 |
Manish Sabharwal# |
Chairman |
1 |
1 |
S. S. Mundra |
Member |
4 |
4 |
@Up to October 11, 2016
* w.e.f. October 24, 2016 till February 23, 2017
# w.e.f. February 27, 2017 |
IV. Information Technology Sub-Committee (IT-SC) |
Natarajan Chandrasekaran |
Chairman |
Rajiv Kumar |
Member |
Table 4: Attendance in the Meeting of Standing Committee of the Central Board of Directors during July 01, 2016 - June 30, 2017 |
Name of the Member |
No. of Meetings Held |
No. of Meetings Attended |
1 |
2 |
3 |
R. Gandhi |
4 |
4 |
B.P. Kanungo |
1 |
1 |
Damodar Acharya |
3 |
3 |
Y.C. Deveshwar |
2 |
0 |
Bharat N. Doshi |
4 |
2 |
Dr. Rajiv Kumar |
1 |
1 |
Table 5: Attendance in the Meetings of Local Boards during July 01, 2016 - June 30, 2017 |
Name of the Member |
Appointed / Nominated under RBI Act, 1934 |
No. of Meetings held |
No. of Meetings Attended |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Nachiket Mor, EALB |
Section 9(1) |
1 |
1 |
Sunil Mitra, EALB |
Section 9(1) |
1 |
1 |
V.R. Bhanshali, WALB |
Section 9(1) |
1 |
1 |
Dliip S. Shanghvi, WALB |
Section 9(1) |
1 |
1 |
EALB: Eastern Area Local Board
WALB: Western Area Local Board |