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Annual Report

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May 30, 2024
Annual Report 2023-2024  7211 kb
Letter of transmittal  626 kb
Central Board / Local Boards  48 kb
Principal Officers  52 kb
Contents  98 kb
Select Abbreviations  132 kb
Part I : The Economy : Review and Prospects
I. Assessment and Prospects  277 kb
II. Economic Review  3844 kb
Part II : The Working and Operations of The Reserve Bank of India
III. Monetary Policy Operations  442 kb
IV. Credit Delivery and Financial Inclusion  210 kb
V. Financial Markets and Foreign Exchange Management  226 kb
VI. Regulation, Supervision and Financial Stability  382 kb
VII. Public Debt Management  258 kb
VIII. Currency Management  275 kb
IX. Payment and Settlement Systems and Information Technology  325 kb
X. Communication, International Relations, Research and Statistics  250 kb
XI. Governance, Human Resources and Organisational Management  263 kb
XII. The Reserve Bank’s Accounts for 2023-24  484 kb
Annex I: Chronology of Major Policy Announcements - April 2023 to March 2024  194 kb
Annex II: Regulatory Measures Undertaken Post Public Consultations - April 2021 to March 2024  127 kb
Annex III: Customer Centric Measures - April 2021 to March 2024  152 kb
Appendix Tables
Macroeconomic and Financial Indicators 16 kb 104 kb
Growth Rates and Composition of Real Gross Domestic Product (At 2011-12 prices) 10 kb 90 kb
Gross Savings 10 kb 108 kb
Inflation, Money and Credit 12 kb 126 kb
Capital Market - Primary and Secondary 12 kb 111 kb
Key Fiscal Indicators 11 kb 93 kb
Combined Receipts and Disbursements of the Central and State Governments 11 kb 126 kb
India’s Overall Balance of Payments 11 kb 91 kb
Foreign Direct Investment Flows to India: Country-wise and Industry-wise 10 kb 72 kb
