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Date : Jun 12, 2015
RBI releases Data on International Banking Statistics of India: March 2014 to December 2014

The Reserve Bank of India today released, on its website, the data related to International Banking Statistics of India for the quarters ending March, June, September and December 2014. The Locational Banking Statistics (LBS) present data on international assets and liabilities in terms of instrument/components, currency, country of residence and sector of counter-party/transacting unit, and nationality of reporting banks while Consolidated Banking Statistics (CBS) cover data by residual maturity and sector of borrower along with the exposures by country of immediate borrower and on the reallocation of claims (i.e., risk transfers) to the country of ultimate risk. The data are presented in terms of INR and USD.


  • The international liabilities (based on LBS) of banks in Indiarecorded a gradual deceleration in annual growth rate after achieving high growth rate (35.8 per cent) in December 2013.

  • Upsurge in growth rate of international/cross border assets of the Indian banking system since September 2013 moderated to 4.3 per cent in December 2014.

  • Share of ‘Foreign Currency Borrowings’ in total international liabilities of Indian banks declined during 2014.

  • Moderate increase in ‘Foreign Currency Loans to Residents’ and decline in NOSTRO balances was observed during the year.

  • The share of the non-bank sector in the international liabilities as well as international assets increased during 2014.

  • The international claims of Indian banks, on immediate risk basis, based on Consolidated Banking Statistics (CBS), on all other countries grew at a slower pace in 2014.

An article analysing the broad trends in Locational and Consolidated Banking Statistics will be published in July 2015 issue of the RBI Bulletin.

Sangeeta Das

Press Release : 2014-2015/2648
