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23. Union Government Accounts at a Glance
Date : Dec 10, 2015
(Amount in ₹ Billion)
Item Financial Year April–October
2015-16 (Budget Estimates) 2014-15 (Actuals) 2015-16 (Actuals) Percentage to Budget Estimates
2014-15 2015-16
1 2 3 4 5
1 Revenue Receipts 11,415.8 4,800.7 5,907.4 40.4 51.7
  1.1 Tax Revenue (Net) 9,198.4 3,688.7 4,288.0 37.7 46.6
  1.2 Non-Tax Revenue 2,217.3 1,112.0 1,619.4 52.3 73.0
2 Capital Receipts 6,359.0 4,820.2 4,308.8 79.7 67.8
  2.1 Recovery of Loans 107.5 61.4 68.3 58.3 63.5
  2.2 Other Receipts 695.0 1.2 128.0 0.2 18.4
  2.3 Borrowings and Other Liabilities 5,556.5 4,757.5 4,112.5 89.6 74.0
3 Total Receipts (1+2) 17,774.8 9,620.9 10,216.2 53.6 57.5
4 Non-Plan Expenditure 13,122.0 6,951.0 7,509.3 57.0 57.2
  4.1 On Revenue Account 12,060.3 6,415.0 6,975.8 57.6 57.8
  4.1.1 Interest Payments 4,561.5 2,059.7 2,153.3 48.2 47.2
  4.2 On Capital Account 1,061.7 536.0 533.5 50.9 50.3
5 Plan Expenditure 4,652.8 2,669.9 2,706.9 46.4 58.2
  5.1 On Revenue Account 3,300.2 2,112.1 1,807.2 46.6 54.8
  5.2 On Capital Account 1,352.6 557.8 899.8 45.9 66.5
6 Total Expenditure (4+5) 17,774.8 9,620.9 10,216.2 53.6 57.5
7 Revenue Expenditure (4.1+5.1) 15,360.5 8,527.1 8,782.9 54.4 57.2
8 Capital Expenditure (4.2+5.2) 2,414.3 1,093.8 1,433.3 48.2 59.4
9 Revenue Deficit (7-1) 3,944.7 3,726.3 2,875.5 98.5 72.9
10 Fiscal Deficit {6-(1+2.1+2.2)} 5,556.5 4,757.5 4,112.5 89.6 74.0
11 Gross Primary Deficit [10-4.1.1] 995.0 2,697.8 1,959.1 259.0 196.9
Source: Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
