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24. Treasury Bills – Ownership Pattern
Date : Sep 10, 2016
(₹ Billion)
Item 2015-16 2015 2016
Jul. 31 Jun. 24 Jul. 1 Jul. 8 Jul. 15 Jul. 22 Jul. 29
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 91-day                
1.1 Banks 436.1 402.6 390.7 333.2 297.7 286.1 253.3 239.8
1.2 Primary Dealers 219.0 261.7 321.7 281.6 213.3 181.5 160.2 168.5
1.3 State Governments 453.0 683.8 589.2 666.2 647.2 631.2 681.2 645.2
1.4 Others 362.4 519.5 646.8 669.4 772.9 817.4 873.5 882.0
2 182-day                
2.1 Banks 186.5 354.7 224.2 236.2 239.4 249.6 264.3 307.8
2.2 Primary Dealers 412.7 259.2 340.5 331.1 303.9 292.5 286.1 278.9
2.3 State Governments 50.0 15.1 95.7 95.7 95.7 95.7 95.7 95.7
2.4 Others 62.9 166.9 153.9 151.6 175.5 178.0 169.6 133.0
3 364-day                
3.1 Banks 442.8 399.4 416.8 464.9 437.0 471.5 517.7 502.2
3.2 Primary Dealers 662.6 674.7 668.7 652.8 660.6 668.0 617.4 670.2
3.3 State Governments 19.6 23.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2
3.4 Others 354.9 383.2 434.6 401.6 421.8 380.8 385.2 347.9
4 14-day Intermediate                
4.1 Banks
4.2 Primary Dealers
4.3 State Governments 1,224.9 643.4 915.5 1,113.5 737.6 721.9 803.3 841.8
4.4 Others 10.1 8.5 5.0 10.5 12.7 8.8 7.8 4.6
Total Treasury Bills
(Excluding 14 day Intermediate T Bills) #
3,662.4 4,143.9 4,307.9 4,309.5 4,290.3 4,277.5 4,329.4 4,296.4
# 14D intermediate T-Bills are non-marketable unlike 91D, 182D and 364D T-Bills. These bills are ‘intermediate’ by nature as these are liquidated to replenish shortfall in the daily minimum cash balances of State Governments
Note: Primary Dealers (PDs) include banks undertaking PD business.
