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6. Money Stock Measures
Date : Mar 10, 2018
(₹ Billion)
Item Outstanding as on March 31/last reporting Fridays of the month/reporting Fridays
2016-17 2017 2018
Jan. 20 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 19
1 2 3 4 5
1 Currency with the Public (1.1 + 1.2 + 1.3 – 1.4) 12,641.2 9,134.8 16,159.9 16,328.0 16,602.4
1.1 Notes in Circulation 13,101.8 9,628.7 16,717.7 16,793.1 17,076.6
1.2 Circulation of Rupee Coin 243.4 240.7 248.5 248.5 248.5
1.3 Circulation of Small Coins 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4
1.4 Cash on Hand with Banks 711.4 742.0 813.7 721.1 730.2
2 Deposit Money of the Public 14,178.3 11,834.5 12,927.4 12,622.7 12,601.1
2.1 Demand Deposits with Banks 13,967.4 11,679.2 12,698.5 12,387.7 12,341.2
2.2 ‘Other’ Deposits with Reserve Bank 210.9 155.3 228.9 235.0 259.9
3 M1 (1 + 2) 26,819.6 20,969.3 29,087.3 28,950.7 29,203.5
4 Post Office Saving Bank Deposits 920.6 930.9 968.8 968.8 968.8
5 M2 (3 + 4) 27,740.2 21,900.3 30,056.2 29,919.5 30,172.3
6 Time Deposits with Banks 101,099.8 100,098.0 103,638.0 105,075.6 104,929.3
7 M3 (3 + 6) 127,919.4 121,067.4 132,725.3 134,026.3 134,132.7
8 Total Post Office Deposits 2,562.1 2,542.2 2,717.2 2,717.2 2,717.2
9 M4 (7 + 8) 130,481.4 123,609.5 135,442.5 136,743.5 136,849.9
Note: For scheduled banks, March-end data pertain to the last reporting Friday.
2.2: Exclude balances held in IMF Account No.1, RBI employees’ provident fund, pension fund, gratuity and superannuation fund.
