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18. Consumer Price Index (Base: 2012=100)
Date : Oct 11, 2018
Group/Sub group 2017-18 Rural Urban Combined
Rural Urban Combined Aug. 17 Jul. 18 Aug. 18 Aug. 17 Jul. 18 Aug. 18 Aug. 17 Jul. 18 Aug. 18
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Food and beverages 138.6 137.4 138.1 140.6 142.0 142.8 140.5 140.3 140.1 140.6 141.4 141.8
1.1 Cereals and products 135.2 133.7 134.7 134.8 138.4 139.2 133.2 135.6 136.5 134.3 137.5 138.3
1.2 Meat and fish 142.7 143.8 143.1 143.1 149.3 148.9 143.9 148.6 146.4 143.4 149.1 148.0
1.3 Egg 134.4 134.1 134.3 130.0 139.3 139.3 128.3 139.1 136.6 129.3 139.2 138.3
1.4 Milk and products 140.3 138.6 139.6 139.4 143.4 143.6 138.3 141.0 141.2 139.0 142.5 142.7
1.5 Oils and fats 121.7 114.8 119.2 120.5 124.1 125.0 114.1 116.7 117.4 118.1 121.4 122.2
1.6 Fruits 146.2 137.0 141.9 148.0 153.3 154.7 142.7 149.7 146.2 145.5 151.6 150.7
1.7 Vegetables 146.8 154.3 149.3 162.9 154.2 156.5 179.8 159.2 157.3 168.6 155.9 156.8
1.8 Pulses and products 136.4 123.6 132.1 137.4 126.4 126.8 123.5 112.6 113.6 132.7 121.7 122.4
1.9 Sugar and confectionery 119.8 120.2 119.9 120.8 114.3 115.3 122.1 111.8 113.3 121.2 113.5 114.6
1.10 Spices 135.0 139.2 136.4 134.7 138.2 138.7 137.5 140.3 141.1 135.6 138.9 139.5
1.11 Non-alcoholic beverages 131.1 125.0 128.5 131.6 132.8 133.8 124.6 126.8 127.4 128.7 130.3 131.1
1.12 Prepared meals, snacks, sweets 149.4 145.1 147.4 148.7 154.8 155.1 144.5 149.4 150.4 146.8 152.3 152.9
2 Pan, tobacco and intoxicants 150.0 153.8 151.0 149.0 156.1 156.3 152.1 161.4 162.1 149.8 157.5 157.8
3 Clothing and footwear 145.3 132.4 140.2 144.5 150.6 151.2 131.4 137.9 138.3 139.3 145.6 146.1
3.1 Clothing 146.1 133.8 141.3 145.3 151.5 152.1 132.7 139.6 140.0 140.3 146.8 147.3
3.2 Footwear 140.0 124.7 133.7 139.2 145.1 145.9 124.3 128.9 129.0 133.0 138.4 138.9
4 Housing -- 136.4 136.4 -- -- -- 134.4 143.6 144.6 134.4 143.6 144.6
5 Fuel and light 138.6 123.0 132.7 136.4 146.8 147.5 118.9 128.1 129.7 129.8 139.7 140.8
6 Miscellaneous 130.4 124.4 127.5 129.7 136.0 136.5 123.8 130.2 131.0 126.8 133.2 133.8
6.1 Household goods and services 137.7 128.2 133.2 137.3 143.1 143.7 127.7 133.6 134.4 132.8 138.6 139.3
6.2 Health 133.9 126.6 131.1 133.0 139.0 139.4 125.7 133.6 134.8 130.2 137.0 137.7
6.3 Transport and communication 121.2 115.3 118.0 120.3 127.5 128.2 114.6 120.1 120.7 117.3 123.6 124.3
6.4 Recreation and amusement 132.1 124.6 127.9 131.5 138.4 138.6 124.1 129.0 129.8 127.3 133.1 133.6
6.5 Education 139.7 135.9 137.4 140.2 145.8 146.8 135.7 144.0 145.3 137.6 144.7 145.9
6.6 Personal care and effects 126.5 124.1 125.5 125.4 131.4 131.3 123.3 128.2 128.3 124.5 130.1 130.1
General Index (All Groups) 137.2 132.5 135.0 137.8 141.8 142.5 132.7 137.5 138.0 135.4 139.8 140.4
Source: Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India.
