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14. Business in India – All Scheduled Banks and All Scheduled Commercial Banks
Date : Aug 14, 2019
(₹ Billion)
Item As on the Last Reporting Friday (in case of March)/ Last Friday
All Scheduled Banks All Scheduled Commercial Banks
2018-19 2018 2019 2018-19 2018 2019
Jun. May Jun. Jun. May Jun.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of Reporting Banks 222 223 213 215 147 149 138 139
1 Liabilities to the Banking System 2,763.5 2,254.4 2,565.2 2,611.3 2,714.3 2,207.1 2,517.4 2,560.5
1.1 Demand and Time Deposits from Banks 1,816.5 1,570.9 1,760.4 1,848.6 1,768.3 1,526.3 1,713.9 1,800.8
1.2 Borrowings from Banks 794.9 587.8 699.7 648.8 794.6 586.9 699.7 647.2
1.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 152.1 95.7 105.0 113.9 151.4 94.0 103.8 112.5
2 Liabilities to Others 138,359.8 127,282.9 138,324.8 139,160.7 134,956.7 124,125.5 134,887.9 135,669.7
2.1 Aggregate Deposits 129,015.8 117,986.7 129,421.9 130,259.7 125,737.7 114,982.2 126,129.1 126,907.7
2.1.1 Demand 15,425.5 12,919.8 13,753.1 14,347.8 15,112.9 12,632.6 13,452.5 14,033.4
2.1.2 Time 113,590.3 105,066.9 115,668.9 115,911.9 110,624.8 102,349.6 112,676.6 112,874.3
2.2 Borrowings 3,818.6 4,006.4 3,561.3 3,609.0 3,782.5 3,946.3 3,523.8 3,574.7
2.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 5,525.3 5,289.7 5,341.5 5,292.0 5,436.5 5,197.0 5,235.0 5,187.3
3 Borrowings from Reserve Bank 1,806.9 918.3 450.1 541.9 1,806.9 918.3 449.8 541.9
3.1 Against Usance Bills /Promissory Notes
3.2 Others 1,806.9 918.3 450.1 541.9 1,806.9 918.3 449.8 541.9
4 Cash in Hand and Balances with Reserve Bank 6,575.6 5,775.1 6,298.0 6,666.6 6,405.8 5,632.6 6,147.2 6,513.5
4.1 Cash in Hand 765.5 728.9 801.7 811.2 748.77 710.5 783.0 793.3
4.2 Balances with Reserve Bank 5,810.0 5,046.1 5,496.3 5,855.3 5,657.1 4,922.1 5,364.2 5,720.1
5 Assets with the Banking System 3,726.7 3,063.4 3,583.6 3,691.3 3,278.1 2,678.4 3,131.6 3,193.2
5.1 Balances with Other Banks 2,458.8 2,064.1 2,480.6 2,628.2 2,230.5 1,893.7 2,266.4 2,398.8
5.1.1 In Current Account 172.2 122.5 147.3 189.1 133.3 95.1 121.0 160.2
5.1.2 In Other Accounts 2,286.6 1,941.7 2,333.3 2,439.2 2,097.2 1,798.5 2,145.4 2,238.7
5.2 Money at Call and Short Notice 470.5 339.7 335.2 327.3 322.5 175.1 202.0 165.6
5.3 Advances to Banks 329.5 369.3 317.6 306.4 296.4 361.6 275.4 265.5
5.4 Other Assets 467.9 290.3 450.1 429.4 428.8 248.0 387.9 363.3
6 Investment 34,756.1 35,352.4 35,928.9 35,971.6 33,810.6 34,404.3 34,991.1 35,033.3
6.1 Government Securities 34,678.4 35,292.3 35,852.9 35,905.1 33,790.0 34,396.1 34,973.2 35,026.9
6.2 Other Approved Securities 77.6 60.1 76.0 66.5 20.5 8.1 17.9 6.4
7 Bank Credit 100,471.2 89,289.1 99,739.7 99,860.7 97,717.2 86,728.1 96,884.0 97,010.2
7a Food Credit 646.4 823.3 1,031.1 907.1 416.1 593.0 760.8 636.8
7.1 Loans, Cash-credits and Overdrafts 97,922.9 87,038.5 97,393.5 97,582.8 95,219.9 84,531.4 94,584.0 94,775.0
7.2 Inland Bills-Purchased 276.4 224.1 279.4 274.4 262.2 203.6 267.2 263.3
7.3 Inland Bills-Discounted 1,609.8 1,381.9 1,457.7 1,408.1 1,583.0 1,355.8 1,433.6 1,385.6
7.4 Foreign Bills-Purchased 249.1 250.6 226.5 240.4 245.9 248.4 222.4 237.1
7.5 Foreign Bills-Discounted 413.0 394.0 382.6 355.1 406.2 388.8 376.7 349.3
Note : Data in column Nos. (4) & (8) are Provisional.
