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29. Average Daily Turnover in Select Financial Markets
Date : Jan 11, 2020
(₹ Crore)
Item 2018-19 2018 2019
Nov. 23 Oct. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 29
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Call Money 31280 34218 19676 18807 19981 14933 21914 18304
2 Notice Money 4930 955 995 5927 210 4797 196 3595
3 Term Money 740 400 771 680 604 661 743 757
4 CBLO/TRIPARTY REPO 213010 229996 271001 355067 282849 370683 308704 379116
5 Market Repo 200970 174864 194202 229569 187131 239155 189037 259645
6 Repo in Corporate Bond   843 40 1270 4588 4512 2074 2953
7 Forex (US $ million) 67793 55903 61785 70784 59278 58932 59361 70279
8 Govt. of India Dated Securities 65800 50780 41074 46843 65474 56638 95305 70233
9 State Govt. Securities 4320 3257 3699 2596 3342 4406 5598 4846
10 Treasury Bills                
10.1 91-Day 3380 4942 4462 1093 4015 4849 4035 2223
10.2 182-Day 1450 1939 1391 1785 1776 2072 1683 1505
10.3 364-Day 1620 2777 3580 1865 2610 3263 1700 1901
10.4 Cash Management Bills 1400 136     8224 308 90 6
11 Total Govt. Securities (8+9+10) 77970 63830 54206 54183 85440 71536 108411 80714
11.1 RBI 2764 128 3 22 199 29 240
Note : Collateralised Borrowing and Lending Obligation (CBLO) segment of the money market has been discontinued and replaced with Triparty Repo with effect from November 05, 2018.
