(₹ Crore) |
Item | 2014-15 | 2015-16 | 2016-17 | 2017-18 | 2018-19 RE | 2019-20 BE |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1 Total Disbursements | 3285210 | 3760611 | 4265969 | 4515946 | 5516932 | 6071777 |
1.1 Developmental | 1872062 | 2201287 | 2537905 | 2635110 | 3344948 | 3660857 |
1.1.1 Revenue | 1483018 | 1668250 | 1878417 | 2029044 | 2543965 | 2830634 |
1.1.2 Capital | 332262 | 412069 | 501213 | 519356 | 694352 | 732102 |
1.1.3 Loans | 56782 | 120968 | 158275 | 86710 | 106630 | 98121 |
1.2 Non-Developmental | 1366769 | 1510810 | 1672646 | 1812455 | 2089516 | 2315637 |
1.2.1 Revenue | 1269520 | 1379727 | 1555239 | 1741432 | 2002766 | 2204742 | Interest Payments | 584542 | 648091 | 724448 | 814757 | 901783 | 1009776 |
1.2.2 Capital | 94687 | 127306 | 115775 | 69370 | 85375 | 109030 |
1.2.3 Loans | 2563 | 3777 | 1632 | 1654 | 1375 | 1865 |
1.3 Others | 46379 | 48514 | 55417 | 68381 | 82469 | 95284 |
2 Total Receipts | 3189737 | 3778049 | 4288432 | 4528422 | 5364245 | 6003162 |
2.1 Revenue Receipts | 2387693 | 2748374 | 3132201 | 3376416 | 4205473 | 4653758 |
2.1.1 Tax Receipts | 2020728 | 2297101 | 2622145 | 2978134 | 3512454 | 3910428 | Taxes on commodities and services | 1212348 | 1440952 | 1652377 | 1853859 | 2186529 | 2399337 | Taxes on Income and Property | 805176 | 852271 | 965622 | 1121189 | 1323113 | 1506912 | Taxes of Union Territories (Without Legislature) | 3204 | 3878 | 4146 | 3086 | 2812 | 4179 |
2.1.2 Non-Tax Receipts | 366965 | 451272 | 510056 | 398282 | 693019 | 743330 | Interest Receipts | 39622 | 35779 | 33220 | 34224 | 36739 | 33619 |
2.2 Non-debt Capital Receipts | 60955 | 59827 | 69063 | 142433 | 136636 | 170056 |
2.2.1 Recovery of Loans & Advances | 22072 | 16561 | 20942 | 42213 | 56398 | 63131 |
2.2.2 Disinvestment proceeds | 38883 | 43266 | 48122 | 100219 | 80238 | 106926 |
3 Gross Fiscal Deficit [ 1 - ( 2.1 + 2.2 ) ] | 836563 | 952410 | 1064704 | 997097 | 1174823 | 1247962 |
3A Sources of Financing: Institution-wise | | | | | | |
3A.1 Domestic Financing | 823630 | 939662 | 1046708 | 989167 | 1179716 | 1250914 |
3A.1.1 Net Bank Credit to Government | -37476 | 231090 | 617123 | 144792 | 386389 | ... |
3A.1.1.1 Net RBI Credit to Government | -334185 | 60472 | 195816 | -144847 | 325987 | ... |
3A.1.2 Non-Bank Credit to Government | 861106 | 708572 | 429585 | 844375 | 793327 | ----- |
3A.2 External Financing | 12933 | 12748 | 17997 | 7931 | -4893 | -2952 |
3B Sources of Financing: Instrument-wise | | | | | | |
3B.1 Domestic Financing | 823630 | 939662 | 1046708 | 989167 | 1179716 | 1250914 |
3B.1.1 Market Borrowings (net) | 664058 | 673298 | 689821 | 794856 | 831554 | 959294 |
3B.1.2 Small Savings (net) | -56580 | -78515 | -105038 | -163222 | -217165 | -208528 |
3B.1.3 State Provident Funds (net) | 34339 | 35261 | 45688 | 42351 | 42703 | 42482 |
3B.1.4 Reserve Funds | 5109 | -3322 | -6436 | 18423 | -14577 | -871 |
3B.1.5 Deposits and Advances | 27545 | 13470 | 17792 | 25138 | 16011 | 13706 |
3B.1.6 Cash Balances | 95474 | -17438 | -22463 | -12476 | 152688 | 68615 |
3B.1.7 Others | 53684 | 316908 | 427343 | 284095 | 368504 | 376216 |
3B.2 External Financing | 12933 | 12748 | 17997 | 7931 | -4893 | -2952 |
4 Total Disbursements as per cent of GDP | 26.3 | 27.3 | 27.8 | 26.4 | 29.0 | 28.8 |
5 Total Receipts as per cent of GDP | 25.6 | 27.4 | 27.9 | 26.5 | 28.2 | 28.5 |
6 Revenue Receipts as per cent of GDP | 19.2 | 20.0 | 20.4 | 19.8 | 22.1 | 22.1 |
7 Tax Receipts as per cent of GDP | 16.2 | 16.7 | 17.1 | 17.4 | 18.5 | 18.5 |
8 Gross Fiscal Deficit as per cent of GDP | 6.7 | 6.9 | 6.9 | 5.8 | 6.2 | 5.9 |
…: Not available. RE: Revised Estimates; BE: Budget Estimates Source : Budget Documents of Central and State Governments. Note: GDP data is based on 2011-12 base. GDP data from 2018-19 pertains to the Provisional Estimates of National Income released by Central Statistics Office on 31st May 2019. GDP for 2019-20 is from Union Budget 2019-20. Data for 2017-18 onwards also includes NCT of Delhi and Puducherry. Total receipts and total expenditure exclude National Calamity Contingency Fund expenditure. 1 & 2: Data are net of repayments of the Central Government (including repayments to the NSSF) and State Governments. 1.3: Represents compensation and assignments by States to local bodies and Panchayati Raj institutions. 2: Data are net of variation in cash balances of the Central and State Governments and includes borrowing receipts of the Central and State Governments. 3A.1.1: Data as per RBI records. 3B.1.1: Includes borrowings through dated securities. 3B.1.2: Represent net investment in Central and State Governments’ special securities by the National Small Savings Fund (NSSF). 3B.1.6: Include Ways and Means Advances by the Centre to the State Governments. 3B.1.7: Include Treasury Bills, loans from financial institutions, insurance and pension funds, remittances, cash balance investment account. |