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7. Sources of Money Stock (M3)
Date : Feb 11, 2020
(₹ Crore)
Sources Outstanding as on March 31/last reporting Fridays of the month/reporting Fridays
2018-19 2018 2019
Dec. 21 Nov. 22 Dec. 6 Dec. 20
1 2 3 4 5
1 Net Bank Credit to Government 4388490 4234658 4890841 5038571 4918791
1.1 RBI’s net credit to Government (1.1.1–1.1.2) 801951 683006 965438 1064368 979921
1.1.1 Claims on Government 929686 789902 1001006 1064511 1002864 Central Government 928166 789335 1000408 1055439 1001608 State Governments 1520 567 598 9072 1256
1.1.2 Government deposits with RBI 127735 106896 35568 143 22943 Central Government 127693 106854 35526 100 22901 State Governments 42 42 42 43 42
1.2 Other Banks’ Credit to Government 3586539 3551652 3925403 3974203 3938870
2 Bank Credit to Commercial Sector 10382719 9877043 10468270 10582274 10597315
2.1 RBI’s credit to commercial sector 15363 9281 7144 6894 6702
2.2 Other banks’ credit to commercial sector 10367356 9867762 10461126 10575380 10590613
2.2.1 Bank credit by commercial banks 9771722 9287636 9860303 9934684 9945118
2.2.2 Bank credit by co-operative banks 585931 571234 588692 622085 625750
2.2.3 Investments by commercial and co-operative banks in other securities 9703 8892 12132 18612 19746
3 Net Foreign Exchange Assets of Banking Sector (3.1 + 3.2) 3070841 2879672 3425222 3440660 3440836
3.1 RBI’s net foreign exchange assets (3.1.1–3.1.2) 2848587 2750402 3207225 3222663 3222839
3.1.1 Gross foreign assets 2848800 2750631 3207434 3222884 3223060
3.1.2 Foreign liabilities 213 229 209 221 221
3.2 Other banks’ net foreign exchange assets 222254 129271 217997 217997 217997
4 Government’s Currency Liabilities to the Public 25887 25786 26123 26178 26178
5 Banking Sector’s Net Non-monetary Liabilities 2435870 2467464 2864707 2922911 2924232
5.1 Net non-monetary liabilities of RBI 1058795 1050344 1137091 1132917 1123096
5.2 Net non-monetary liabilities of other banks (residual) 1377075 1417120 1727616 1789994 1801136
M3 (1+2+3+4–5) 15432067 14549695 15945749 16164772 16058889
Note: 3.1: Include foreign currency denominated bonds issued by IIFC (UK).
