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49. Market Borrowings of State Governments
Date : Feb 11, 2020
(₹ Crore)
Sr. No. State 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Total amount raised, so far in 2019-20
October November December
Gross Amount Raised Net Amount Raised Gross Amount Raised Net Amount Raised Gross Amount Raised Net Amount Raised Gross Amount Raised Net Amount Raised Gross Amount Raised Net Amount Raised Gross Net
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Andhra Pradesh 22800 18922 30200 23824 4170 3003 4206 4206 513 222 28967 21677
2 Arunachal Pradesh 888 703 719 693 - - - - - - 472 472
3 Assam 7760 6797 10595 8089 1000 1000 2000 2000 1900 1900 7600 7600
4 Bihar 10000 8908 14300 10903 3042 2249 - -600 - -607 14642 11642
5 Chhattisgarh 8100 8100 12900 12900 - - - -700 2000 2000 4000 3300
6 Goa 1800 1400 2350 1850 200 100 200 200 300 200 1700 1200
7 Gujarat 24000 15785 36971 27457 3500 2000 1000 1000 2500 1500 22900 14900
8 Haryana 16640 15840 21265 17970 3500 3500 - - 2000 1000 16501 13601
9 Himachal Pradesh 4600 2551 4210 2108 400 400 - - - -900 2000 1100
10 Jammu & Kashmir 6200 3974 6684 4927 334 334 800 800 309 309 4992 4453
11 Jharkhand 6000 4807 5509 4023 - -252 - - 500 500 2000 156
12 Karnataka 22098 17348 39600 31383 8200 8200 8200 6200 7700 7700 29100 24350
13 Kerala 20500 16203 19500 14784 1400 550 1000 324 - -500 14682 10706
14 Madhya Pradesh 15000 13125 20496 14971 - - 1000 1000 2000 440 9000 5880
15 Maharashtra 45000 36480 20869 3117 8000 6250 - - 3000 3000 25500 15500
16 Manipur 525 278 970 667 - -189 - - - - 803 614
17 Meghalaya 1116 920 1122 863 - -124 - - 295 295 745 521
18 Mizoram 424 277 0 -123 100 -1 - - 92 92 450 349
19 Nagaland 1135 766 822 355 - - 150 61 250 150 650 201
20 Odisha 8438 8438 5500 4500 1000 1000 1000 1000 - - 4000 4000
21 Puducherry 825 488 825 475 200 200 200 200 200 -300 600 100
22 Punjab 17470 13349 22115 17053 2800 1100 1900 880 2035 1570 19855 11170
23 Rajasthan 24914 16777 33178 20186 1700 430 1750 750 1000 - 26332 17250
24 Sikkim 995 745 1088 795 - - - - - - 451 451
25 Tamil Nadu 40965 36023 43125 32278 5500 3300 8700 6700 8000 6000 45390 36190
26 Telangana 24600 21828 26740 22183 3000 2166 3000 3000 1324 1116 23124 17914
27 Tripura 1137 1137 1543 1387 615 465 615 615 - -100 1680 1430
28 Uttar Pradesh 41600 37178 46000 33307 9000 6524 3000 1694 5500 3922 34500 22640
29 Uttarakhand 6660 5830 6300 5289 - - - - 750 750 2350 1750
30 West Bengal 36911 25304 42828 30431 2500 2407 6500 4169 5000 4000 33010 17700
  Grand Total 419100 340281 478323 348643 60161 44614 45221 33499 47168 34258 377995 268817
- : Nil.
Source : Reserve Bank of India.
