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49. Market Borrowings of State Governments
Date : Sep 11, 2020
(₹ Crore)
Sr. No. State 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Total amount raised, so far in 2020-21
May June July
Gross Amount Raised Net Amount Raised Gross Amount Raised Net Amount Raised Gross Amount Raised Net Amount Raised Gross Amount Raised Net Amount Raised Gross Amount Raised Net Amount Raised Gross Net
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Andhra Pradesh 30200 23824 42915 33944 5000 4417 4000 3417 5000 4417 19000 16084
2 Arunachal Pradesh 719 693 1366 1287 - - - - - - 428 428
3 Assam 10595 8089 12406 10496 - - - - 500 500 1000 1000
4 Bihar 14300 10903 25601 22601 - - - - 4000 4000 4000 3000
5 Chhattisgarh 12900 12900 11680 10980 - - - - - - - -
6 Goa 2350 1850 2600 2000 300 200 200 200 200 200 900 800
7 Gujarat 36971 27457 38900 28600 3000 1793 1500 1500 2700 1950 9280 7323
8 Haryana 21265 17970 24677 20677 4000 3200 - - 2000 2000 11000 9200
9 Himachal Pradesh 4210 2108 6580 4460 - - - -800 500 500 500 -300
10 Jammu & Kashmir UT 6684 4927 7869 6760 500 500 400 400 800 300 2500 1500
11 Jharkhand 5509 4023 7500 5656 - -500 - - - - - -500
12 Karnataka 39600 31383 48500 42500 2000 2000 3000 3000 5000 5000 12000 12000
13 Kerala 19500 14784 18073 12617 3000 3000 2500 2500 1500 1500 12930 12930
14 Madhya Pradesh 20496 14971 22371 16550 2000 2000 1000 1000 2000 2000 7000 7000
15 Maharashtra 20869 3117 48498 32998 5000 5000 11500 10623 8000 7000 31500 29623
16 Manipur 970 667 1757 1254 150 150 100 100 150 150 600 600
17 Meghalaya 1122 863 1344 1070 - - - - 200 200 200 200
18 Mizoram 0 -123 900 745 - - 60 60 150 150 310 210
19 Nagaland 822 355 1000 423 - -100 - - 150 150 350 250
20 Odisha 5500 4500 7500 6500 - - - - - - 3000 3000
21 Puducherry 825 475 970 470 - - - - - - - -
22 Punjab 22115 17053 27355 18470 1000 1000 1600 1600 1250 1250 5450 4650
23 Rajasthan 33178 20186 39092 24686 4500 4000 7250 3938 6000 5000 20500 15688
24 Sikkim 1088 795 809 481 - - - - - - 467 467
25 Tamil Nadu 43125 32278 62425 49826 8000 8000 9500 8563 10000 8131 35500 32694
26 Telangana 26740 22183 37109 30697 4000 3583 4461 4044 3000 2583 15461 13377
27 Tripura 1543 1387 2928 2578 - - - -100 - - - -100
28 Uttar Pradesh 46000 33307 67453 50494 500 -1500 - -2033 1000 - 6500 -533
29 Uttarakhand 6300 5289 5100 4500 - - - - - -200 1000 300
30 West Bengal 42828 30431 59242 43132 5000 3500 1000 - 5500 4500 13500 7500
  Grand Total 478323 348643 634521 487454 47950 40243 48071 38011 59600 51281 214876 178390
- : Nil.
Note: The State of J&K has ceased to exist constitutionally from October 31, 2019 and the liabilities of the State continue to remain as liabilities of the new UT of Jammu and Kashmir.
Source: Reserve Bank of India.
