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29. Average Daily Turnover in Select Financial Markets
Date : Jan 21, 2021
(₹ Crore)
Item 2019-20 2019 2020
Nov. 29 Oct. 23 Oct. 30 Nov. 6 Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. 27
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Call Money 26815 18304 13824 10675 9975 14308 10765 12157
2 Notice Money 3660 3595 804 4481 3082 306 4103 632
3 Term Money 790 757 816 545 560 301 755 687
4 CBLO/TRIPARTY REPO 300691 379116 336437 397522 349122 385681 515057 411117
5 Market Repo 221719 259645 313102 350328 321779 326228 380750 273258
6 Repo in Corporate Bond 2468 2953 3099 5545 172 3320 8110 1208
7 Forex (US $ million) 67793 70279 46714 56477 49601 53816 57482 57492
8 Govt. of India Dated Securities 93960 70233 59684 91127 59096 51551 54335 70609
9 State Govt. Securities 5800 4846 4546 4932 4759 4399 5400 4965
10 Treasury Bills                
10.1 91-Day 3720 2223 5238 5243 4164 1381 758 1555
10.2 182-Day 2380 1505 2112 4644 5720 5118 8518 7120
10.3 364-Day 2900 1901 2841 2662 1839 2540 11587 4704
10.4 Cash Management Bills 2310 6            
11 Total Govt. Securities (8+9+10) 111070 80714 74420 108608 75578 64989 80598 88953
11.1 RBI 240 3265 429 6988 4614 5196 4325
Note : Collateralised Borrowing and Lending Obligation (CBLO) segment of the money market has been discontinued and replaced with Triparty Repo with effect from November 05, 2018.
