(₹ Crore) |
Item | Outstanding as on last reporting Fridays of the month/ reporting Fridays of the month |
2019-20 | 2020 | 2021 |
Jan. 31 | Dec. 18 | Jan. 15 | Jan. 29 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 Components | | | | | |
1.1 Aggregate Deposits of Residents | 13381983 | 13146270 | 14314737 | 14460445 | 14632387 |
1.1.1 Demand Deposits | 1617003 | 1431011 | 1564598 | 1573361 | 1691542 |
1.1.2 Time Deposits of Residents | 11764979 | 11715259 | 12750139 | 12887084 | 12940845 | Short-term Time Deposits | 5294241 | 5271866 | 5737562 | 5799188 | 5823380 | Certificates of Deposits (CDs) | 169419 | 176959 | 67260 | 68287 | 63159 | Long-term Time Deposits | 6470739 | 6443392 | 7012576 | 7087896 | 7117465 |
1.2 Call/Term Funding from Financial Institutions | 309439 | 311303 | 251545 | 244418 | 243063 |
2 Sources | | | | | |
2.1 Domestic Credit | 14967529 | 14707775 | 15878503 | 15977889 | 16055128 |
2.1.1 Credit to the Government | 3738696 | 3730741 | 4411845 | 4420359 | 4432987 |
2.1.2 Credit to the Commercial Sector | 11228833 | 10977034 | 11466658 | 11557530 | 11622141 | Bank Credit | 10370861 | 10105176 | 10547037 | 10640563 | 10704637 | Non-food Credit | 10319097 | 10026276 | 10453884 | 10553613 | 10617527 | Net Credit to Primary Dealers | 11997 | 10967 | 9647 | 9739 | 10040 | Investments in Other Approved Securities | 8653 | 4773 | 1759 | 1796 | 1646 | Other Investments (in non-SLR Securities) | 837321 | 856117 | 908214 | 905432 | 905819 |
2.2 Net Foreign Currency Assets of Commercial Banks (2.2.1–2.2.2–2.2.3) | 21900 | -43812 | 193391 | 229451 | 206988 |
2.2.1 Foreign Currency Assets | 315641 | 242206 | 418715 | 449581 | 428781 |
2.2.2 Non-resident Foreign Currency Repatriable Fixed Deposits | 185510 | 177731 | 164224 | 164512 | 165378 |
2.2.3 Overseas Foreign Currency Borrowings | 108231 | 108287 | 61101 | 55617 | 56415 |
2.3 Net Bank Reserves (2.3.1+2.3.2–2.3.3) | 899410 | 977849 | 1040155 | 1087439 | 1140062 |
2.3.1 Balances with the RBI | 536186 | 550704 | 488262 | 483618 | 476349 |
2.3.2 Cash in Hand | 87260 | 81845 | 84934 | 83428 | 89471 |
2.3.3 Loans and Advances from the RBI | -275964 | -345300 | -466959 | -520393 | -574242 |
2.4 Capital Account | 1481202 | 1462206 | 1555153 | 1561785 | 1565630 |
2.5 Other items (net) (2.1+2.2+2.3–2.4–1.1–1.2) | 716216 | 722033 | 990614 | 1028130 | 961097 |
2.5.1 Other Demand and Time Liabilities (net of 2.2.3) | 495445 | 435443 | 553551 | 514540 | 558300 |
2.5.2 Net Inter-Bank Liabilities (other than to PDs) | 66273 | 54114 | 69404 | 82356 | 73170 |