(₹ Crore) |
Item | Outstanding as on March 31/last reporting Fridays of the month/reporting Fridays |
2020-21 | 2020 | 2021 |
Jun. 19 | May 21 | Jun. 4 | Jun. 18 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Monetary Aggregates | | | | | |
NM1 (1.1 + 1.2.1+1.3) | 4794315 | 4178770 | 4740612 | 4793266 | 4823700 |
NM2 (NM1 + | 11048293 | 10013204 | 11094849 | 11196929 | 11209810 |
NM3 (NM2 + + 1.4 = 2.1 + 2.2 + 2.3 – 2.4 – 2.5) | 18936067 | 17431047 | 19105836 | 19266103 | 19264136 |
1 Components | | | | | |
1.1 Currency with the Public | 2751828 | 2567080 | 2861367 | 2877189 | 2886087 |
1.2 Aggregate Deposits of Residents | 15892863 | 14538382 | 15951321 | 16096558 | 16078774 |
1.2.1 Demand Deposits | 1995136 | 1572974 | 1830794 | 1866196 | 1887418 |
1.2.2 Time Deposits of Residents | 13897727 | 12965408 | 14120527 | 14230362 | 14191356 | Short-term Time Deposits | 6253977 | 5834434 | 6354237 | 6403663 | 6386110 | Certificates of Deposit (CDs) | 78702 | 123414 | 91409 | 79058 | 68603 | Long-term Time Deposits | 7643750 | 7130974 | 7766290 | 7826699 | 7805246 |
1.3 ‘Other’ Deposits with RBI | 47351 | 38716 | 48451 | 49881 | 50194 |
1.4 Call/Term Funding from Financial Institutions | 244025 | 286869 | 244696 | 242475 | 249080 |
2 Sources | | | | | |
2.1 Domestic Credit | 18509289 | 17426552 | 18372152 | 18550847 | 18444049 |
2.1.1 Net Bank Credit to the Government | 5850374 | 5499987 | 5862533 | 6024534 | 5919172 | Net RBI credit to the Government | 1099686 | 1123896 | 1025199 | 1108321 | 1049521 | Credit to the Government by the Banking System | 4750689 | 4376091 | 4837335 | 4916213 | 4869650 |
2.1.2 Bank Credit to the Commercial Sector | 12658915 | 11926565 | 12509619 | 12526313 | 12524877 | RBI Credit to the Commercial Sector | 34134 | 29238 | 3113 | 3648 | 7433 | Credit to the Commercial Sector by the Banking System | 12624780 | 11897327 | 12506505 | 12522665 | 12517444 | Other Investments (Non-SLR Securities) | 951313 | 989760 | 949168 | 958906 | 954872 |
2.2 Government’s Currency Liabilities to the Public | 26913 | 26387 | 26973 | 26995 | 26995 |
2.3 Net Foreign Exchange Assets of the Banking Sector | 4438202 | 3852370 | 4620976 | 4630984 | 4691693 |
2.3.1 Net Foreign Exchange Assets of the RBI | 4199400 | 3830714 | 4298743 | 4397138 | 4434553 |
2.3.2 Net Foreign Currency Assets of the Banking System | 238802 | 21656 | 322233 | 233847 | 257140 |
2.4 Capital Account | 2775245 | 2821178 | 2911846 | 2936630 | 2972837 |
2.5 Other items (net) | 1263091 | 1053084 | 1002419 | 1006094 | 925764 |
Note: NM2 and NM3 do not include FCNR (B) deposits. 2.4: Consist of paid-up capital and reserves. 2.5: includes other demand and time liabilities of the banking system. |