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15. Deployment of Gross Bank Credit by Major Sectors
Date : Aug 17, 2021
(₹ Crore)
Sector Outstanding as on Growth (%)
Mar.26, 2021 2020 2021 Financial year so far Y-o-Y
Jun.19 May.21 Jun.18 2021-22 2021
1 2 3 4 % %
I. Gross Bank Credit (II+III) 10949509 10245677 10833589 10841866 –1.0 5.8
II. Food Credit 61254 89289 90663 86912 41.9 -2.7
III. Non-food Credit 10888255 10156388 10742926 10754953 -1.2 5.9
1. Agriculture & Allied Activities 1299914 1152935 1284756 1284399 -1.2 11.4
2. Industry (Micro and Small, Medium and Large) 2918028 2875210 2883797 2867304 -1.7 -0.3
2.1 Micro and Small1 383854 352696 370718 375116 -2.3 6.4
2.2 Medium 136054 95671 145549 147875 8.7 54.6
2.3 Large 2398121 2426844 2367530 2344313 -2.2 -3.4
3. Services 2630566 2528492 2571093 2600627 -1.1 2.9
3.1 Transport Operators 145195 140190 142300 141169 -2.8 0.7
3.2 Computer Software 21043 20592 20155 21006 -0.2 2.0
3.3 Tourism, Hotels & Restaurants 49590 46253 49513 49640 0.1 7.3
3.4 Shipping 7172 5155 5244 6804 -5.1 32.0
3.5 Aviation 25624 24612 26144 26440 3.2 7.4
3.6 Professional Services 119488 118781 113092 112123 -6.2 -5.6
3.7 Trade 617627 552855 614482 614336 -0.5 11.1
3.7.1 Wholesale Trade 319197 269162 315911 315376 -1.2 17.2
3.7.2 Retail Trade 298430 283693 298570 298960 0.2 5.4
3.8 Commercial Real Estate 235547 229263 233695 232292 -1.4 1.3
3.9 Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)2 of which, 945061 903594 899502 883851 -6.5 -2.2
3.9.1 Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) 187324 188923 168213 166199 -11.3 -12.0
3.9.2 Public Financial Institutions (PFIs) 78441 32148 74262 77528 -1.2 141.2
3.10 Other Services3 464219 487198 466967 512966 10.5 5.3
4. Personal Loans 2813713 2490377 2787265 2786519 -1.0 11.9
4.1 Consumer Durables 7307 8847 7049 7093 -2.9 -19.8
4.2 Housing 1459066 1334900 1462029 1464645 0.4 9.7
4.3 Advances against Fixed Deposits 71544 61457 66510 65891 -7.9 7.2
4.4 Advances to Individuals against share & bonds 4570 5803 4401 4430 -3.1 -23.7
4.5 Credit Card Outstanding 116537 97586 104475 102757 -11.8 5.3
4.6 Education 63805 65017 62965 62720 -1.7 -3.5
4.7 Vehicle Loans 241657 214602 240170 238214 -1.4 11.0
4.8 Loan against gold jewellery 60726 34267 62101 62221 2.5 81.6
4.9 Other Personal Loans 788503 667898 777567 778548 -1.3 16.6
5. Priority Sector (Memo)            
5.1 Agriculture & Allied Activities4 1264151 1143831 1258377 1253199 -0.9 9.6
5.2 Micro & Small Enterprises5 1107236 1074132 1027910 1036420 -6.4 -3.5
5.3 Medium Enterprises6 206122 115379 183639 188251 -8.7 63.2
5.4 Housing 469863 463684 472326 470908 0.2 1.6
5.5 Education Loans 48201 52042 47526 47127 -2.2 -9.4
5.6 Renewable Energy 1171 786 1144 1321 12.9 68.1
5.7 Social Infrastructure 2352 913 2424 2467 4.9 170.1
5.8 Export Credit7 19028 16785 15649 19852 4.3 18.3
5.9 Others 19062 10191 22417 23860 25.2 134.1
5.10 Weaker Sections including net PSLC-SF/MF 813263 732581 813511 832421 2.4 13.6
Note 1: Data are provisional. Gross bank credit and non-food credit data are based on Section - 42 return, which covers all scheduled commercial banks (SCBs), while sectoral non-food credit data are based on sector-wise and industry-wise bank credit (SIBC) return, which covers select banks accounting for about 90 per cent of total non-food credit extended by all SCBs.
Note 2: With effect from January 2021, sectoral credit data are based on revised format due to which values and growth rates of some of the existing components published earlier have undergone some changes
1 Micro & Small includes credit to micro & small industries in the manufacturing sector.
2 NBFCs include HFCs, PFIs, Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), NBFCs engaged in gold loan and others.
3 Other Services include Mutual Fund (MFs), Banking and Finance other than NBFCs and MFs and other services which are not indicated elsewhere under services.
4 Agriculture and Allied Activities also include priority sector lending certificates (PSLCs).
5 Micro and Small Enterprises include credit to micro and small enterprises in manufacturing and services sector and also include PSLCs.
6 Medium Enterprises include credit to medium enterprises in the manufacturing and services sector.
7 Export credit under the priority sector relates to foreign banks only.
