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30. New Capital Issues by Non-Government Public Limited Companies
Date : Sep 16, 2021
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Security & Type of Issue 2020-21 2020-21 (Apr.-Jul.) 2021-22 (Apr.-Jul.)* Jul. 2020 Jul. 2021*
No. of Issues Amount No. of Issues Amount No. of Issues Amount No. of Issues Amount No. of Issues Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Equity Shares 74 102062 10 69051 32 26117 5 15911 10 13252
1A Premium 73 97648 10 66114 30 25523 5 13403 9 13073
1.1 Public 53 38004 8 15527 24 25378 4 15511 8 13198
1.1.1 Premium 53 34848 8 13028 24 24905 4 13019 8 13061
1.2 Rights 21 64059 2 53524 8 739 1 400 2 54
1.2.1 Premium 20 62800 2 53085 6 618 1 384 1 13
2 Preference Shares
2.1 Public
2.2 Rights
3 Bonds & Debentures 16 5806 5 882 10 5389 1 160 4 1808
3.1 Convertible
3.1.1 Public
3.1.2 Rights
3.2 Non-Convertible 16 5806 5 882 10 5389 1 160 4 1808
3.2.1 Public 16 5806 5 882 10 5389 1 160 4 1808
3.2.2 Rights
4 Total (1+2+3) 90 107868 15 69933 42 31506 6 16071 14 15061
4.1 Public 69 43809 13 16409 34 30767 5 15671 12 15007
4.2 Rights 21 64059 2 53524 8 739 1 400 2 54
Note : 1. Since April 2020, monthly data on equity issues is compiled on the basis of their listing date.
2. Figures in the columns might not add up to the total due to rounding of numbers.
Source : Securities and Exchange Board of India.
* : Data is Provisional
Exclude private placement and offer for sale.
1: Exclude bonus shares.
2: Include cumulative convertible preference shares and equi-preference shares.
