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48. Investments by State Governments
Date : Apr 18, 2022
(₹ Crore)
Sr. No State/Union Territory As on end of February 2022
Consolidated Sinking Fund (CSF) Guarantee Redemption Fund (GRF) Government Securities Auction Treasury Bills (ATBs)
  1 2 3 4 5
1 Andhra Pradesh 9253 913 -- -
2 Arunachal Pradesh 2001 3 -- -
3 Assam 2783 61 -- -
4 Bihar 6237 -- -- -
5 Chhattisgarh 5514 -- 1 4300
6 Goa 682 346 -- -
7 Gujarat 6979 534 -- 2000
8 Haryana 866 1350 -- -
9 Himachal Pradesh -- -- -- -
10 Jammu & Kashmir UT -- -- -- -
11 Jharkhand 503 -- -- -
12 Karnataka 7448 -- -- 8000
13 Kerala 2392 -- -- -
14 Madhya Pradesh -- 1024 -- -
15 Maharashtra 52036 918 -- 23000
16 Manipur 171 112 -- -
17 Meghalaya 810 46 9 -
18 Mizoram 410 53 -- -
19 Nagaland 1838 37 -- -
20 Odisha 14524 1629 94 23773
21 Puducherry 342 -- -- 1378
22 Punjab 3006 -- 8 -
23 Rajasthan -- -- 129 7100
24 Tamil Nadu 7414 -- 40 17165
25 Telangana 6328 1385 -- -
26 Tripura 578 15 -- 1300
27 Uttar Pradesh 1770 -- 180 -
28 Uttarakhand 3835 152 -- -
29 West Bengal 10030 698 214 -
  Total 147751 9274 674 88015
Note: The State of J&K has ceased to exist constitutionally from October 31, 2019 and the liabilities of the State continue to remain as liabilities of the new UT of Jammu and Kashmir.
CSF and GRF are reserve funds maintained by some State Governments with the Reserve Bank of India.
ATBs include Treasury bills of 91 days, 182 days and 364 days invested by State Governments in the primary market.
--: Not Applicable (not a member of the scheme).
