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43. Payment System Indicators
Date : Aug 18, 2022
PART I - Payment System Indicators - Payment & Settlement System Statistics
System Volume (Lakh) Value (₹ Crore)
FY 2020-21 2021 2022 FY 2020-21 2021 2022
Jun. May Jun. Jun. May Jun.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. Settlement Systems                
Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs)                
1 CCIL Operated Systems (1.1 to 1.3) 33.01 2.90 3.32 3.42 206873112 17144527 19742339 22912930
1.1 Govt. Securities Clearing (1.1.1 to 1.1.3) 12.22 1.01 1.23 1.32 142072939 11317988 13110275 15445511
1.1.1 Outright 6.22 0.51 0.66 0.68 8793301 774292 832089 844409
1.1.2 Repo 3.08 0.27 0.31 0.34 51015712 4653921 4940038 5627915
1.1.3 Tri-party Repo 2.92 0.23 0.26 0.30 82263926 5889775 7338148 8973188
1.2 Forex Clearing 19.91 1.82 1.98 1.97 59775826 5408999 6039213 6778125
1.3 Rupee Derivatives @ 0.88 0.07 0.11 0.13 5024347 417541 592851 689294
B. Payment Systems                
I Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs)
1 Credit Transfers - RTGS (1.1 to 1.2) 2078.39 154.14 195.72 194.42 128657516 10196989 11183947 12356054
1.1 Customer Transactions 2063.73 152.92 194.53 193.18 113319292 8887546 9851274 10840909
1.2 Interbank Transactions 14.66 1.22 1.19 1.24 15338225 1309444 1332673 1515145
II Retail                
2 Credit Transfers - Retail (2.1 to 2.6) 577934.74 36684.40 72187.50 69921.27 42728006 3029728 4177865 4298158
2.1 AePS (Fund Transfers) @ 9.76 1.06 0.58 0.62 575 64 36 37
2.2 APBS $ 12573.33 1148.34 2268.03 1222.24 133345 8143 41011 23010
2.3 IMPS 46625.25 3038.45 4848.13 4557.01 4171037 284111 452328 443776
2.4 NACH Cr $ 18757.82 1498.12 1794.53 1489.99 1281685 92266 97341 100909
2.5 NEFT 40407.29 2923.27 3813.34 4022.33 28725463 2097771 2546928 2716013
2.6 UPI @ 459561.30 28075.16 59462.89 58629.08 8415900 547373 1040221 1014413
2.6.1 of which USSD @ 11.99 1.03 1.00 0.99 177 16 14 12
3 Debit Transfers and Direct Debits (3.1 to 3.3) 12189.49 981.70 1177.32 1225.96 1034444 86759 95542 100325
3.1 BHIM Aadhaar Pay @ 227.73 17.66 17.81 39.82 6113 417 571 1049
3.2 NACH Dr $ 10754.74 878.73 1018.05 1048.14 1026641 86215 94752 99060
3.3 NETC (linked to bank account) @ 1207.02 85.31 141.46 138.00 1689 128 218 216
4 Card Payments (4.1 to 4.2) 61782.93 4493.75 5698.25 5378.79 1701851 113790 179520 169754
4.1 Credit Cards (4.1.1 to 4.1.2) 22398.82 1547.01 2378.03 2279.46 971638 62746 113694 108752
4.1.1 PoS based $ 11124.59 690.40 1220.26 1210.51 380643 23977 42266 40466
4.1.2 Others $ 11274.23 856.61 1157.77 1068.95 590994 38769 71428 68286
4.2 Debit Cards (4.2.1 to 4.2.1) 39384.11 2946.74 3320.22 3099.33 730213 51044 65827 61002
4.2.1 PoS based $ 22967.10 1505.09 2150.28 2012.90 451550 28743 44273 39877
4.2.2 Others $ 16417.00 1441.65 1169.94 1086.43 278663 22300 21554 21126
5 Prepaid Payment Instruments (5.1 to 5.2) 65782.75 4585.92 6529.11 6258.03 279416 18657 25698 24738
5.1 Wallets 53013.86 3906.02 5198.06 4979.19 220183 15849 19616 18488
5.2 Cards (5.2.1 to 5.2.2) 12768.89 679.91 1331.05 1278.83 59233 2808 6082 6250
5.2.1 PoS based $ 1116.16 50.54 92.80 87.22 19546 667 1336 1301
5.2.2 Others $ 11652.73 629.36 1238.25 1191.62 39687 2140 4746 4949
6 Paper-based Instruments (6.1 to 6.2) 6999.12 511.38 590.44 593.72 6650333 477430 594562 599196
6.1 CTS (NPCI Managed) 6999.12 511.38 590.44 593.72 6650333 477430 594562 599196
6.2 Others 0.00
Total - Retail Payments (2+3+4+5+6) 724689.03 47257.15 86182.62 83377.76 52394049 3726363 5073187 5192171
Total Payments (1+2+3+4+5+6) 726767.42 47411.29 86378.35 83572.18 181051565 13923352 16257134 17548225
Total Digital Payments (1+2+3+4+5) 719768.30 46899.91 85787.91 82978.46 174401233 13445923 15662572 16949029

PART II - Payment Modes and Channels
System Volume (Lakh) Value (₹ Crore)
FY 2020-21 2021 2022 FY 2020-21 2021 2022
Jun. May Jun. Jun. May Jun.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. Other Payment Channels                
1 Mobile Payments (mobile app based) (1.1 to 1.2) 507531.37 32127.11 64186.29 62579.11 14973395 1033735 1753658 1714907
1.1 Intra-bank $ 40805.69 2829.58 4617.48 4309.49 2726360 196264 318478 305103
1.2 Inter-bank $ 466725.68 29297.53 59568.81 58269.61 12247035 837471 1435180 1409804
2 Internet Payments (Netbanking / Internet Browser Based) @ (2.1 to 2.2) 40726.59 3055.26 3751.53 3550.83 83159996 6709926 7259551 8206144
2.1 Intra-bank @ 9583.32 705.17 993.69 866.17 52142582 4355975 4340071 5134603
2.2 Inter-bank @ 31143.27 2350.09 2757.84 2684.67 31017413 2353951 2919480 3071541
B. ATMs                
3 Cash Withdrawal at ATMs $ (3.1 to 3.3) 65287.63 4761.69 5872.27 5734.36 3111948 229638 280267 271368
3.1 Using Credit Cards $ 62.37 4.31 6.64 6.79 3130 219 328 336
3.2 Using Debit Cards $ 64898.80 4735.38 5832.84 5694.37 3097741 228681 278833 269936
3.3 Using Pre-paid Cards $ 326.45 22.00 32.79 33.20 11076 738 1106 1096
4 Cash Withdrawal at PoS $ (4.1 to 4.2) 91.17 7.87 2.23 2.30 728 59 22 22
4.1 Using Debit Cards $ 79.42 7.03 2.20 2.27 557 44 22 22
4.2 Using Pre-paid Cards $ 11.75 0.84 0.03 0.03 171 15 0 0
5 Cash Withrawal at Micro ATMs @ 11126.04 856.89 1073.66 1167.16 299776 24187 29828 31318
5.1 AePS @ 11126.04 856.89 1073.66 1167.16 299776 24187 29828 31318

PART III - Payment Infrastructures (Lakh)
System As on March 2021 2021 2022
Jun. May Jun.
  1 2 3 4
Payment System Infrastructures        
1 Number of Cards (1.1 to 1.2) 9912.93 9684.46 10002.10 10004.74
1.1 Credit Cards 736.27 628.15 768.77 787.23
1.2 Debit Cards 9176.66 9056.31 9233.33 9217.52
2 Number of PPIs @ (2.1 to 2.2) 27411.16 22947.96 27989.08 30331.42
2.1 Wallets @ 24645.40 20861.58 25302.43 27673.99
2.2 Cards @ 2765.76 2086.38 2686.65 2657.43
3 Number of ATMs (3.1 to 3.2) 2.48 2.40 2.52 2.53
3.1 Bank owned ATMs $ 2.16 2.14 2.20 2.20
3.2 White Label ATMs $ 0.32 0.26 0.32 0.33
4 Number of Micro ATMs @ 7.81 4.54 8.81 9.40
5 Number of PoS Terminals 60.70 45.93 61.69 65.91
6 Bharat QR @ 49.72 40.83 41.38 42.80
7 UPI QR * 1727.34 1026.76 1880.15 1951.71
@: New inclusion w.e.f. November 2019
#: Data reported by Co-operative Banks, LABs and RRBs included with effect from December 2021.
$ : Inclusion separately initiated from November 2019 - would have been part of other items hitherto.
*: New inclusion w.e.f. September 2020; Includes only static UPI QR Code
Note : 1. Data is provisional.
2. ECS (Debit and Credit) has been merged with NACH with effect from January 31, 2020.
3. The data from November 2019 onwards for card payments (Debit/Credit cards) and Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) may not be comparable with earlier months/ periods, as more granular data is being published along with revision in data definitions.
4. Only domestic financial transactions are considered. The new format captures e-commerce transactions; transactions using FASTags, digital bill payments and card-to-card transfer through ATMs, etc.. Also, failed transactions, chargebacks, reversals, expired cards/ wallets, are excluded.
Part I-A. Settlement systems
1.1.3: Tri- party Repo under the securities segment has been operationalised from November 05, 2018.
Part I-B. Payments systems
4.1.2: ‘Others’ includes e-commerce transactions and digital bill payments through ATMs, etc.
4.2.2: ‘Others’ includes e-commerce transactions, card to card transfers and digital bill payments through ATMs, etc.
5: Available from December 2010.
5.1: includes purchase of goods and services and fund transfer through wallets.
5.2.2: includes usage of PPI Cards for online transactions and other transactions.
6.1: Pertain to three grids – Mumbai, New Delhi and Chennai.
6.2: ‘Others’ comprises of Non-MICR transactions which pertains to clearing houses managed by 21 banks.
Part II-A. Other payment channels
1: Mobile Payments –
o Include transactions done through mobile apps of banks and UPI apps.
o The data from July 2017 includes only individual payments and corporate payments initiated, processed, and authorised using mobile device. Other corporate payments which are not initiated, processed, and authorised using mobile device are excluded.
2: Internet Payments – includes only e-commerce transactions through ‘netbanking’ and any financial transaction using internet banking website of the bank.
Part II-B. ATMs
3.3 and 4.2: only relates to transactions using bank issued PPIs.
Part III. Payment systems infrastructure
3: Includes ATMs deployed by Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) and White Label ATM Operators (WLAOs). WLAs are included from April 2014 onwards.
