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47. Financial Accommodation Availed by State Governments under various Facilities
Date : Aug 18, 2022
(₹ Crore)
Sr. No State/Union Territory During June-2022
Special Drawing Facility (SDF) Ways and Means Advances (WMA) Overdraft (OD)
Average amount availed Number of days availed Average amount availed Number of days availed Average amount availed Number of days availed
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Andhra Pradesh 700.85 17 1660.00 15 695.61 6
2 Arunachal Pradesh - - - - - -
3 Assam 156.17 7 - - - -
4 Bihar - - - - - -
5 Chhattisgarh - - - - - -
6 Goa - - - - - -
7 Gujarat - - - - - -
8 Haryana 98.13 2 - - - -
9 Himachal Pradesh - - 53.81 7 - -
10 Jammu & Kashmir UT - - 891.87 20 448.61 10
11 Jharkhand - - - - - -
12 Karnataka - - - - - -
13 Kerala - - - - - -
14 Madhya Pradesh - - - - - -
15 Maharashtra - - - - - -
16 Manipur 18.12 27 193.21 27 203.56 8
17 Meghalaya 115.48 8 74.30 7 - -
18 Mizoram 53.26 10 39.98 5 - -
19 Nagaland 112.45 30 149.77 21 101.00 4
20 Odisha - - - - - -
21 Puducherry - - - - - -
22 Punjab 1067.81 17 - - - -
23 Rajasthan 3125.64 30 - - - -
24 Tamil Nadu - - - - - -
25 Telangana 710.06 30 1003.23 28 1200.67 7
26 Tripura - - - - - -
27 Uttar Pradesh - - - - - -
28 Uttarakhand - - - - - -
29 West Bengal - - - - - -
Source: Reserve Bank of India.
Note: SDF is availed by State Governments against the collateral of Consolidated Sinking Fund (CSF), Guarantee Redemption Fund (GRF) & Auction Treasury Bills (ATBs) balances and other investments in government securities.
WMA is advance by Reserve Bank of India to State Governments for meeting temporary cash mismatches.
OD is advanced to State Governments beyond their WMA limits.
Average amount Availed is the total accommodation (SDF/WMA/OD) availed divided by number of days for which accommodation was extended during the month.
- : Nil.
