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14. Business in India – All Scheduled Banks and All Scheduled Commercial Banks
Date : Nov 18, 2022
(₹ Crore)
Item As on the Last Reporting Friday (in case of March)/ Last Friday
All Scheduled Banks All Scheduled Commercial Banks
2021-22 2021 2022 2021-22 2021 2022
Sep. Aug. Sep. Sep. Aug. Sep.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of Reporting Banks 212 210 213 213 136 134 137 137
1 Liabilities to the Banking System 262674 232513 281986 301786 258649 227943 278245 297923
1.1 Demand and Time Deposits from Banks 194143 171131 191920 202221 190570 166914 188767 199123
1.2 Borrowings from Banks 38369 42447 45029 47611 38317 42383 44956 47362
1.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 30162 18934 45037 51954 29762 18645 44522 51438
2 Liabilities to Others 17832517 16864747 18567492 19155084 17380755 16428231 18125571 18711374
2.1 Aggregate Deposits 16899634 16019297 17418182 17968829 16465313 15598948 16993855 17543202
2.1.1 Demand 2117513 1862818 2068921 2275127 2072747 1823739 2022999 2228941
2.1.2 Time 14782121 14156479 15349261 15693702 14392567 13775208 14970856 15314261
2.2 Borrowings 278985 251073 474582 461430 274594 245898 469509 456258
2.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 653898 594377 674728 724826 640848 583385 662206 711914
3 Borrowings from Reserve Bank 94299 92417 98308 112556 94299 92382 98308 112521
3.1 Against Usance Bills /Promissory Notes
3.2 Others 94299 92417 98308 112556 94299 92382 98308 112521
4 Cash in Hand and Balances with Reserve Bank 788725 756401 894122 976242 769363 737529 872642 953684
4.1 Cash in Hand 88732 100793 111443 111683 85926 98703 108528 108771
4.2 Balances with Reserve Bank 699993 655608 782679 864558 683437 638826 764114 844913
5 Assets with the Banking System 315282 254797 350094 368099 243637 201009 292464 306815
5.1 Balances with Other Banks 199434 180057 219517 236805 164240 144591 181732 195488
5.1.1 In Current Account 19733 21816 19131 28867 16691 19142 16080 24770
5.1.2 In Other Accounts 179701 158241 200386 207938 147549 125448 165652 170718
5.2 Money at Call and Short Notice 36905 22154 29704 24681 6982 7062 13886 10226
5.3 Advances to Banks 39340 24660 42331 47180 35802 24278 41828 45279
5.4 Other Assets 39603 27926 58542 59433 36613 25078 55019 55822
6 Investment 4874070 4804642 5213089 5218402 4728948 4663319 5067259 5070727
6.1 Government Securities 4867102 4797221 5207133 5211727 4728179 4662056 5066468 5069889
6.2 Other Approved Securities 6968 7421 5955 6675 769 1262 790 838
7 Bank Credit 12259048 11295015 12829118 13423538 11891314 10956817 12458658 13042412
7a Food Credit 90827 98160 73480 64885 55011 62342 27761 19167
7.1 Loans, Cash-credits and Overdrafts 12016486 11091164 12588664 13171755 11651337 10754999 12220997 12793500
7.2 Inland Bills-Purchased 36070 31826 34232 39196 36055 31812 34216 39175
7.3 Inland Bills-Discounted 155796 120033 158994 164672 154212 118694 156972 162566
7.4 Foreign Bills-Purchased 19537 20016 17177 18962 19157 19844 16961 18790
7.5 Foreign Bills-Discounted 31160 31976 30050 28953 30554 31467 29512 28381
Note: Data in column Nos. (4) & (8) are Provisional.
