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24. Treasury Bills – Ownership Pattern
Date : Feb 17, 2023
(₹ Crore)
Item 2021-22 2021 2022
Dec. 31 Nov. 25 Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Dec. 30
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 91-day                
1.1 Banks 5310 9354 16804 14896 15637 14258 14138 14180
1.2 Primary Dealers 16705 26882 23433 21138 22793 21908 19208 15538
1.3 State Governments 31320 103016 45031 43031 42231 44231 45431 47131
1.4 Others 72109 106541 105524 107985 106618 107950 112385 117108
2 182-day                
2.1 Banks 70130 56154 68750 65891 67923 63346 63319 62858
2.2 Primary Dealers 63669 32988 53570 51829 52290 52369 51974 45722
2.3 State Governments 15763 6458 27598 26098 26098 24513 23513 22513
2.4 Others 69259 19711 81725 79438 71875 69941 65133 68212
3 364-day                
3.1 Banks 112386 115964 108145 109624 109049 104092 100142 108294
3.2 Primary Dealers 160461 117965 183977 179436 178688 182441 187924 187403
3.3 State Governments 22836 21643 45396 44390 46295 46400 46500 42776
3.4 Others 118392 99125 136944 138787 137740 135924 135026 130815
4 14-day Intermediate                
4.1 Banks                
4.2 Primary Dealers                
4.3 State Governments 289362 139739 194863 152813 123956 174753 185087 188391
4.4 Others 659 761 1582 390 898 763 455 1019
Total Treasury Bills (Excluding 14 day Intermediate T Bills) # 758339 715802 896896 882543 877237 867372 864693 862547
# 14D intermediate T-Bills are non-marketable unlike 91D, 182D and 364D T-Bills. These bills are ‘intermediate’ by nature as these are liquidated to replenish shortfall in the daily minimum cash balances of State Governments
Note: Primary Dealers (PDs) include banks undertaking PD business.
