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7. Sources of Money Stock (M3)
Date : Jun 19, 2024
(₹ Crore)
Sources Outstanding as on March 31/last reporting Fridays of the month/reporting Fridays
2023-24 2023 2024
Apr. 21 Mar. 22 Apr. 05 Apr. 19
1 2 3 4 5
1 Net Bank Credit to Government 7512016 7165547 7313197 7647355 7589043
1 Net Bank Credit to Government (Including Merger) (7603571)   (7404752) (7735216) (7676346)
1.1 RBI’s net credit to Government (1.1.1–1.1.2) 1193213 1420099 994394 1273550 1221629
1.1.1 Claims on Government 1370428 1420242 1374532 1379248 1372757 Central Government 1363828 1417096 1361281 1361868 1355261 State Governments 6600 3146 13251 17380 17496
1.1.2 Government deposits with RBI 177215 143 380138 105698 151128 Central Government 177172 101 380096 105655 151086 State Governments 42 43 42 42 42
1.2 Other Banks’ Credit to Government 6318803 5745447 6318803 6373804 6367414
1.2 Other Banks Credit to Government (Including Merger) (6410358)   (6410358) (6461666) (6454717)
2 Bank Credit to Commercial Sector 16672145 14611581 16669610 16829748 16730588
2 Bank Credit to Commercial Sector (Including Merger) (17202832)   (17200297) (17354004) (17251406)
2.1 RBI’s credit to commercial sector 14406 21792 11871 11424 10804
2.2 Other banks’ credit to commercial sector 16657739 14589789 16657739 16818324 16719783
2.2 Other banks credit to commercial sector (Including Merger) (17188425)   (17188425) (17342580) (17240602)
2.2.1 Bank credit by commercial banks 15901477 13859447 15901477 16068783 15972175
2.2.1 Bank credit by commercial banks (Including Merger) (16432164)   (16432164) (16593040) (16492993)
2.2.2 Bank credit by co-operative banks 738194 713417 738194 731055 729036
2.2.3 Investments by commercial and co-operative banks in other securities 18068 16925 18068 18486 18573
2.2.3 Investments by commercial and co-operative banks in other securities (Including Merger) (18068)   (18068) (18486) (18573)
3 Net Foreign Exchange Assets of Banking Sector (3.1 + 3.2) 5540381 4953473 5505919 5549788 5493640
3.1 RBIs net foreign exchange assets (3.1.1 - 3.1.2) 5240824 4629063 5206362 5250231 5194083
3.1.1 Gross foreign assets 5241083 4629323 5206621 5250490 5194342
3.1.2 Foreign liabilities 259 260 259 259 259
3.2 Other banks’ net foreign exchange assets 299557 324410 299557 299557 299557
4 Government’s Currency Liabilities to the Public 33432 30285 33198 33432 33432
5 Banking Sector’s Net Non-monetary Liabilities 4694295 4077687 4691633 4683415 4694295
5 Banking Sectors Net Non-monetary Liabilities (Including Merger) (5440588)   (5205633) (5186748) (5196435)
5.1 Net non-monetary liabilities of RBI 1789875 1614462 1774674 1797672 1752732
5.2 Net non-monetary liabilities of other banks (residual) 3136714 2463225 2916959 2885742 2941564
5.2 Net non-monetary liabilities of other banks (residual) (Including Merger) (3650713)   (3430959) (3389076) (3443703)
M3 (1+2+3+4–5) 24831384 22683199 24830291 25376908 25152406
M3 (1+2+3+4-5) (Including Merger) (24939627)   (24938533) (25485692) (25258389)
Note: Figures in parentheses include the impact of merger of a non-bank with bank.
3.1: Include foreign currency denominated bonds issued by IIFC (UK).
