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Private Corporate Investment: Growth in 2023-24 and Outlook for 2024-25
Date : Aug 19, 2024

by Kamal Gupta, Rajesh B Kavediya, Sukti Khandekar and Snigdha Yogindran^

This article presents an analysis of investment intentions of private corporates based on the projects sanctioned by bank/FIs during 2023-24. The total envisaged cost of the projects financed by banks/FIs reached a new high of ₹3.91 lakh crore during 2023-24, with 54 per cent planned to be invested by the year-end. The phasing profile of the pipeline projects finance suggests that the envisaged capex will increase significantly to ₹2.45 lakh crore in 2024-25 from ₹1.59 lakh crore in 2023-24. Rising domestic demand and capacity utilisation, improved profitability of corporates, sustained credit demand, business optimism and government’s thrust on infrastructure development, along with policy measure to encourage investment activities, bode well for private capital investment.


Capital investment by private corporates, a major driver of India’s long-term growth, has been gaining traction, after moderating during the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthy balance sheet of banks and private companies, improved corporate profits, rising capacity utilisation, sustained credit demand, optimism in business sentiments and government’s thrust on public infrastructure1 bode well for private capital expenditure (capex) cycle, which reflects investment climate and growth potential of the economy and facilitates economic progress.

As finalisation of corporate balance sheet takes time, many countries adopt survey-based approach to assess the near-term outlook on corporate investment and perspective planning. Such surveys provide lead information on quantum and timing of investment for direct assessment of firms’ investment intentions that are expected to materialise in the near to medium-term.

In the Indian context, the Reserve Bank has been tracking private capex plans through monitoring of the projects that are funded by banks /financial institutions (FIs)2 for assessing investment outlook.3 This article presents the analysis of investment intentions of private corporates based on the projects sanctioned by bank/FIs during 2023-24, supplemented by alternative sources of capex funding, where the total cost of projects is considered to get a comprehensive view, instead of limiting it to the portion that is financed by banks/FIs.

The article is structured into five sections. Section II sets out the methodology and assumptions used in the study. Important features of projects sanctioned or contracted during the period of review (i.e., 2023-24), funding thereof, and distributional aspects in terms of regions and industries are presented in Section III. Section IV deals with the phasing profile of the sanctioned/contracted loans/financing and estimates growth of corporate investment, while section V concludes the study.

II. Methodology and Assumptions

For the assessment of near-term outlook of investment activity of private corporates, the methodological framework proposed by Rangarajan (1970) has been adopted. For this purpose, data on investment intentions are gathered through three different sources, viz., (i) banks and FIs which are involved in the business of project finance to private corporates, (ii) finances raised for capex purpose through the external commercial borrowings (ECBs) [including issuance of foreign currency convertible bonds (FCCBs)), rupee denominated bonds (RDBs)], and (iii) funding raised through initial public offerings (IPOs), follow-on public offerings (FPOs) and rights issues by the private corporates for capex purpose.

This study focuses exclusively on projects that receive funding from the aforementioned sources, having a project cost exceeding ₹10 crore, and majority ownership stake of project with private corporates. Projects having majority stake holding with the Central and/or State governments, and projects initiated by trusts and educational institutions are excluded from the scope of this study. It has been ensured that each project is included in the dataset only once, to obviate double counting and consequent overestimation.

The estimates are derived under the assumption that companies adhere to their ex-ante capital expenditure plans. It is, however, important to note that these estimates could differ from the actual private corporate fixed investment data provided in national accounts as (a) some of the project investment intentions may undergo modifications in terms of their planned amount and timing; (b) funding sources of certain projects may shift to internal resources and/ or other sources, such as, fund raised from capital market/ bond financing and foreign direct investment (FDI); and (c) some new projects may come up and some planned ones may be shelved.

III. Characteristics of Projects Sanctioned/ Contracted

The investment intentions of private corporates remained buoyant during 2023-24 as reflected in rising total number of projects as well as the total cost of projects sanctioned by banks/FIs. During 2023-24, about 944 projects got assistance from banks/FIs with a record high total cost of projects of ₹3,90,978 crore, as compared to 547 projects sanctioned during the previous year having total cost of ₹2,66,546 crore (Annex Table A1).

During 2023-24, 438 private companies, which did not avail of any financing from banks/FIs for capex projects, raised ₹1,68,396 crore through ECBs for capex purpose, while 123 other companies raised ₹6,310 crore through domestic equity issuances under the initial public offering (IPO) route for funding their capex needs. Overall, investment plans of 1,505 projects were made during 2023-24, with record investment intentions of ₹5,65,684 crore, as against 982 projects in 2022-23 with investment intentions of ₹3,51,276 crore (Annex Table A1-A4).

i) Size-wise

The size-wise distribution of projects showed a noticeable increase in the number of projects across various sizes. During 2023-24, eleven mega projects (with project cost ₹5,000 crore and above) and 77 large projects (₹1000 crore-₹5000 crore), got sanctioned by banks/FIs, having share of 21.7 per cent and 37.1 per cent of total project costs, respectively. Any deviations from the phasing plans of these mega/large projects can affect the overall capex pattern in the medium-term (Annex Table A5).

ii) Purpose-wise

Investment in green field (new) projects accounted for the lion share of about 89 per cent in the total cost of projects financed by banks/FIs during 2023-24, in line with the recent trends, which points to likely capacity expansion by private corporates going forward. Investment in expansion and modernisation of existing projects accounted for 8.6 per cent share in the total project cost (Annex Table A6).

iii) Industry-wise

Industry-wise distribution of projects sanctioned during 2023-24 indicates that the infrastructure sector4 remained the major sector accounting for 55.5 per cent share in the total cost of projects, primarily driven by investment in ‘Roads & bridges’ and ‘Power’ (Annex Table A7). Beside infrastructure, among the other major industries, metal & metal products, construction, electrical equipments, and food products also accounted for a sizable share in the total cost of projects (Chart 1 and Annex Table 7).

Chart 1: Share of Major Industries in Aggregate Cost of Projects Sanctioned by Banks/FIs

iv) State-wise

The state-wise distribution of projects sanctioned revealed that the top five states viz., Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh together accounted for about 55 per cent of the total cost of projects sanctioned during 2023-24 (Chart 2 and Annex Table A8)5.

Chart 2: Share of Major States in Aggregate Cost of Projects Sanctioned by Banks/FIs

IV. Phasing Profile of Investment Intentions

The phasing profile of capital expenditures of projects sanctioned by banks/FIs till the end of the financial year 2023-24 provides near-term (one year ahead) investment outlook of private corporates. The phasing from the cohort of projects in 2023-24 indicates that about 54 per cent (₹2,12,266 crore) of the total proposed capital expenditure was planned to be invested by the year-end, while 29.7 per cent (₹1,15,928 crore) is planned to be spent in 2024-25 and another 16.1 per cent (₹62,783 crore) in the subsequent period. Based on the phasing profile of projects sanctioned by banks/FIs till 2023-24, the envisaged capex recorded a significant increase of 41.7 per cent to ₹2,80,975 crore during 2023-24 (Annex Table A1).

Resources raised through the ECB and IPO route by private corporates supplement the financing of their investment activities. From the funds raised through the ECB route for the capex purpose during 2023-24 and the prior period, capital expenditure planned to be made during 2023-24 more than doubled to ₹1,16,073 crore as compared with previous year. Also, planned capex from the fund raised through IPO route increased to ₹6,138 crore in 2023-24, though its share in total envisaged capital expenditure remained miniscule (Annex Table A2 and A3).

Overall, based on the various channels of fundings, as alluded earlier, total capital investment of ₹4,03,186 crore was intended to be made by the private corporate sector in 2023-24, significantly higher (56.6 per cent) than the planned capex during the previous year, led by the rise in total funds for projects sanctioned by banks/FIs and funds raised through the ECB route. The phasing profile of the envisaged capex, based on the pipeline projects6 sanctioned by the banks/ FIs in the previous years prior to the reference year, indicate that the envisaged capital investment is expected to increase from ₹1,17,182 crore in 2023-24 to ₹1,68,176 crore in 2024-25; taking into account all channels of financing, the total envisaged capital investment is estimated at ₹2,45,212 crore in 2024-25 as against ₹1,59,221 crore in 2023-24 (Annex Table A1 and A4).

V. Conclusion

The significant rise in envisaged capital investment of private corporates, based on the projects sanctioned by banks/FIs during 2023-24, points to upbeat investment cycle. The total cost of projects sanctioned by banks/FIs increased to a record high of ₹3,90,978 crore. Infrastructure sector continued to attract the major share of envisaged capital investment, led by ‘Roads & Bridges’ and ‘Power’ sectors, reflecting the government push towards infrastructure development. Of the total cost of projects envisaged during 2023-24, 54 per cent was planned to be invested by the end of financial year 2023-24, 30 per cent is provided for 2024-25 and the remaining 16 per cent is envisaged to be invested in the subsequent years. The phasing profile of pipeline projects finance through all the three channels suggests that the envisaged capex could increase significantly to ₹2,45,212 crore in 2024-25 from ₹1,59,221 crore in 2023-24.

Healthy balance sheets of both corporates and banks, improved corporate profitability, sustained credit demand, rising capacity utilisation, and optimism in business sentiments as reflected in the forward-looking enterprise surveys conducted by the RBI as also by the other agencies, provide conducive environment for private corporates to undertake investments going forward. On the downside, global financial market volatility, protracted geopolitical tensions and geoeconomic fragmentation could dampen the investment plans. Overall, the investment cycle is expected to remain upbeat and its sustainability needs to be watched closely.


Rangarajan, C. (1970). Forecasting capital expenditure in the corporate sector. Economic and Political Weekly, 5(51), 2049-2051.

Table A1: Phasing of Capex of Projects Sanctioned by Banks/FIs
Year of sanction ↓ No of Projects Project Cost in the Year of Sanction
(₹ crore)
Project Cost due to Revision/ Cancellation^
(in ₹ crore)
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
  1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9
upto 2013-14       1,70,603 93,658 34,172 14,421 4,722
2014-15 326 87,601 87,253 (0.4) 14,920 34,589 25,765 9,535 1,246
2015-16 346 95,371 91,781 (3.8) 3,787 7,434 37,517 28,628 8,079
2016-17 541 1,82,807 1,79,249 (2.0) 1,352 3,952 25,388 71,186 41,075
2017-18 485 1,72,831 1,68,239 (2.6)   620 15,184 12,445 63,001
2018-19 409 1,76,581 1,59,189 (9.8)     569 6,862 11,000
2019-20 320 2,00,038 1,75,830 (12.1)         4,049
2020-21 220 75,558 75,558 (0.0)          
2021-22 401 1,43,314 1,41,976 (0.9)          
2022-23 547 2,66,547 2,66,546 (0.0)          
2023-24 944 3,90,978            
Grand Total&       1,90,662 1,40,253 1,38,595 1,43,077 1,33,172
Percentage change         -26.4 -1.2 3.2 -6.9

Table A1: Phasing of Capex of Projects Sanctioned by Banks/FIs (Contd.)
Year of sanction ↓ 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Beyond 2024-25
  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
upto 2013-14 1,472              
2014-15 162 1,036            
2015-16 4,964 1,152 220          
2016-17 21,643 8,566 4,001 2,086        
2017-18 41,436 22,767 10,202 2,342 242      
2018-19 59,973 47,080 21,248 9,759 2,663 35    
2019-20 14,524 53,978 58,556 28,116 14,114 2,299 194  
2020-21 2,491 3,709 29,013 26,166 9,711 3,867 601  
2021-22   3,610 10,543 59,622 44,176 18,442 3,541 2,042
2022-23   1,127 2,150 16,663 87,997 92,539 47,912 18,158
2023-24     2,235 6,783 39,455 1,63,793 1,15,928 62,783
Grand Total& 1,46,665 1,43,025 1,38,168 1,51,537 1,98,358 2,80,975 1,68,176 82,983
Percentage change 10.1 -2.5 -3.4 9.7 30.9 41.7 #  
&: Column totals indicate envisaged capex in a particular year covering the projects which received financial assistance in various years. The estimate is ex ante incorporating only envisaged investments. They are different from those actually realised/utilised.
#: Per cent change for 2024-25 is not worked out as capex from proposal that are likely to be sanctioned in 2024-25 is not yet available.
^: Figures in bracket are percentage of revision/cancellation.

Table A2: Phasing of Capex Projects* Funded through ECBs/ FCCBs/RDBs**
Year of sanction ↓ No of LRNs issued Total loan contracted
(₹ crore)
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
upto 2013-14     78,864 27,376 4,896      
2014-15 478 57,327   36,791 16,806 3,151 575 2
2015-16 314 38,885     28,998 7,311 2,572 4
2016-17 346 22,154       14,953 6,005 1,192
2017-18 419 37,896         17,822 13,054
2018-19 515 72,490           46,221
2019-20 495 95,491            
2020-21 362 40,564            
2021-22 363 51,059            
2022-23 393 81,101            
2023-24 438 1,68,396            
Grand Total&     78,864 64,167 50,700 25,415 26,974 60,473
Percentage change       -18.6 -21.0 -49.9 6.1 124.2

Table A2: Phasing of Capex Projects* Funded through ECBs/ FCCBs/RDBs** (Contd.)
Year of sanction ↓ 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Beyond 2024-25
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
upto 2013-14              
2014-15 2            
2016-17 2 2          
2017-18 6,484 529 7        
2018-19 17,725 1,236 5,398 1,844 66    
2019-20 65,367 17,157 11,717 965 285    
2020-21   21,865 13,574 3,219 1,675 231  
2021-22   13 29,315 16,554 5,089 89  
2022-23       33,927 31,785 14,438 950
2023-24       32 77,173 59,287 31,904
Grand Total& 89,580 40,802 60,011 56,542 1,16,073 74,045 32,854
Percentage change 48.1 -54.5 47.1 -5.8 105.3 #  
*: Projects which did not receive assistance from banks/FIs.
**: Rupee Denominated Bonds (RDBs) have been included since 2016-17.
#: Percent change for 2024-25 is not worked out as capex from proposals that are likely to be drawn in 2024-25 is not yet available.
&: The estimate is ex ante incorporating only envisaged investment. They are different from those actually realised/utilised.
LRN: Loan registration number.

Table A3: Phasing of Capex of Projects Funded Through Equity Issues*
Equity issued during ↓ No. of Companies Capex Envisaged
(₹ crore)
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
upto 2013-14     494 492 70      
2014-15 24 1,078   189 557 332    
2015-16 40 4,511   11 644 2,753 849 183
2016-17 29 1,159     14 471 368 163
2017-18 51 1,538         419 327
2018-19 39 609           506
2019-20 12 53           2
2020-21 12 663            
2021-22 27 3,410            
2022-23 42 3,629            
2023-24 123 6,310            
Grand Total&     494 692 1,285 3,556 1,636 1,181
Percentage change       40.1 85.7 176.7 -54.0 -27.8

Table A3: Phasing of Capex of Projects Funded Through Equity Issues* (Contd.)
Equity issued during ↓ 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Beyond 2024-25
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
upto 2013-14              
2015-16 71            
2016-17 143            
2017-18 787 5          
2018-19 90 13          
2019-20 49 2          
2020-21   139 421 84 19    
2021-22   10 757 1,304 939 400  
2022-23       1,172 2,181 276  
2023-24       58 2,999 2,316 937
Grand Total& 1,140 169 1,178 2,618 6,138 2,992 937
Percentage change -3.5 -85.2 597.0 122.2 134.4 #  
*: Projects which did not receive assistance from banks/FIs/ECBs/FCCBs/RDBs.
#: Per cent change for 2024-25 is not worked out as capex from proposals that are likely to be implemented in 2024-25 is not yet available.
&: The estimate is ex ante incorporating only envisaged investment, they are different from those actually realized / utilised.

Table A4: Phasing of Capex of Projects Funded Through Banks/FIs/IPOs/ECBs/FCCBs/RDBs*/IPOs
Year of sanction ↓ No of Companies or Banks/FIs/ ECBs/FCCBs / RDBs /IPOs Project Cost
(₹ crore)
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
upto 2013-14     2,49,961 1,21,526 39,138 14421 4722 1472
2014-15 828 1,45,658 14920 71,569 43,128 13,018 1821 164
2015-16 700 1,35,177 3787 7445 67,159 38,692 11,500 5151
2016-17 916 2,02,562 1352 3952 25402 86,610 47,448 22,998
2017-18 955 2,07,673   620 15184 12445 81,242 54,817
2018-19 963 2,32,288     569 6862 11000 1,06,700
2019-20 827 2,71,374         4049 14526
2020-21 594 1,16,785           2491
2021-22 791 1,96,445            
2022-23 982 3,51,276            
2023-24 1,505 5,65,684            
Grand Total&     2,70,020 2,05,112 1,90,580 1,72,048 1,61,782 2,08,319
Percentage change       -24.0 -7.1 -9.7 -6.0 28.8

Table A4: Phasing of Capex of Projects Funded Through Banks/FIs/IPOs/ECBs/FCCBs/RDBs*/IPOs (Contd.)
Year of sanction ↓ 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 Beyond 2024-25
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
upto 2013-14              
2014-15 1038            
2015-16 1223 220          
2016-17 8711 4003 2086        
2017-18 30,038 10736 2349 242      
2018-19 64,895 22,497 15,157 4,507 101    
2019-20 1,19,394 75,715 39,833 15079 2584 194  
2020-21 3709 51,017 40,161 13,014 5,561 832  
2021-22 3610 10566 89,694 62,034 24,470 4030 2,042
2022-23 1127 2150 16663 1,23,096 1,26,505 62,626 19,108
2023-24   2,235 6,783 39,545 2,43,965 1,77,531 95,624
Grand Total& 2,33,745 1,79,139 2,12,726 2,57,518 4,03,186 2,45,212 1,16,774
Percentage change 12.2 -23.4 18.7 21.1 56.6 #  
*: Rupee Denominated Bonds (RDBs) have been included since 2016-17.
#: Per cent change for 2024-25 is not worked out as capex from proposals that are likely to be sanctioned in 2024-25 is not yet available.
&: The estimate is ex ante incorporating only envisaged investment, they are different from those actually realised/utilised.

Table A5: Size-wise Distribution of Projects Sanctioned by Banks/FIs: 2013-14 to 2023-24
Period Number and Share of Projects Less than ₹100 crore ₹100 crore to ₹500 crore ₹500 crore to ₹1000 crore ₹1000 crore to ₹5000 crore ₹5000 crore & above Total
2013-14 No. of Projects 306 115 25 21 5 472
  Per cent Share 8.3 20 13.9 29.1 28.7 100 (1,27,328)
2014-15 No. of Projects 223 65 18 19 1 326
  Per cent Share 9 16.6 14.6 47.8 12 100 (87,253)
2015-16 No. of Projects 214 76 34 21 1 346
  Per cent Share 8.6 20.9 26 38.5 5.9 100 (91,781)
2016-17 No. of Projects 287 180 29 40 5 541
  Per cent Share 5.8 23.3 11.9 41.7 17.4 100 (1,79,239)
2017-18 No. of Projects 263 149 28 42 3 485
  Per cent Share 5.2 21 10.8 43.8 19.1 100 (1,68,239)
2018-19 No. of Projects 220 110 39 36 4 409
  Per cent Share 4.8 17 17 39.6 21.6 100 (1,59,189)
2019-20 No. of Projects 150 84 45 36 5 320
  Per cent Share 3.3 11.9 18.6 37.4 28.8 100 (1,75,830)
2020-21 No. of Projects 128 52 15 24 1 220
  Per cent Share 5.5 16.8 14.2 53.5 10 100 (75,558)
2021-22 No. of Projects 200 127 36 36 2 401
  Per cent Share 5.6 20.0 19.6 46.9 7.9 100 (1,41,976)
2022-23 No. of Projects 264 156 51 68 8 547
  Per cent Share 3.9 13.6 14.1 41.3 27.1 100 (2,66,546)
2023-24 No. of Projects 484 265 107 77 11 944
  Per cent Share 4.6 16.6 20.0 37.1 21.7 100 (3,90,978)
Note: i. Figures in brackets are total cost of projects in ₹ crore.
ii. Per cent share is the share in total cost of projects. Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.

Table A6: Purpose-wise Distribution of Projects Sanctioned by Banks/FIs during 2013-14 to 2023-24
Period Number and Share of Projects New Expansion & Modernisation Diversification Others Total
2013-14 No. of Projects 361 95 2 14 472
  Percent Share 65.2 20.1 - 14.7 100 (1,27,328)
2014-15 No. of Projects 203 92 2 29 326
  Percent Share 39.4 14.7 0.2 45.7 100 (87,253)
2015-16 No. of Projects 260 64 3 19 346
  Percent Share 73.6 14.3 0.1 12.0 100 (91,781)
2016-17 No. of Projects 429 97 4 11 541
  Percent Share 78.6 9.9 0.1 11.3 100 (1,79,249)
2017-18 No. of Projects 396 80 2 7 485
  Percent Share 89.0 9.5 0.1 1.5 100 (1,68,239)
2018-19 No. of Projects 309 80 - 20 409
  Percent Share 76.8 19.3 - 3.9 100 (1,59,189)
2019-20 No. of Projects 262 37 1 20 320
  Percent Share 79.8 13.7 - 6.4 100 (1,75,830)
2020-21 No. of Projects 181 38 1 - 220
  Percent Share 94.1 5.9 - - 100 (75,558)
2021-22 No. of Projects 312 88 1 - 401
  Percent Share 89.1 10.8 0.1 - 100 (1,41,976)
2022-23 No. of Projects 440 101 - 6 547
  Percent Share 93.1 6.1 - 0.8 100 (2,66,546)
2023-24 No. of Projects 767 167 4 6 944
  Percent Share 89.1 8.6 0.1 2.2 100 (3,90,978)
Note: i. Figures in brackets are total cost of projects in ₹ crore.
ii. Per cent share is the share in total cost of projects. Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
iii. -: Nil/ Negligible.

Table A7: Industry-wise Distribution of Projects Sanctioned by Banks/FIs: 2013-14 to 2023-24
Industry 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share
Infrastructure 87 39.7 74 48.9 108 72 204 62.5 150 51.7 122 60.3
i) Power 70 35.1 65 42.2 92 57.1 170 45.4 117 36.5 78 26.8
ii) Telecom 1 - 1 4.9 1 0.3 1 - - - - -
iii) Ports & Airports 1 0.8 - - 3 2.4 8 5.7 6 3.1 4 14.2
iv) Storage & Water Management 5 1.1 2 0.6 4 4.2 6 3.7 2 0.4 13 5.7
v) SEZ, Industrial, Biotech and IT Park 8 1.5 3 0.9 1 0.4 2 0.4 9 1.6 11 3.2
vi) Roads & Bridges 2 1.2 3 0.3 7 7.6 17 7.3 16 10.1 16 10.4
Metal & Metal Products 44 17.4 17 17.4 14 1.5 23 4.9 21 9.7 16 3
Construction 27 2.1 29 4 26 1.8 60 12 39 5.3 26 2.3
Electrical & Electronics 9 2 7 0.2 2 0.2 9 0.2 6 0.2 1 0.1
Food Products 43 1.8 34 2.9 26 1.8 38 0.9 47 2.8 28 1.4
Chemicals & Pesticides 15 1 7 2.6 11 1.6 10 2.1 23 11.4 19 2.9
Textiles 58 10.3 50 4.1 49 4.8 57 4.1 54 3.7 27 3.4
Transport Services 14 0.5 5 0.6 10 1.2 12 0.4 16 4.1 5 0.2
Coke and Petroleum Products 1 0.5 1 3.4 2 2.0 2 0.5 1 0.4 - -
Cement 12 7.1 7 3.8 5 1.9 5 2.3 3 0.6 10 5.1
Transport Equipments and Parts 14 1.0 7 5.3 4 2.5 9 3.6 10 0.3 5 0.8
Mining and quarrying 1 0.6 2 0.1 10 2.7 4 0.4 1 - - -
Hotels and Restaurants 22 2.2 15 1.1 16 1.1 12 0.8 29 2.9 26 1.9
Pharmaceuticals 19 1.3 9 1.5 11 0.3 12 1.1 15 0.6 23 1.6
Hospitals & Health services 10 0.7 2 0.1 1 - 22 1.1 18 1.8 15 2.6
Rubber & Plastic product 9 0.3 8 0.8 4 0.5 8 0.2 10 2.5 5 0.5
IT Software 3 0.1 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 2 0.7
Others* 84 11.4 51 3.2 46 4.1 54 2.9 41 2.0 79 13.3
Total 472 100 326 100 346 100 541 100 485 100 409 100
Total project cost in ₹ crore 1,27,328 87,253 91,781 1,79,249 1,68,239 1,59,189
*: Comprise industries like Paper & paper products, Agricultural & related activities, Manufacturing of electric and non-electric machinery, Glass & pottery, Sugar and allied products, Entertainment, Trading of services, Printing & publishing, other manufacturing and other services.
Note: i. Per cent share is the share in total cost of project. Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
ii. -: Nil/Negligible.

Table A7: Industry-wise Distribution of Projects Sanctioned by Banks/FIs: 2013-14 to 2023-24 (Contd.)
Industry 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share
Infrastructure 99 61.5 63 74.3 95 56.4 135 59.9 245 55.5
i) Power 47 32.9 35 49.3 58 29 53 20.3 139 24.4
ii) Telecom - - - - - - - - 1 0.6
iii) Ports & Airports 4 8.4 1 0.1 2 5.9 2 0.4 9 4.8
iv) Storage & Water Management 4 0.4 5 1.2 2 0.2 3 0.8 4 0.0
v) SEZ, Industrial, Biotech and IT Park 8 1.3 5 2.2 3 1.1 8 1.9 10 0.5
vi) Roads & Bridges 36 18.5 17 21.5 30 20.2 69 36.5 82 25.2
Metal & Metal Products 14 0.8 6 0.8 27 4.2 60 14.6 71 9.3
Construction 44 11.4 27 4.8 22 7.4 35 4 56 8.0
Electrical & Electronics 4 - 1 0.1 5 4 9 1.1 15 4.4
Food Products 32 1.9 20 1.5 25 1.8 40 2.5 107 3.0
Chemicals & Pesticides 12 1.3 9 1.6 20 3.4 16 2.3 33 2.9
Textiles 11 0.5 15 1.8 56 4.5 42 2.8 58 2.2
Transport Services 14 1.4 1 0.1 18 2.4 21 0.6 35 2.1
Coke and Petroleum Products 3 8.0 - - 7 1.0 17 1.1 28 1.6
Cement 2 0.1 5 1.3 3 3.3 2 0.8 11 1.3
Transport Equipments and Parts 5 0.4 2 0.3 5 0.4 16 0.6 12 1.2
Mining and quarrying - - - - 1 0.1 7 1.8 11 1.2
Hotels and Restaurants 16 1.7 4 2.9 12 0.9 13 0.4 58 1.1
Pharmaceuticals 9 0.6 7 0.5 20 1.3 30 2.1 29 0.8
Hospitals & Health services 12 0.7 7 0.3 19 2.3 20 1.1 25 0.7
Rubber & Plastic product 5 0.3 17 2.1 12 0.8 13 0.8 24 0.7
IT Software 1 - - - 2 0.6 4 1.2 4 0.6
Others* 37 9.3 36 7.6 52 5.2 67 2.3 122 3.5
Total 320 100 220 100 401 100 547 100 944 100
Total project cost in ₹ crore 1,75,830 75,558 1,41,976 2,66,546 3,90,978
*: Comprise industries like Paper & paper products, Agricultural & related activities, Manufacturing of electric and non-electric machinery, Glass & pottery, Sugar and allied products, Entertainment, Trading of services, Printing & publishing, other manufacturing and other services.
Note: i. Per cent share is the share in total cost of project. Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
ii. -: Nil/Negligible.

Table A8: State-wise Distribution of Projects Sanctioned by Banks/FIs: 2013-14 to 2023-24
State 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects No. of Projects No. of Projects Per cent Share
Gujarat 66 14.5 71 9.5 61 15.1 102 23 71 8 56 11.1
Maharashtra 76 19.7 38 14.8 36 9.4 57 8.8 65 23.3 34 11.5
Karnataka 39 6.2 27 5.4 21 6.2 52 6.8 64 9.6 34 5.7
Andhra Pradesh 37 4 24 8.1 33 12.3 47 8 22 9.9 29 11.1
Uttar Pradesh 21 1.1 20 5.4 15 2.5 22 3.7 30 2.4 28 4.8
Odisha 10 11.7 5 15.9 6 3.1 6 3.1 5 3 9 1.4
Telangana - - - - 10 3.8 51 5.5 17 1.9 26 9.1
Rajasthan 24 1.4 29 11.1 10 0.9 23 2.8 33 6.3 21 7.7
Jharkhand 4 0.3 2 0.7 5 0.3 1 0 3 0.3 2 0.5
Madhya Pradesh 30 6.1 14 3.9 21 7.0 18 7.5 10 0.7 12 1.6
Chhattisgarh 16 10.7 8 7.4 8 4.6 15 4.0 7 4.8 6 0.9
Tamil Nadu 33 5.4 27 2.9 26 9.3 23 4.4 28 6.6 32 12.8
Bihar 6 0.2 4 0.1 6 0.2 4 0.2 3 0.1 6 0.4
West Bengal 12 1.2 9 1.3 14 3.1 18 1.7 14 1.8 13 1.1
Jammu & Kashmir 10 5.2 2 0.1 9 0.2 3 0.1 8 2.0 11 0.4
Punjab 28 1.5 6 0.3 11 1.7 29 2.1 31 2.2 15 1.9
Haryana 15 1.1 11 1.9 16 3.6 13 1.6 21 0.5 18 1.7
Delhi 5 0.4 2 0.1 1 0.1 5 0.3 6 1.2 8 1.3
Assam 4 0.3 2 0.2 4 0.4 10 0.6 5 0.8 4 0.2
Himachal Pradesh 3 1.8 3 0.1 8 1.4 1 0.0 8 2.3 7 0.3
Kerala 3 0.0 4 0.2 4 0.1 6 2.7 3 0.1 6 0.9
Goa - - - - 1 0.0 3 0.6 2 1.9 3 1.8
Uttarakhand 5 0.1 5 0.2 2 0.1 11 0.4 6 0.4 9 0.4
Multi-State # 21 6.9 10 9.5 13 13.5 17 11.8 16 7.5 15 9.8
others* 4 0.2 3 0.9 5 1.1 4 0.3 7 2.4 5 1.7
Total 472 100 326 100 346 100 541 100 485 100 409 100
Total Cost of Projects (in ₹ crore) 1,27,328 87,253 91,781 1,79,249 1,68,239 1,59,189

Table A8: State-wise Distribution of Projects Sanctioned by Banks/FIs: 2013-14 to 2023-24 (Contd.)
State 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share No. of Projects Per cent Share
Gujarat 47 15.1 54 17.1 82 11.7 82 14.0 154 14.7
Maharashtra 41 6.9 13 8.5 44 9.7 48 7.9 93 11.7
Karnataka 33 17.2 11 6.1 24 6.9 37 7.3 61 11.1
Andhra Pradesh 12 4 7 15 11 2.1 27 4.4 51 10.1
Uttar Pradesh 24 5.4 30 13.7 33 12.8 45 16.2 69 7.6
Odisha 6 1.9 2 0.1 9 2.2 12 11.8 23 6.7
Telangana 12 4 9 1.9 16 3.4 30 1.9 40 4.1
Rajasthan 23 3.8 21 17.1 32 12.6 22 3.1 61 3.6
Jharkhand 4 9.4 1 0.2 6 0.8 12 1.9 17 3.4
Madhya Pradesh 10 1.2 19 2.8 18 4.2 35 5.0 56 3.4
Chhattisgarh 6 0.2 3 1.2 4 0.8 8 1.4 26 3.3
Tamil Nadu 28 8.3 7 0.7 40 8.8 44 4.8 83 3.0
Bihar 6 3.4 1 0 5 3.4 6 1.6 13 2.6
West Bengal 7 0.9 3 0.4 11 2.6 16 1.0 28 2.3
Jammu & Kashmir 3 0.3 5 0.2 5 0.2 23 3.1 36 1.9
Punjab 9 0.8 4 0.7 15 2.1 21 2.5 34 1.6
Haryana 20 3.4 15 7.8 14 2.0 14 1.0 25 1.5
Delhi 3 0.5 2 0.1 3 0.6 12 0.4 10 1.2
Assam 1 0.3 3 4.4 2 0.0 6 0.7 13 0.9
Himachal Pradesh 6 0.1 4 0.2 7 1.2 11 2.2 10 0.3
Kerala 3 1.0 - - 5 4.2 12 0.9 11 0.2
Goa 2 0.1 - - 3 3.0 3 0.8 4 0.1
Uttarakhand 5 0.1 2 0.1 2 0.4 5 0.2 8 0.1
Multi-State # 8 11.7 2 1.4 7 4.0 10 5.5 12 4.4
others* 1 0.0 2 0.3 3 0.3 6 0.3 6 0.3
Total 320 100 220 100 401 100 547 100 547 100
Total Cost of Projects (in ₹ crore) 1,75,830 75,558 1,41,976 2,66,546 3,90,978
#: Comprise projects over several states.
*: Comprise remaining states/union territories.
Note: i. Per cent share is the share in total cost of project. Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
ii. -: Nil/Negligible.

^ The authors are from Department of Statistics and Information Management. The views expressed in the article are those of the authors and do not represent the views of the Reserve Bank of India.

1 RBI Annual Report (2023-24) and various monetary policy related forward looking surveys conducted by the RBI.

2 Includes all public sector banks, major private sector and foreign banks, and financial institutions which are actively involved in project financing namely, Industrial Financial Corporation of India (IFCI), Life Insurance Corporation (LIC), Power Finance Corporation (PFC), Rural Electrification Corporation of India (REC) and Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM).

3 Analysis of investment outlook of private corporates are regularly released in the form of articles, initially in the Economic and Political Weekly and, since 1989, in the RBI Bulletin.

4 Infrastructure sector comprises (a) power, (b) telecom, (c) ports and airports, (d) storage and water management, (e) special economic zone (SEZ), industrial, biotech and IT park, and (f) roads & bridges.

5 The projects spread across multiple states have been classified as “multi-state” projects.

6 Pipeline projects are those projects which are already undertaken for implementation. Capex from pipeline projects are envisaged amounts for a given year, which got sanctioned prior to that given year.
