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15. Deployment of Gross Bank Credit by Major Sectors
Date : Sep 20, 2024
(₹ Crore)
Sector Outstanding as on Growth(%)
Mar. 22, 2024 2023 2024 Financial year so far Y-o-Y
Jul. 28 Jun. 28 Jul. 26 2024-25 2024
1 2 3 4 % %
I. Bank Credit (II + III) 16432164 14787123 16880782 16814792 2.3 13.7
  (15901477) (14176844) (16380551) (16321156) (2.6) (15.1)
II. Food Credit 23081 20836 33904 28190 22.1 35.3
III. Non-food Credit 16409083 14766287 16846879 16786602 2.3 13.7
  (15878397) (14156007) (16346648) (16292966) (2.6) (15.1)
1. Agriculture & Allied Activities 2071251 1826031 2159559 2155991 4.1 18.1
2. Industry (Micro and Small, Medium and Large) 3652804 3380957 3728156 3722147 1.9 10.1
  (3635810) (3363118) (3712270) (3705319) (1.9) (10.2)
2.1 Micro and Small 726315 644363 731625 729948 0.5 13.3
2.2 Medium 303998 270729 316322 317323 4.4 17.2
2.3 Large 2622490 2465866 2680209 2674877 2.0 8.5
3. Services 4592227 4039465 4707069 4604567 0.3 14.0
  (4490467) (3917134) (4616040) (4518736) (0.6) (15.4)
3.1 Transport Operators 230175 204076 242193 237195 3.0 16.2
3.2 Computer Software 25917 22790 26677 27353 5.5 20.0
3.3 Tourism, Hotels & Restaurants 77513 72955 78351 78992 1.9 8.3
3.4 Shipping 7067 6977 7019 7075 0.1 1.4
3.5 Aviation 43248 39667 45360 44637 3.2 12.5
3.6 Professional Services 167234 146789 172138 163442 -2.3 11.3
3.7 Trade 1025752 903950 1059459 1041017 1.5 15.2
3.7.1. Wholesale Trade1 538744 473895 557604 545116 1.2 15.0
3.7.2 Retail Trade 487008 430055 501856 495900 1.8 15.3
3.8 Commercial Real Estate 469013 438109 483297 484531 3.3 10.6
  (400470) (343708) (421756) (426515) (6.5) (24.1)
3.9 Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)2 of which, 1548027 1356108 1555496 1528856 -1.2 12.7
3.9.1 Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) 325626 320132 328232 322052 -1.1 0.6
3.9.2 Public Financial Institutions (PFIs) 226963 182924 197127 202991 -10.6 11.0
3.10 Other Services3 998281 848044 1037078 991468 -0.7 16.9
  (978198) (834300) (1018174) (972972) (-0.5) (16.6)
4. Personal Loans 5331290 4833574 5486107 5529815 3.7 14.4
  (4919468) (4364342) (5091342) (5139980) (4.5) (17.8)
4.1 Consumer Durables 23713 22113 24123 24607 3.8 11.3
4.2 Housing 2718715 2491005 2798568 2810109 3.4 12.8
  (2331935) (2052114) (2427447) (2443530) (4.8) (19.1)
4.3 Advances against Fixed Deposits 125239 110529 126533 120373 -3.9 8.9
4.4 Advances to Individuals against share & bonds 8492 7566 9357 9422 10.9 24.5
4.5 Credit Card Outstanding 257016 225950 273044 275601 7.2 22.0
4.6 Education 119380 103401 121990 123066 3.1 19.0
4.7 Vehicle Loans 589251 531547 603829 618600 5.0 16.4
4.8 Loan against gold jewellery 102562 95344 123776 132536 29.2 39.0
4.9 Other Personal Loans 1386921 1246120 1404889 1415500 2.1 13.6
  (1362113) (1216369) (1381337) (1392327) (2.2) (14.5)
5. Priority Sector (Memo)            
(i) Agriculture & Allied Activities4 2081856 1835737 2186829 2196939 5.5 19.7
(ii) Micro & Small Enterprises5 1974191 1748225 2020474 1998597 1.2 14.3
(iii) Medium Enterprises6 490703 434298 511467 511874 4.3 17.9
(iv) Housing 755222 765099 752911 748840 -0.8 -2.1
  (660572) (663149) (661668) (633763) (-4.1) (-4.4)
(v) Education Loans 62235 59932 61269 61523 -1.1 2.7
(vi) Renewable Energy 5991 4605 6279 7075 18.1 53.6
(vii) Social Infrastructure 2613 2571 2949 2937 12.4 14.2
(viii) Export Credit 11774 12212 11721 12163 3.3 -0.4
(ix) Others 61336 52978 60871 58548 -4.5 10.5
(x) Weaker Sections including net PSLC- SF/MF 1647778 1455992 1716930 1743686 5.8 19.8
(1) Data are provisional. Bank credit, Food credit and Non-food credit data are based on Section-42 return, which covers all scheduled commercial banks (SCBs), while sectoral non-food credit data are based on sector-wise and industry-wise bank credit (SIBC) return, which covers select banks accounting for about 95 per cent of total non-food credit extended by all SCBs, pertaining to the last reporting Friday of the month.
(2) Data since July 28, 2023 include the impact of the merger of a non-bank with a bank. Figures in parentheses exclude the impact of the merger.
1 Wholesale trade includes food procurement credit outside the food credit consortium.
2 NBFCs include HFCs, PFIs, Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), NBFCs engaged in gold loan and others.
3 “Other Services” include Mutual Fund (MFs), Banking and Finance other than NBFCs and MFs and other services which are not indicated elsewhere under services.
4 “Agriculture and Allied Activities” under the priority sector also include priority sector lending certificates (PSLCs).
5 “Micro and Small Enterprises” under the priority sector include credit to micro and small enterprises in industry and services sectors and also include PSLCs.
6 “Medium Enterprises” under the priority sector include credit to medium enterprises in industry and services sectors.
