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14. Business in India – All Scheduled Banks and All Scheduled Commercial Banks
Date : Oct 21, 2024
(₹ Crore)
Item As on the Last Reporting Friday (in case of March)/ Last Friday
All Scheduled Banks All Scheduled Commercial Banks
2023-24 2023 2024 2023-24 2023 2024
Aug. Jul. Aug. Aug. Jul. Aug.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of Reporting Banks 210 212 208 208 137 137 135 135
1 Liabilities to the Banking System 554117 511608 500022 541312 549351 508423 495645 536780
1.1 Demand and Time Deposits from Banks 298452 243491 285475 334046 294471 241128 281386 330012
1.2 Borrowings from Banks 182566 199138 138779 128765 182429 199018 138752 128550
1.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 73100 68978 75768 78501 72452 68276 75507 78218
2 Liabilities to Others 22664868 21406268 23505257 24097455 22190597 20949742 23027643 23629065
2.1 Aggregate Deposits 20932067 19680101 21654100 22139250 20475226 19240961 21193568 21688112
  (20823825) (19533305) (21570898) (22061445) (20366984) (19094165) (21110367) (21610308)
2.1.1 Demand 2492916 2256991 2493596 2715452 2443853 2212312 2444220 2666996
2.1.2 Time 18439151 17423111 19160504 19423797 18031373 17028649 18749348 19021116
2.2 Borrowings 782260 822369 939516 920015 777942 818074 935190 915858
2.3 Other Demand and Time Liabilities 950541 903798 911642 1038191 937428 890708 898885 1025094
3 Borrowings from Reserve Bank 222716 93310 7161 6968 222716 93310 7161 6968
3.1 Against Usance Bills /Promissory Notes - - - - - - - -
3.2 Others 222716 93310 7161 6968 222716 93310 7161 6968
4 Cash in Hand and Balances with Reserve Bank 1043272 1126135 1097637 1134910 1020916 1103506 1075424 1112899
4.1 Cash in Hand 91886 95460 101799 95928 89433 93145 99350 93444
4.2 Balances with Reserve Bank 951386 1030676 995838 1038982 931483 1010361 976073 1019456
5 Assets with the Banking System 455057 409036 432441 479881 374474 347187 363113 414893
5.1 Balances with Other Banks 246384 226965 242359 284096 198327 185201 193127 233398
5.1.1 In Current Account 12010 12120 12352 28162 8971 9164 9487 25424
5.1.2 In Other Accounts 234373 214845 230007 255934 189357 176037 183640 207974
5.2 Money at Call and Short Notice 39614 37031 29827 23818 12355 20919 13930 13637
5.3 Advances to Banks 51325 47079 42711 42175 48368 46290 41613 41391
5.4 Other Assets 117734 97961 117544 129792 115424 94777 114443 126467
6 Investment 6256962 6047925 6466548 6509652 6106558 5901589 6313767 6357943
  (6165407) (5935162) (6401196) (6445920) (6015003) (5788825) (6248416) (6294211)
6.1 Government Securities 6249319 6041382 6458194 6501765 6105610 5900814 6312657 6357504
6.2 Other Approved Securities 7643 6543 8354 7887 949 775 1111 439
7 Bank Credit 16866336 15313741 17254613 17448862 16432164 14917312 16813935 17010621
  (16335650) (14711539) (16760977) (16966951) (15901477) (14315110) (16320298) (16528710)
7a Food Credit 75472 67044 78811 77846 23081 19355 28190 24036
7.1 Loans, Cash-credits and Overdrafts 16565348 15056247 16938015 17133011 16134303 14662675 16500433 16697901
7.2 Inland Bills-Purchased 60471 43973 68987 68481 60467 43961 67638 67049
7.3 Inland Bills-Discounted 199761 171306 208216 208532 197358 169119 207073 207367
7.4 Foreign Bills-Purchased 16662 17545 16061 16582 16412 17323 15852 16397
7.5 Foreign Bills-Discounted 24094 24669 23334 22256 23624 24233 22940 21906
Note: Data in column Nos. (4) & (8) are Provisional
1. Data since July 2023 include the impact of the merger of a non-bank with a bank.
2. Figures in parentheses exclude the impact of the merger.
