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15. Deployment of Gross Bank Credit by Major Sectors
Date : Oct 21, 2024
(₹ Crore)
Sector Outstanding as on Growth (%)
Mar. 22, 2024 2023 2024 Financial year so far Y-o-Y
Aug. 25 Jul. 26 Aug. 23 2024-25 2024
1 2 3 4 % %
I. Bank Credit (II + III) 16432164 14917312 16814792 16945162 3.1 13.6
  (15901477) (14315110) (16321156) (16459830) (3.5) (15.0)
II. Food Credit 23081 19355 28190 24361 5.5 25.9
III. Non-food Credit 16409083 14897956 16786602 16920802 3.1 13.6
  (15878397) (14295755) (16292966) (16435470) (3.5) (15.0)
1. Agriculture & Allied Activities 2071251 1835215 2156320 2160634 4.3 17.7
2. Industry (Micro and Small, Medium and Large) 3652804 3423736 3724547 3756194 2.8 9.7
  (3635810) (3405466) (3707719) (3740619) (2.9) (9.8)
2.1 Micro and Small 726315 655556 729948 743704 2.4 13.4
2.2 Medium 303998 272435 317323 324747 6.8 19.2
2.3 Large 2622490 2495745 2677277 2687744 2.5 7.7
3. Services 4592227 4076334 4623910 4643586 1.1 13.9
  (4490467) (3945238) (4538080) (4559593) (1.5) (15.6)
3.1 Transport Operators 230175 206113 244262 243486 5.8 18.1
3.2 Computer Software 25917 22953 27356 27990 8.0 21.9
3.3 Tourism, Hotels & Restaurants 77513 73913 79202 80570 3.9 9.0
3.4 Shipping 7067 6571 7076 7257 2.7 10.4
3.5 Aviation 43248 39063 44637 44837 3.7 14.8
3.6 Professional Services 167234 148659 171393 173738 3.9 16.9
3.7 Trade 1025752 911267 1043753 1052622 2.6 15.5
3.7.1. Wholesale Trade1 538744 469729 545170 553316 2.7 17.8
3.7.2 Retail Trade 487008 441538 498582 499305 2.5 13.1
3.8 Commercial Real Estate 469013 437615 484531 494809 5.5 13.1
  (400470) (347121) (426515) (437854) (9.3) (26.1)
3.9 Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)2 of which, 1548027 1360082 1528856 1522204 -1.7 11.9
3.9.1 Housing Finance Companies (HFCs) 325626 311387 322052 322093 -1.1 3.4
3.9.2 Public Financial Institutions (PFIs) 226963 179094 202991 196565 -13.4 9.8
3.10 Other Services3 998281 870098 992845 996074 -0.2 14.5
  (978198) (845128) (974349) (977918) (0.0) (15.7)
4. Personal Loans 5331290 4876136 5507740 5555484 4.2 13.9
  (4919468) (4423287) (5117905) (5170917) (5.1) (16.9)
4.1 Consumer Durables 23713 22164 24606 24396 2.9 10.1
4.2 Housing 2718715 2505634 2810108 2833166 4.2 13.1
  (2331935) (2081117) (2443529) (2471488) (6.0) (18.8)
4.3 Advances against Fixed Deposits 125239 112334 120373 121817 -2.7 8.4
4.4 Advances to Individuals against share & bonds 8492 7668 9422 9722 14.5 26.8
4.5 Credit Card Outstanding 257016 230657 275601 276576 7.6 19.9
4.6 Education 119380 106578 123066 126148 5.7 18.4
4.7 Vehicle Loans 589251 536214 606174 610792 3.7 13.9
4.8 Loan against gold jewellery 102562 99626 132535 140391 36.9 40.9
4.9 Other Personal Loans 1386921 1255262 1405854 1412476 1.8 12.5
  (1362113) (1227512) (1382681) (1389666) (2.0) (13.2)
5. Priority Sector (Memo)            
(i) Agriculture & Allied Activities4 2081856 1851818 2196939 2152535 3.4 16.2
(ii) Micro & Small Enterprises5 1974191 1786828 1998597 2027278 2.7 13.5
(iii) Medium Enterprises6 490703 438500 511874 529582 7.9 20.8
(iv) Housing 755222 725674 748840 749534 -0.8 3.3
  (660572) (624801) (633763) (661835) (0.2) (5.9)
(v) Education Loans 62235 60127 61523 61988 -0.4 3.1
(vi) Renewable Energy 5991 4727 7075 6844 14.2 44.8
(vii) Social Infrastructure 2613 2566 2937 1072 -59.0 -58.2
(viii) Export Credit 12855 13738 12163 11530 -10.3 -16.1
(ix) Others 61336 50079 58548 60587 -1.2 21.0
(x) Weaker Sections including net PSLC- SF/MF 1647778 1443758 1743686 1692726 2.7 17.2
(1) Data are provisional. Bank credit, Food credit and Non-food credit data are based on Section-42 return, which covers all scheduled commercial banks (SCBs), while sectoral non-food credit data are based on sector-wise and industry-wise bank credit (SIBC) return, which covers select banks accounting for about 95 per cent of total non-food credit extended by all SCBs, pertaining to the last reporting Friday of the month.
(2) Data since July 28, 2023 include the impact of the merger of a non-bank with a bank. Figures in parentheses exclude the impact of the merger.
1 Wholesale trade includes food procurement credit outside the food credit consortium.
2 NBFCs include HFCs, PFIs, Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), NBFCs engaged in gold loan and others.
3 “Other Services” include Mutual Fund (MFs), Banking and Finance other than NBFCs and MFs and other services which are not indicated elsewhere under services.
4 “Agriculture and Allied Activities” under the priority sector also include priority sector lending certificates (PSLCs).
5 “Micro and Small Enterprises” under the priority sector include credit to micro and small enterprises in industry and services sectors and also include PSLCs.
6 “Medium Enterprises” under the priority sector include credit to medium enterprises in industry and services sectors.
