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7. Sources of Money Stock (M3)
Date : Nov 20, 2024
(₹ Crore)
Sources Outstanding as on March 31/last reporting Fridays of the month/reporting Fridays
2023-24 2023 2024
Sep. 22 Aug. 23 Sep. 06 Sep. 20
1 2 3 4 5
1 Net Bank Credit to Government 7512016 7179702 7629866 7790330 7562614
1 Net Bank Credit to Government (Including Merger) (7603571) (7292667) (7694769) (7854015) (7626155)
1.1 RBI’s net credit to Government (1.1.1–1.1.2) 1193213 1010573 1025545 1165032 921112
1.1.1 Claims on Government 1370428 1406456 1343455 1350954 1340430 Central Government 1363828 1392976 1316653 1315528 1313984 State Governments 6600 13480 26802 35426 26447
1.1.2 Government deposits with RBI 177215 395882 317910 185922 419318 Central Government 177172 395840 317868 185879 419275 State Governments 42 42 42 42 42
1.2 Other Banks’ Credit to Government 6318803 6169128 6604322 6625298 6641501
1.2 Other Banks Credit to Government (Including Merger) (6410358) (6282093) (6669224) (6688983) (6705043)
2 Bank Credit to Commercial Sector 16672145 15290027 17224460 17332342 17412955
2 Bank Credit to Commercial Sector (Including Merger) (17202832) (15882467) (17709792) (17810857) (17889364)
2.1 RBI’s credit to commercial sector 14406 5118 10307 8853 10589
2.2 Other banks’ credit to commercial sector 16657739 15284909 17214153 17323489 17402366
2.2 Other banks credit to commercial sector (Including Merger) (17188426) (15877350) (17699485) (17802004) (17878775)
2.2.1 Bank credit by commercial banks 15901477 14558874 16459977 16568087 16648643
2.2.1 Bank credit by commercial banks (Including Merger) (16432164) (15151314) (16945309) (17046602) (17125052)
2.2.2 Bank credit by co-operative banks 738194 708331 735395 736415 734471
2.2.3 Investments by commercial and co-operative banks in other securities 18068 17704 18781 18988 19252
2.2.3 Investments by commercial and co-operative banks in other securities (Including Merger) (18068) (17704) (18781) (18988) (19252)
3 Net Foreign Exchange Assets of Banking Sector (3.1 + 3.2) 5543700 5095734 5866203 5929626 5931859
3.1 RBIs net foreign exchange assets (3.1.1 - 3.1.2) 5240824 4735054 5563327 5626750 5628983
3.1.1 Gross foreign assets 5241083 4735313 5563586 5627018 5629252
3.1.2 Foreign liabilities 259 259 259 268 269
3.2 Other banks’ net foreign exchange assets 302876 360680 302876 302876 302876
4 Government’s Currency Liabilities to the Public 33432 31400 34306 34594 34594
5 Banking Sector’s Net Non-monetary Liabilities 4929674 4234561 5050735 5152997 5063174
5 Banking Sectors Net Non-monetary Liabilities (Including Merger) (5443674) (4797970) (5522022) (5618246) (5527649)
5.1 Net non-monetary liabilities of RBI 1789875 1507527 1892962 1941771 1957063
5.2 Net non-monetary liabilities of other banks (residual) 3139799 2727034 3157772 3211226 3106111
5.2 Net non-monetary liabilities of other banks (residual) (Including Merger) (3653798) (3290443) (3629060) (3676476) (3570586)
M3(1+2+3+4–5) 24831618 23362301 25704100 25933896 25878848
M3 (1+2+3+4-5) (Including Merger) (24939860) (23504298) (25783048) (26010846) (25954324)
Note: Figures in parentheses include the impact of merger of a non-bank with bank.
3.1: Include foreign currency denominated bonds issued by IIFC (UK).
