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Date : Jul 08, 2024
Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting – Providing Housekeeping Staff at the Office Premises of Reserve Bank of India, Chandigarh

Pre-bid meeting of the captioned e-tender no. RBI/Chandigarh/Estate/5/24-25/ET/109 was held at 11.00 AM on July 03, 2024, at 3rd floor, Conference room, Reserve Bank of India, Chandigarh. It was attended by the following RBI officials and representatives of the following prospective bidders / firms:

a) RBI Officials:

  1. Shri Harbans Lal Bhatia (Assistant General Manager)

  2. Shri Utkarsh Awasthi (Assistant Manager)

  3. Shri Kishor Majahan (Assistant Manager)

  4. Shri Pardeep Kumar (Assistant)

b) Representatives of the prospective bidders / firms

  1. Moonlight Housekeeping Services.

  2. Firstman Management Pvt. Ltd.

  3. Rakshak Securitas Pvt. Ltd.

  4. Checkmate Facility and Electronic Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

  5. Akshat Associates

2. The queries raised by the intending bidders & clarifications given by the Bank’s officials are tabulated below:

Sr. No. Queries Comments
i Whether old / existing solvency certificate of the firm may be provided? As per Para 3.10 - Banker’s Financial Credibility Certificate/ Solvency Certificate under Section III - General Instructions to Bidders- Eligibility criteria of the tender document, “The Agency shall furnish the Financial Credibility Certificate/ Solvency Certificate (as on May 31, 2024) issued by the applicant’s banker, specifically for the work of providing housekeeping staff / services, for an amount equivalent to annual value of the work estimated to be ₹1,19,00,000/- (Rupees One Crore Nineteen Lakhs Only). Format for the same has been provided in Annexure-III.

2. However, the Banker’s Financial Credibility Certificate/ Solvency Certificate submitted in the name of Reserve Bank of India, Chandigarh, for providing housekeeping staff in the last 6 months (from the date of publication of tender notice i.e. June 27, 2024) for minimum value of ₹1,19,00,000/- (Rupees One Crore Nineteen Lakhs Only) shall be considered valid for the current tendering process.
ii Whether old / existing Client / Performance certificate shall be valid? As per Para 3.3 under Section III - General Instructions to Bidders- Eligibility criteria:

(a) “Client reports for satisfactory completion/ performance are to be uploaded as per Annexure-II towards establishing minimum eligibility”.

(b) “The other satisfactory completion/performance certificates (i.e., other than those submitted towards establishing minimum eligibility) are to be uploaded separately towards scoring as per Evaluation Matrix (Part B of Section-IV)”.

2. Further, the tenderers are advised to submit Client / Performance certificates as required in Para 3.2 under Section III - General Instructions to Bidders- Eligibility criteria.
iii On what basis the cost of cleaning material will be reimbursed? As per Para B- 3: Scope of Works and Services under Section V: General and specific conditions of the Contract – “Reimbursement towards the cleaning material shall be made by Reserve Bank of India, Chandigarh, on production of the bills. Bills in this regard shall be settled by the Bank by following the due process of certification to the effect that the condition/quality of the items supplied were to the satisfaction of the Bank”.
iv Is there any Exemption for MSME in EMD? As per Para 7.3 "EMD as Tender Security and Transaction Fee" under Section III - General Instructions to Bidders, “Tenders without EMD will not be accepted under any circumstances. MSE tenderers are also not exempted from depositing EMD”.
v Whether Bank will pay labour cess?

As per para B-4 Important instructions regarding Price Bid/ Financial Bid under Section VII: Terms and Conditions of the Financial/Price Bid:

a) Service charges mentioned at serial no. ‘f’ of the price/financial bid includes the following:

i. Service charge for providing manpower.

ii. Service charge for providing machinery/ equipments to be utilized as per Table 2 – “Machinery/ Safety Equipment Required” of Para 4 of Section V - B. Scope of work and services)

iii. Any other miscellaneous charges i.e. contractor’s profit & overhead, biodegradable polybags, insurance, mobile charges, washing charges, transportation charges, Tools & plant etc, or any other charges.

2. Further, as per para C-16 (vi) Payment to the agency under Section V: General and specific conditions of the Contract, “Under no circumstances the Agency is entitled to claim any charges over and above the charges prescribed in the terms of this contract”.

3. In this connection, the Bank shall pay only Service Charges and Uniform charges. The bidders are advised to include any other applicable charges for providing housekeeping staff in the “Service Charges”.

vi Whether Service Charges & Uniform Charges will be revised annually? As per para B-9: Important instructions regarding Price Bid/ Financial Bid under Section VII: Terms and Conditions of the Financial/Price Bid, “Service charge and uniform related charges will remain fixed during the entire period of contract and subsequent renewals”.
vii What will be the last date for submission for EMD? July 19, 2024 (02:00 PM)
viii What is the timeline to submit Police Verification Report of housekeeping staff As per para C-8 (xiv) General Terms & Conditions under Section V: General and specific conditions of the Contract, “The Contractor shall submit Police Verification Certificate of all employees deployed in the service of the Bank within 30 days from the date of deployment”.
ix What is procedure of Garbage Disposal? As per Para B- 1 (p): Scope of Works and Services under Section V: General and specific conditions of the Contract, “Collection of garbage from all floors of Main Office Building & Annex Building and disposing the same on daily basis. The Contractor has to have liaison with the Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh for daily collection / disposal of garbage from MOB and Annex Building”.

2. Further, for disposal / waste management related information, the tenderers are advised to refer to subparagraph 5: Waste Disposal Management under Section V: General and specific conditions of the Contract – B. Scope of Works and Services.
x What if the financial bid of more than one agency becomes same? As per para A-1.6 & A-1.8 of Section-IV: Evaluation/ Selection Criteria, “In case the lowest quoted amounts in the financial bids (L1) of more than one agency becomes same, only then the scoring as per evaluation matrix shall be done and the work will be awarded to the agency which gets the higher score in Evaluation Matrix”. Further, in case the condition arises where the Evaluation matrix scores of the potential bidders are at par with each other, in that case the work will be awarded to the firm incorporated earlier

3. The meeting concluded at 12:15 PM.

4. These minutes of pre-bid meeting shall form the part of bid document.

5. All other terms and conditions of the tender shall remain same.

6. The above clarification is issued for the information of all the intending bidders.

7. The submission of bid by the firm shall be construed to be in conformity to the bid document and amendments/clarifications given above.
